streaming video

tags: Christians, religion, death, humor, streaming video A scientific study recently found that Christians are more likely to have aggressive medical care at the end of their lives -- why is that if heaven is so wonderful? In this video, Edward Current, the defender of Christianity everywhere, explains why Christians do not want to go to heaven early [3:17]
tags: Antwerp, The Sound of Music, public stunt, streaming video This video shows more than 200 dancers who performed "Do Re Mi" in the Central Station of Antwerp on 23 of March 2009, 8:00 AM. It was a promotion stunt for a Belgian television program, where they are looking for someone to play the leading role, in the musical of "The Sound of Music" [4:01]
tags: bacteria, microbiology, TEDTalks, science, streaming video This interesting video is a TEDTalk. TED -- for Technology, Entertainment, Design -- talks cover these topics as well as science, business, development and the arts. They are a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give "the talk of their lives" in 18 minutes. In this TEDTalk, Bonnie Bassler discovered that bacteria "talk" to each other, using a chemical language that lets them coordinate defense and mount attacks. The find has stunning…
tags: taxes, online tax filing, humor, satire, streaming video This amusing video tells us how to rely on a "green" solution to powering our laptops while figuring and filing our taxes [1:29]
tags: animal porn, Apple computer, iPod, humor, funny, prank, streaming video This hilarious streaming video is a prank phone call to iPod Customer Support regarding "Animal Pornography" on the complainant's 4-year-old son's iPod [18:53] If you have a crank/prank idea, post it to Friday Night Cranks.
tags: Jesus Christ, The Life of Brian, easter, humor, satire, religion, holidays, holidaze, streaming video This streaming video is from the British series Not the nine o'clock news. It comments on the controversy created by the Biblical story about Jesus Christ and how it is really a cheap rip-off of Monty Python's popular film, The Life of Brian [3:24]
tags: Astropeep, peeponaut, easter, space, streaming video I posted this last year, but I think it is worth repeating .. this streaming video lacks music, but it shows you the adventures of a special peep, an astropeep (or a peeponaut, depending upon which name you prefer) who traveled to the edge of space .. thanks to the Adler Planetarium's "Far Horizons 12" high altitude balloon mission, which rose to nearly to 97,000 feet [3:00]
tags: Planet Earth, David Attenborough, BBC, biodiversity, streaming video This streaming video shows Earth by looking at our beautiful planet as a whole. [8:02]
tags: Planet Earth, David Attenborough, BBC, biodiversity, streaming video This streaming video shows Earth by looking at our beautiful planet as a whole. [10:02]
tags: Planet Earth, David Attenborough, BBC, biodiversity, streaming video This streaming video shows our planet by looking at our planet as a whole. There is a lot of gorgeous bird footage in this part [10:00]
tags: Planet Earth, David Attenborough, BBC, biodiversity, streaming video This streaming video shows Earth by looking at our beautiful planet as a whole. [10:00]
tags: Planet Earth, David Attenborough, BBC, biodiversity, streaming video This streaming video shows Earth by looking at our beautiful planet as a whole. [9:40]
tags: prayer, religion, humor, satire, streaming video This streaming video is a commercial for the PrayerMAX5000! Finally, Prayer Amplification Technology⢠can be yours -- either at home or on the go [2:00]
tags: prayer, religion, humor, satire, streaming video This streaming video shows Edward Current's new contraption, where he exploits science to build a prayer amplifier, the PrayerMax5000. Edward says, "I have faith that with my new invention, praying to God will be effective and reliable, finally." [3:55]
tags: prayer, religion, humor, satire, streaming video This streaming video shows a little chat with Edward Current, who pleads, "My Grampa seriously needs to stay alive. Fortunately when there's something we have no control over, there are still things we can do!" I'll bet you can't guess what that might be [4:09]
tags: captive dolphins, SeaWorld Orlando, bubble ring, animal behavior, streaming video This streaming video shows the dolphins at SeaWorld Orlando's Dolphin Cove as they artfully create and play with underwater bubble rings and hear what SeaWorlds trainers, educators and guests have to say about this fun and fascinating behavior [3:25]
tags: sand monsters, animation, children, streaming video This streaming video presents a fascinating world of sand animation where a child fights monsters, dragons and ghosts with the power of his violin's sound, a melody that is able to make all these scary characters run away [4:45]
tags: religion, atheism, humor, occam's razor, streaming video This streaming video is a brilliant example of the topic that it addresses, discussing religion, the incorrectness of Occam's Razor and the secret ninjas who destroyed the World Trade Towers using a controlled demolition on 11 September 2001. The argument? The most complicated, difficult explanation is usually the right one. Because God is infinite (and infinitely complicated) [4:16]
tags: politics, good citizenship, humor, America, streaming video This streaming video provides essential educational advice to Americans on how to be good citizens -- I was especially impressed with Mary's frugal meals, but seriously, she'd spend le$$ if she stopped eating meat altogether! [10:39] Hattip: Travelgirl.
tags: sesame street explains madoff scandal, politics, satire, , humorstreaming video In this video, Ernie and Cookie Monster explain the Bernie Madoff scandal .. so even kids can understand it [1:18]