
This reminds me of my trip to England two years ago, when my wife and I did visit Stonehenge: However, what I'd really love is to have the title this guy has: Druid King Arthur Pendragon told the BBC shortly before sunrise: "It's a very nice atmosphere and everything's fine at the moment. "There have been more police present this year, more security, but everything's passed off very jovially and everyone's in a good mood. "And the police for the most part are wishing people a happy solstice and so are the security guards." Druid King? How cool is that? Think of it: Druid King Orac.…
tags: universe, god, religion, creationism, humor, funny, satire, Edward Current, streaming video In this video, we learn that God created the entire universe for the enjoyment of us humans on Earth. To believe otherwise is arrogant and deluded! [4:08]
At last, we have a president who can give a Vulcan salutation.
Get Your Cyborg Name Get Your Cyborg Name h/t Karen James and Brian Switek (Laelaps)
And now for something completely different. Nothing to do with climate change, pseudoscience, religiosity or even Twitter. I post it here because I am a freelancer. And everyone who has ever freelanced, or used a freelancer, or thought about freelancing, or thought about using a freelancer, should watch this:
tags: tattoos, tattoo location, What does your tattoo say about you, humor, funny Image: Cracked [larger view]. Yes, I do have a tattoo (it's on the back of my neck, where the rest of the prison population has at least some of their tattoos, according to this diagram), and I'd have more if I could afford them. How about you?
In keeping with Homeopathy Awareness Week (which still runs until June 21), I can't resist commenting on this gem of a story that was sent to me the other day. I mean, we're talking super duper heaving shopping in the very heart of London. It turns out that the Helios Homeopathy Shop right in Covent Garden will fix you up with homeopathic plutonium if you need it: Dr Fiona Barclay, a chemist at RGB Research in west London, made this discovery. Her company specialises in selling collections of the periodic table elements (with the exception of those elements that are illegal or are so very…
tags: Shawn Johnson, gymnastics, sports, humor, satire, Onion News, streaming video Gymnast Shawn Johnson euthanized after breaking leg. After gym doctors confirmed the her injuries were career-ending, Johnson's trainers said there was no reason to keep her alive. [2:28]
How will we ever recover from this discovery of a profound inconsistency in evolutionary theory? I blame whoever gave Will Farrell his Ph.D. in Science.
This is a strange "debate" between Our Lady of Martyrs Catholic Church, and Cumberland Presbyterian, created using an online church sign generator. The images show, from top to bottom, the responses and counter-responses over time. And the next morning, Our Lady of Martyrs Catholic Church responds; The following morning, Cumberland Presbyterian Church responds; And the Catholics reply to that; Of course, we all know that heaven isn't any more real than Harry Potter, but whatevs. These people clearly are entertained.
tags: religion, Bible, Ricky Gervais, creation story, humor, funny, parody, streaming video This streaming video shows Ricky Gervais discussing creation as he reads from the Bible -- wow! This makes so much sense, doesn't it? I am going to give up my godless hedonistic ways right now!! [9:53]
He is the BBC's latest star - the cab driver who a leading presenter believed was a world expert on the internet music business. The man stepped unwittingly into the national spotlight when he was interviewed by mistake on the corporation's News 24 channel. With the seconds ticking down to a studio discussion about a court case involving Apple Computer and The Beatles' record label, a floor manager had run to reception and grabbed the man, thinking he was Guy Kewney, editor of, a specialist internet publication. Actually, he was a minicab driver who had been waiting to drive…
This one is already going our way — and when you see the question, you'll understand why — but if you would like to give it a little boost, please do. Who makes for funnier comedians, atheists or believers? Atheists -- To fully appreciate the absurdity of life you have to accept the absurdity of a god.68% Believers -- Hilarity is part of God's plan32% They've got examples and clips at that link, and it's no contest. Who have the godless got? George Carlin, Ricky Gervais, and Eddie Izzard. You could stop the contest right there. Who have the godly got? Dane Cook. I've never been able to stand…
tags: politics, congress, CongressCritters, Rep. Gordon McCullough, humor, parody, social commentary, streaming video This hilarious video is a parody of itself, to be honest. This previous week in congress, Rep. Gordon McCullough presented the highlight of the week by ranting at his esteemed colleagues about how one of them was so rude and inconsiderate to the American people as to leave a half-eaten fish sandwich rotting on the floor of the House. All I can say is this is hardly surprising to me, since our elected officials (who are all in the pockets of one or another corporate interest)…
Sorry, could not resist posting this: The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c End Times Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Newt Gingrich Unedited Interview
tags: David Letterman, Sarah Palin, NYC, New York City, humor, politics, social commentary, streaming video Normally, I can't stand David Letterman because he has such a cruel sense of humor. But in this case, I'll make an exception since his sense of humor is perfectly suited to bring Sarah Palin down a notch or two -- as she so richly deserves [1:50]
Of course, as everyone knows, all flies are geneticists and evolutionists, which kind of deflates the joke.
Now, for the low, low price of $12.79, you can reserve a spot in heaven for yourself. This is a real business selling tickets, certificates and ID cards that claims to give you a direct line to an afterlife in paradise, with a money-back guarantee. You might think it's just a gag…but it's the same thing as Catholic indulgences, so it's a gag with a little bite. Oh, and if you don't like the prospect of eternity in heaven, you can also reserve a spot in hell. That one probably has a stronger seal of theological approval.
tags: agribusiness, agriculture, dairy farm, cows, industrial dairy farm, milk, dairy products, streaming video This is interesting video sums up my view of America perfectly .. After visiting a Denny's Restaurant, President Obama was visibly shaken and disillusioned; and plans to abandon complex policies on emissions, clean coal and refocus on achievable goals like applying deodorant daily, and learning what to say when you burp [2:46] Of course, I want to point out that Denny's looks upper middle class when compared to the McDonald's in my 'hood. Just sayin'. The Onion News Network is an…