
tags: politics, political opinion, cartoon, Tom Toles, washington post Are you like me, without any clear preferences in the 2008 presidential race? If so, this 2008 presidential candidate guide by Tom Toles might be of use to you; Image: Tom Toles, Washington Post.
tags: technology woes, humor, streaming video Since you are all starting your work week after a wonderful football- and booze-filled three-day weekend, I thought I'd share this video of people who are really having a bad day -- thanks to technology. Music is "Bad Day" by Daniel Powter [4:16]
Simple, clean, direct, forceful:
It's a good source for comedy. It's surreally hilarious, if you think about it.
I'm sure it's a rough life being a clown, you know... driving a clown car with 18 other passengers in the driver seat alone, walking and tripping around with those really big shoes, and hours of makeup application. But their job is about to get a lot harder, a new study in a nursing journal shows that kids are terrified of clowns. A poll by researchers looking at what decor to put in hospital children's wards found that youngsters do not like clowns on the walls and even older ones think they are scary. "We found that clowns are universally disliked by children. Some found them quite…
I understand that we're currently running some ads on scienceblogs for an organization that promises to harness the power of religious institutions to solve environmental problems (I use an adblocker, so I'm afraid I haven't seen it). It's a nice sentiment, but you can imagine what I think of the utility of religion, and of people of faith imagining that their delusions have something to contribute to finding real solutions. If you can't imagine that, here…a comic to help you out.
This conjoins a number of themes of late: poetry, postmodernism, and no doubt popery (Latin anyway)... Two poems by A. D. Godley: THE MEGALOPSYCHIAD by: A.D. Godley GREAT and good is the typical Don, and of evil and wrong the foe, Good, and great, I'm a Don myself, and therefore I ought to know: But of all the sages I ever have met, and of all the Dons I've known, There never was one so good and great as Megalopsychus Brown. Megalopsychus Brown was blessed with a Large and Liberal View: Six sides he saw of a question vexed, when commonplace men saw two: He looked at it East, and he…
It is widely understood that philosophers aren't as a rule, intentionally funny. Partly this is because we are often old fogies whose sense of humour was formed in the early Jurassic. Mostly it's because when you deal with the absurd professionally, you tend not to find the funny side of things. But an article in the Guardian lists a prime example of philosophical humour. Get ready... And this marriage of humour and instruction is what makes the joke I am now going to tell you so wonderful. The logician in question, the late George Boolos, used to give a lecture in which he went through a…
Hello from Day 1 of the 2008 North Carolina Science Blogging Conference! I just had a late lunch at the hotel restaurant with Dave, Bora, and some other conference participants. As we were walking into the restaurant, and past a large and colorful buffet table, NC-native Dave says to me, "Yeah, people from North Carolina are really into buffets." Really? Well, I've been looking around the web for any kind of evidence to support this hypothesis, and I can't find any. Vegas, of course, is known for buffets. But where else? Data, anyone? Where's the state-by-state buffet breakdown? A site…
tags: kitten vs ferret, humor, streaming video This is a really amusing video of a kitten and a ferret playing with each other -- who won? [1:19]
Things are crazy now for me, both at home and at work. I mean really, really crazy. So crazy that even I, one of the most verbose bloggers out there, am forced to take two or three days off from my little addiction--I mean habit. Consequently, having foreseen that this time would come around these dates, I, Orac, your benevolent (and, above all verbose) blogger have thought of you, my readers. I realize the cries and lamentations that the lack of fresh material inevitably causes. That, I cannot completely obviate. However, I can ease the pain somewhat, and I can do this by continuing my…
(hat tip to RBH)
Only someone who's a bit of a tech geek who hasn't yet decided which format to purchase for HD video and is a World War II and Holocaust history buff could find this video as hilarious as I do. (Not to mention someone who, due to a confluence of craziness in professional and personal life, didn't have any time yesterday to do more substantive posts, as the output of brief and/or lighter weight fare today demonstrates.) I do have to admit that I struggled with whether the creators of this video must have had a visit from a certain undead Führer, who had taken a chomp out of their brains, but…
File this under You Can't Make Stuff Like This Up. Just when I think People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) can't get any more zany or ridiculous in its never-ending battle against meat eating, it comes up with a gem like sending a request to the jail where a cannibal killer is being held requesting a vegetarian diet for him: Sheriff's officials were astounded Thursday by a letter requesting the man accused of murdering his girlfriend and possibly participating in cannibalism be placed on a vegetarian diet to keep him from being "involved in any senseless killing" while…
I've heard this show was quite good, but I've never seen it. Recommended? Will it aggravate a militant atheist?
If you've ever wondered how we got from "E pluribus unum" to "In God we trust," there is an explanation. It's all a subversive plot.
I've known this site for a long time, but a reader just sent me a link to it, so maybe I shouldn't take for granted that you all know about it, too…it's Fundies Say The Darndest Things, a collection of ripe and juicy quotes culled from Christian discussion boards. Some of them I suspect to be the product of godless trolls, but others, including some of the most outrageously ridiculous statements, are definitely from steadfast fundamentalists.
tags: atheism, religion, science, evolution, humor A reader sent me this list of atheist-positive anecdotes that have been seen either on a bumper sticker or a t-shirt. Of course, they are accurate as well as hilarious. Which ones are your favorites? Top Fifty Atheist T-Shirt and Bumper Sticker Aphorisms Abstinence Makes the Church Grow Fondlers Honk If Your Religious Beliefs Make You An Asshole Intelligent Design Makes My Monkey Cry Too Stupid to Understand Science? Try Religion. *There's A REASON Why Atheists Don't Fly Planes Into Buildings "Worship Me or I Will Torture You…
tags: alcohol, Ask Your Pharmacist, humor, parody, streaming video This is a really amusing parody of the typical commercials that you see on TV that advertize various prescription drugs. In this case, the ad is for tequila [1:41].