
Further tweaking of the crank conspiracy theory that is the "birther" movement: Obama Debunks Birther Conspiracy - watch more funny videos If President Obama is a Cylon, maybe he was born in Kenya and Hawaii.
I tried to watch this new video from Edward Current, but it turns out my Faith-Vision is legally blind.
tags: Creature Comforts USA, self-image, self-esteem, humor, funny, streaming video did you know that hair on your dingleberries affects your self esteem? Neither did I. This video is a clip from Creature Comforts USA about self image -- I think it's amusing. [8:51]
tags: penguins, humor, funny, animation, streaming video Below the jump is an amusing video, that asks the question, "Do Penguins Fly?" and makes an unexpected discovery [2:15]
I have to wait for these Chaser videos to migrate to YouTube — people keep sending me links to the Australian broadcasters site, but they don't let us Americans see them. Here, though, is one in which they journeyed to Texas to see if we Americans take the bible as literally as some claim. We failed, fortunately.
tags: religion, humor, funny, bible, Lewis Black, streaming video Lewis Black takes a look at religions and explains them to the public .. he uses some rather colorful language, too [5:56]
tags: religion, humor, funny, bible, The Chasers, streaming video According to the polls, 63% of Americans believe the bible is literally true. But apparently, they are either lying or too stupid to know what is actually in the bible, as you will see in this video [5:56]
tags: humor, funny, plastic surgery, ONN, Onion News Network, streaming video In this hilarious video, Rep. Lynn Merriweather says HR7652 will protect the millions of Americans who just want to appear as young as they feel on the inside, that's all [2:01]
tags: humor, funny, claymation, creature comforts, Being a Bird, streaming video This hilarious video is composed of audio interviews with Londoners and is animated with Claymation animals. I was thinking it could be amusing to ask you to identify the species for each bird in the video -- can you identify the species? [9:00] Aardman animations: Nick Park Julie Lockhart Richard Goleszki. Clay animals Creature Comforts by Juanchovaldez.
tags: humor, funny, claymation, creature comforts, The Pet Shop, streaming video This hilarious video is composed of audio interviews with Londoners and is animated with Claymation animals. As a former manager of a pet shop, I find this video to be amusingly close to how I'd imagine reality to be for wannabe pets [8:59] Aardman animations: Nick Park Julie Lockhart Richard Goleszki. Clay animals Creature Comforts by Juanchovaldez.
Uh-oh. This cartoon about what might happen at the Creation "Museum" might put the monitoring security detail in Kentucky into a tizzy — in addition to the No Rude T-Shirts rule, they'll have to add a No Transformation into Cephalopods rule. Better renew the magical wards and holy anointings and blessings on the buildings, boys, the godless are coming to ignore your metaphysics. One other inaccuracy in the cartoon, though: there will be no Canned Ham during our visit. The head of AiG will not be present, due to a prior engagement on the west coast. Just as well, I don't think he likes me very…
tags: humor, funny, penguins, streaming video This amusing little video reminds me of something .. life, perhaps? How about you? [1:33]
tags: Onion News Report, ONN, roommates, humor, satire, funny, cultural observation, streaming video In this video, we learn that 80% of all roommates got so drunk last night .. what was your roommate doing wasted last night? [1:18]
tags: Onion News Network, ONN, children's healthcare, humor, funny, satire, fucking hilarious, streaming video A recent study reveals that children are strongly opposed to healthcare -- according to respondents between ages of three and eight years old, the most common answer to the question "do you want to go to the doctor more?" was a resounding "NOOOOOO!" [1:35]
Alabama has decide to not allow a particular wine to be sold.  The reason is that the label contains "some nudity." MONTGOMERY, Ala. -- A wine label showing a nude nymph is too much for Alabama's liquor control agency, which has told restaurants and stores not to sell the product. The label on Cycles Gladiator wine, produced by Hahn Family Wines in Soledad, Calif., shows a vintage 1895 advertising poster for Cycles Gladiator bicycles. The French poster features a nude nymph flying beside a winged bicycle. The article is from the Seattle PI.  The paper was bold enough to show the image,…
tags: religion, erections, sex, sin, humor, satire, Edward Current, streaming video In this video, Edward Current shares his thoughts on what the scripture says about erections. In short, it's wicked when this happens to an unmarried teen's body. Here are some deaf tips for my peeps! [4:20]
Inspired by this funny satire of mouse genomics research ("Tedious scientists hail uninspiring mouse genome breakthrough"), I dug up this funny article in a newsletter from the genome center at which I work: 30x sequencing of Unicornos Typically the stuff of legends, the [sequencing center] will sequence DNA from the genus Unicornos to high coverage. Tracing the origin of the unicorn points to a 4th century B.C. Greek doctor named Ctesias who most likely fused details of multiple creatures to create the unicorn from the many tales he heard from Indian travelers in Persia. During that era it…
If you're considering a pet, you have to weigh the pros and cons. Wow, when they're all laid out like that, you just have to choose the squid. Now wait — maybe you've got some brain-damaged children running around who chose poorly, or you flipped a coin and are now stuck with the decision to get puppies. Don't despair! Get both! In fact, get lots of puppies — they make excellent squid chow, and they're also useful fresh stock to have around in case peckish atheists come to visit.
I got a kick out of this illustration.  It's from the coloring book at Neuroscience for Kids, showing what neuroscientists look like: style="display: inline;"> Neuroscience for Kids (link to pdf coloring book) Neuroscience for Kids (link to website)