
What do you know … I write about Ken Ham's behavior, and Darren Naish follows suit with a fascinating post with all the details. There's even a paper about it.
According to Boston's The Weekly Dig, Massachusetts is casting about for a new state seal. The current one definitely needs improvement: It's one of the oldest symbols in the US. That may be part of the problem; many think it's outdated. On Wednesday, the Committee on Tourism, Arts and Cultural Development considers a bill to change the Massachusetts seal and motto. The bill would establish a 13-member committee to determine whether the symbols "accurately reflect and embody the historic and contemporary commitments of the Commonwealth." It's also offensive to Native Americans. So here's my…
A blogger's duty calls: (Click for the full-sized version.) It's true: A skeptical blogger's work is never done! When pseudoscience or quackery is noticed on the Internet, no mater what time of day or night, this skeptical blogger cannot resist the call to craft a takedown. Just ask my wife.
One of our soldiers in Iraq leaves an interesting comment on the web: Here's a picture of me celebrating Ash Wednesday shortly before going out on mission. The Catholic Priest also blessed all of our Gun Trucks. You can't ask for much more protection than that when doing Convoy Security. Unless of course, I painted a picture of a unicorn on the side of my Gun Truck. I don't know anyone who could hurt a unicorn. Especially one that has magic dust. Those are my favorite. I think he's mocking the whole business, but I note that he's still getting the magic ashes daubed on his forehead. Let's…
tags: satire, parody, humor, Iraq, suicide vests, streaming video Panelists discuss whether stringent new suicide vest laws would ensure that only responsible people blow themselves up. "It's not fair to treat people like criminals if they use a suicide vest in a responsible and proper manner" [2:24]
(from here; hat-tip) Or perhaps Gabe has been right all along and I am not really a science blogger....
And they have HUGE POINTY TEETH too: That's one tough bunny.
This is actually a disappointment. I was sure that scienceblogging gave one lightning quick driving reflexes, phenomenal sexual performance, the powers of the anti-christ, and the ability to write perfect copy with the first draft, but this comic seems to be implying that scienceblogging only gives you an excuse for falling short in those areas. Of course, I already have all of those abilities even without the scienceblogging biz, so this comic must be referring to all those other bloggers. Yeah, that's it. I'll keep telling myself that. (via Chris Rowan, who got it from aphantic)
In particular, see the final panel... Cf. also here on Private Languages in philosophy
Yes and No. But the article is not from the 'Onion', it's from the Hot Medical News. It's about an onion, in a strange place....
Yes, this is a science-related post, just a little off topic. We don't talk about religion much around these parts because my Catholic school upbringing and torture by nuns gives me PTSD. But I grew up in a place where your family was either Catholic or Jewish - equal-opportunity guilt. So it is with painful nostalgia that I received the following missive from my mechanical engineer/grease monkey Catholic school classmate - (hey Tom, get off the computer; shouldn't you be in church anyway?). Enjoy!: Subject: Church Bulletins They're Back! Church Bulletins: God bless the church ladies who…
I don't know about you, but I find Mr. Deity to be hilarious. This time around, with the most recent episode, he takes on fundamentalism of all stripes and whether there should be an afterlife or not. (For a commercial-free direct link to the iTunes version, go here.) And, of course, who doesn't want third party apps on their iPhones?
Hemant thinks he has a shot of winning an online poll to determine the sexiest atheist blogger. No way! I'm going to send you, my minions, over there to … uh … wait. You people are probably still in shock from that time I exposed my chest, aren't you? Dang. I need to wait at least 20 or 30 years before those memories fade if I'm to stand a chance. I voted for Greta Christina, anyway, and my second choice was C.L. Hanson. People, what are you doing voting for me? That's insane. Unless, of course, you're one of those people who likes a bad boy with a hint of danger, even if he does look like…
Enjoy! In the hospital the relatives gathered in the waiting room, where their family member lay gravely ill. Finally, the doctor came in looking tired and somber. "I'm afraid I'm the bearer of bad news," he said as he surveyed the worried faces. "The only hope left for your loved one at this time is a brain transplant. It's an experimental procedure, very risky but it is the only hope. Insurance will cover the procedure, but you will have to pay for the brain yourselves." The family members sat silent as they absorbed the news. After a great length of time, someone asked, "Well, how much…
OK, it was yesterday, but it's still pretty funny. In response to this post about Answers Research Journal, a peer-reviewed creationist journal, Joshua of The Adventures of Tobasco de Gama writes: Hmm. Do you have to use the "Blogging About Peer-Reviewed Research" tag/icon when rebutting ARJ articles? Heh. This is pretty funny too.
Don't let my students see this, or the scene portrayed here could be my classroom, someday. (I think the creationists at least imagine that they'll be able to rout science teachers so easily…)
If I am to succeed in my goal of overthrowing all of Western Civilization, I must continue to gather notoriety and credibility. To that end, I'll mention my latest victory: I am mentioned in a webcomic. Look closely at the pile of magazines drawn in the lower left panel...there I am! Soon I shall dominate all media! Ginny has also acknowledged my ubiquity and puissance by mentioning this cartoon to me, which apparently portrays life at my house. don't think she was being sarcastic, do you?