streaming video

tags: Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson, Cosmic Quandaries, NOVA, PBS, Public Television, streaming video An out of this world event, Cosmic Quandaries, held at The Palladium in St. Petersburg at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, March 26th drew in an audience of nearly 800! With a one in a million chance of meeting one of only 6,000 astrophysicists in the world, audience members were lined up in order to have the opportunity to ask Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson a question on any and all galactic wonders they may have. This is, without a doubt, the most fascinating hour-and-a-half I've spent watching a youtube video.
tags: Jarbas Agnelli, Paulo Pinto, birds on a wire, NPR, Public Radio, music, streaming video This video is the result of a creative musician, Jarbas Agnelli, who noticed that a flock of birds on wires resembled musical notes. He took a photograph of these birds, by Paulo Pinto, and set them to music. The result of this interesting observation is below the jump; Birds on the Wires from Jarbas Agnelli. [Original story], many thanks to a reader, Robin, who sent this video link to me. Of course, I have to ask you; can you identify the species?
tags: Planet Earth, nature, animals, BBC, television, streaming video Martha Holmes, series producer of BBC Earth programs discusses the importance of preserving the planet, along with comments from her colleagues, Neil Nightingale and Dale Templar. This amazing series will air this Sunday, 20 September, from 300-800pm. Yes, I am jealous beyond words of all you people who have televisions.
tags: nature, birds, Antarctica, emperor penguins, Aptenodytes forsteri, David Attenborough, streaming video This video presents a Nature program that briefly documents the breeding biology of Antarctica's Emperor Penguin, Aptenodytes forsteri, a bird that nests far inland in the winter months, enduring the worst weather imaginable. Narrated by the incomparable David Attenborough.
tags: Planet Earth, nature, animals, BBC, television, streaming video Neil Nightingale, Head of the BBC Natural History Unit, discusses the impact and variety of BBC Earth expeditions, as well as the passion of the crew members. Martha Holmes and Brian Leith, share their thoughts on these subjects as well. This amazing series will air this Sunday, 20 September, from 300-800pm. Yes, I am jealous beyond words of all you people who have televisions.
Video created by The Sneer Review. Vote for me here.
tags: reading graphs, Onion News Network, ONN, humor, satire, fucking hilarious, streaming video In this video, we see that experts are still trying to determine the effect of the concentric circles on the long squiggly green objects located in the blue area.
tags: Magellanic penguins, pudu, cod cod, Andes Mountains, nature, animals, BBC, television, streaming video Fascinating footage of mountaineering penguins in the Andes trying to search for a safe mountain nesting ground. Also featuring weird and wonderful animals such as the Andes possum, the littlest deer in the world known as the pudu, and the tiniest wild cat in existence - the cod cod. Brilliant nature video from BBC animal wildlife show Andes - The Dragons Back.
tags: nature, cosmos, streaming video This amazing video takes us on a fantastic journey from the outer universe down to the earth, then into a leaf and on into submolecular structures, for a look at quarks that make up atoms.
tags: Cyprus, illegal migratory bird trapping, songbird slaughter, Committee Against Bird Slaughter, CABS, streaming video This video below the jump records and documents the astonishing arrogance and viciousness of Cypriot bird slaughterers who continue to wantonly kill tens of millions of migratory songbirds every year so their bodies can be sold to restaurants who then sell them as a delicacy, often to tourists. These slaughterers kill endangered species as well as common; songbirds as well as owls, birds of prey and other non-passerine species. In fact, NO BIRD IS SAFE from them. Since…
tags: nature, mammals, Antarctica, blue whale, Balaenoptera musculus, David Attenborough, streaming video This amazing video clip from BBC's remarkable multi-part TV program, Blue Planet, shows the awesome size of the Blue Whale, Balaenoptera musculus, the largest creature in the sea and the largest creature that has ever lived. Narrated by the incomparable David Attenborough.
tags: Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson, UFO, space aliens, argumentum ad ignorantiam, appeal to ignorance, AMNH, streaming video The argument from ignorance, also known as argumentum ad ignorantiam ("appeal to ignorance"), argument by lack of imagination, or negative evidence, is a logical fallacy in which it is claimed that a premise is true only because it has not been proven false, or is false only because it has not been proven true. The argument from personal incredulity, also known as argument from personal belief or argument from personal conviction, refers to an assertion that because one…
tags: religion, violence, genocide, fundamentalism, MtlRedAtheist, streaming video This is the third in a series of videos that address some of the violent, absurd and atrocious Bible stories being taught to children in Sunday School around the world today. This video discusses the Sunday School Bible story of Noah's Ark and the Great Flood is an extremely popular children's story worldwide. It talks about how God became so fed up of his Creation that he decided to kill it all. It sort of makes you wonder why he would have created it in the first place since he is supposed to be omniscient. […
tags: religion, Bible, humor, satire, Alan Bennett, streaming video Here's an amusing Sunday morning video that should especially appeal to my English readers (I know, it's Sunday afternoon in the UK). But "the sardine tin of life" was especially amusing in a Forrest Gump-like way ..
tags: peace sign, silly, streaming video This streaming video is a new mockumentary that describes the evolution of the peace sign.
tags: music video, Beethoven, moonlight sonata, NASA, space station, Astronaut Ed Lu, streaming video In this video, astronaut Ed Lu plays Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata" on board the International Space Station in 2003 (Video courtesy of NASA). I can't help but wonder what Beethoven would have thought about his music being performed in space. Was his music the first to be performed in space?
I just read Eugenie Scott's review of the movie, Creation, a drama about the life of Charles Darwin that was recently screened at the Toronto Film Festival. This film, which -- astonishingly -- does not have a distributor in the USA, humanizes Darwin by showing us key events from his life after he returned from his famous five-year voyage aboard the HMS Beagle. But Eugenie Scott is not the only one who likes this film; it has received positive reviews from Rotten Tomatoes, Ray Bennett of THReviews, the IMDB and Roger Ebert. Besides being touted as an excellent film, Creation has the coolest…
tags: travel, nature, Antarctica, Beneath the Frozen World, television, Jacques+Cousteau, streaming video This video presents an exclusive full-length movie of Captain Cousteau's expedition to Antarctica (this is the third of four parts -- couldn't find any of the others). Narrated by Jacques Cousteau. Jacques-Yves Cousteau (1910-1997) was a French naval officer, explorer, ecologist, filmmaker, innovator, scientist, photographer, author and researcher who studied the sea and marine life. He co-developed the aqua-lung, pioneered marine conservation and was a member of the Académie franç…
tags: chemistry, elements, meet the elements, they might be giants, music video, streaming video This is such a cute song that I would use it in my chemistry class if I was teaching this semester. This song, "Meet the Elements" is by the group, They Might be Giants, and it has a catchy tune that will help one to remember all those elements.
tags: paleontology, fossils, dinosaurs, evolution, I am a Paleontologist, they might be giants, music video, streaming video I have been remiss lately regarding music videos because I was in Finland for awhile, and then was otherwise preoccupied. But I just had to share this song with you; "I am a Paleontologist" is by the group, They Might be Giants and is one of many wonderful songs on their new album "Here Comes Science." If I was teaching biology or evolution this semester, I would use it in class. You can order They Might be Giants' new album [CD/DVD], "Here Comes Science" from Amazon.