
tags: religion, humor, edward current, streaming video Do you really believe that precious life comes from disgusting body fluids? The Truth is, babies are brought into the world by a pure white angel, the Stork. [3:06]
I'm having trouble writing today for various reasons. However, let me leave you with two signs I've encountered today. I like signs.
tags: employment, humor, satire, streaming video A new Department of Labor report finds personal outsourcing is revolutionizing how Americans don't do their own work. [2:23]
Each summer, the fair City of New York plays host to a cosmic convergence of bloggers within the corral. It's a great time to meet all the folks we know very well online, but perhaps not IRL. Moreover, we had a really nice reader meetup last year where - thank you very much - all four of you came to see me, including Dr Val of Better Health and Peter Frishauf, Medscape founder. The planning for this summer's gathering has led to the two following posts. One is a throwing-down-of-the-gaunlet by Isis the Scientist to Ed Brayton, challenging him to a duel over the 40 oz…
tags: Cow Tipping, humor, funny,streaming video Growing up near a dairy farm, I can tell you stories. But city boyz have a few lessons to learn: first and foremost among them is cow tipping. Cow-tipping is legendary, yet animal experts say it's nearly impossible to do. Here's how to "tip" the odds in your favor. [2:19]
I was going to do a long screed on the efficacy of hygiene but this is much clearer. But NSFW, it is below the fold.
I just playing an album I haven't listened to for a while, and I was struck by a sudden and painful sense of deja vu. As it turns out, the source of the feeling is available on YouTube, so I thought I'd share.
I've never understood how Bill Maher, who gets it so wrong on vaccination, gets it so right on evolution. Nonetheless, he hits this piece about evolution and influenza out of the park (except for referring to evolutionary biology as 'Darwinism'):
tags: An Engineer's Guide to Cat Yodeling, pets, humor, funny, streaming video This amusing video is a special little feature just for my Finnish friend, Juuro, although I hope everyone enjoys it. Cat Yodeling involves cuddling the cat 'till he/she gets annoyed. Once the cat starts to "meow" just give a little "shiver" and you have cat yodeling! This does not harm the cat but I suppose it is a little humiliating. Poor kitty! [0:57]
I told 'em! I told 'em! So I did. Millennium hand and shrimp!
Which of these recent developments raises your eyebrows the highest? Russia is planning a fleet of floating and submersible nuclear power stations to exploit Arctic oil and gas reserves, causing widespread alarm among environmentalists. (The Guardian, May 3, 2009) Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska has decided to accept all federal stimulus money her state is eligible for, with one exception: the nearly $29 million for the state energy office. Ms. Palin has rejected the state energy office funds out of concern that it would obligate Alaska to enact more stringent building codes. "Alaska's vast…
tags: An Engineer's Guide to Cats, pets, humor, funny, streaming video I've shown you this video before, but it I enjoyed it so much that I think it is worthy of an encore showing. Two professional engineers illustrate the proper care and practical benefits of cats. None of the cats, humans, or engineers were mistreated in the making of this film. They were however, slightly annoyed. [6:57]
...are three blogs written by the same person - Ross Horsley, a librarian with interesting creative juices. Her first blog is My First Dictionary in which she uses pictures from an old 1950s kids' Dictionary and replaces the text with something....usually ominous! Her second blog is Musty Moments with old clippings and ads, sometimes with her own text added: And the third is Anchorwoman In Peril! where she reviews slash-pics: Read the interview with Horsley at NO JUAN HERE
tags: Edward Current, kitty heaven, religion, satire, humor, streaming video This amusing video is by Edward Current, and it provides evidence that his cat, Miss Delilah, has been saved and is going to Kitty Heaven. Which is a good thing, because otherwise her life on Earth would be meaningless! [1:56] least that seems to be the case with this couple: Tourists enjoying a day of sightseeing at Windsor Castle got more than they bargained for today when a couple were caught having sex on the Queen's lawn. Ignoring signs asking visitors to Please Keep Off The Grass, the man and woman, said to be in their early 30, selected a spot near the castle's Garter Tower and stripped off in full view of hotels, pubs and shops. An employee at the Harte and Garter Hotel, which overlooks the castle, said guests went out to observe the scene and could not believe their eyes. The woman, who asked not to…
One of the things I don't like about the Darwin Awards is that it presumes the only way to gain one is to remove yourself from the gene pool directly by dying. But that would be a Wallace Award. Darwin knew, as do we, that there are many ways one can avoid contributing to the future gene pool, and it doesn't need to involve not having children. Being totally unfit to walk around without a leash is another, if it's heritable. Down the track, the "stupid gene" will get eliminated too, eventually. So it's nice to see Michelle Bachmann get a prehumous, not a posthumous Darwin Award.
Ever since I started this little vanity bit known as Your Friday Dose of Woo, lo, these nearly three years ago, when I introduced the waiting blogosphere to the woo-tastic quantum homeopathic stylings of Lionel Milgrom, I've occasionally wondered if I had started out with too much woo. I mean, Milgrom is a really hard act to follow, so densely does he blend together the most amazing hard core homeopathic woo combined with quantum pseudoscientific posturings that put Deepak Chopra to shame, all tied together with the most awesomely dense, yet ultimately meaningless, equations that look like…
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