streaming video

tags: inauguration, president obama, politics, television, presidential speech, streaming video Oh, joy! President Barack Obama took the oath of office as the 44th president of the United States and delivered an inaugural address focusing on the themes of sacrifice and renewal yesterday afternoon (20 January 2009). This video shows both [21:50] I wept as I watched President Obama be sworn in and deliver his inaugural speech. For the first time in my life, I feel that the United States -- as a nation -- might not be irredeemably greedy, malicious and short-sighted.
tags: nature, oceanography, marine life, sardines, South Africa, streaming video I watched this film a couple days ago when I visited the AMNH, and then a reader and friend found this video on youtube -- so of course, I had to share it with you! [3:33] While Wild Ocean explores the causes and effects of man's impact, it an inspirational film looking toward a bright future, taking audiences to a rare unspoiled marine wilderness to glimpse what the oceans of the world once looked like. The film champions the creation of marine reserves necessary to bring our oceans back to life. South Africa…
tags: Iraq, Iraq for Sale, politics, streaming video Robert Greenwald, the director of IRAQ FOR SALE, was invited to testify before Congress by Rep. Jim Moran. He prepared four minutes from the documentary to show. Republicans insisted this video not be shown. [4:37]
tags: Bush's Lies, politics, streaming video Eight years of lies .. almost over. Finally. Almost. [1:41]
tags: Uncle Jay, humor, satire, parody, streaming video It's been a whole year since Uncle Jay has SUNG an entire episode, and here's the reminder why! It's the year-end review of the news, and maybe it'll seem a little better with music. [3:21]
tags: dog, pets, animal behavior, training, streaming video This amazing video shows what must be the world's most obedient dog [1:22]
tags: golden eagle, Aquila chrysaetos, animal behavior, hunting strategy, streaming video This astonishing video shows a Golden Eagle, Aquila chrysaetos, who has developed an unusual hunting strategy to capture and kill prey that is much larger than itself: grabbing and throwing live goats off a cliff [7:19]
tags: transformer owl, African Owl, animal behavior, humor, streaming video This interesting video shows you the anti-predator behaviors of an African owl species -- her behaviors are different for different owl species (narration is in Japanese) [3:20] Can you name all the owl species depicted in this video?
tags: life cycle of a star, astronomy, physics, education, streaming video The average star 'lives' for roughly 12 billion years. This wonderful video provides us with a visual glimpse into the entire life cycle of a G-type star, like our sun, from birth to death [6:29]
tags: politics, the year in review, JibJab, humor, streaming video This amusing little video quickly summarizes 2008 -- a rather sad and scary year, if you ask me [2:13]
tags: robin williams, humor, comedy, satire, streaming video The great Robin Williams at his best taking the **** out of Bush and a few others in politics -- this is a wonderful reminder of how talented Robin Williams is [9:21]
tags: christmas, dogs, pets, cute, streaming video Dog lovers will especially enjoy this video even though it is a few days late [3:19]
Disney's new film, The Crimson Wing -- Mystery of the Flamingos tells the story of the birth, life and death of a million Lesser Flamingos, Phoeniconaias minor. Life at Natron is tough for the flamingos, with many predators threatening their daily survival. According to Aeberhard: "they have a number of predators such as Marabou Stork Leptoptilos crumeniferus, hyenas and jackals... The contrast here between life and death is very stark" [1:50]
tags: farewell from GW, satire, humor, will ferrell, streaming video Will Ferrell does a splendid farewell imitation of our favorite lame-duck asshole, George Bush [1:31]
tags: Happy Christmas, The Microwave Song, satire, humor, streaming video This is what happens when you have a bunch of people who are unemployed: they do silly things like this! And it seems this will continue for a long long time since they are not going to have jobs for a long time into the future, either [1:40]
tags: t'was the night before chistmas, poem, poetry reading, christmas, streaming video This video features Tay Zonday reading the popular poem [3:03]
tags: Santa Claus Bailout Hearings, satire, humor, christmas, streaming video C-SPAN coverage of Santa Claus asking Congress for a financial bailout of the North Pole Gift Giving Industry. If they don't approve his aid package, Christmas may be ruined. [4:34]
tags: Iraq shoe throwing store discount sale, satire, humor, streaming video And now, just in time for your last-minute christmas shopping needs, Iraq's #1 Discount Shoe Emporium offers a discount on all their slip-on throwing shoes! [1:22]
tags: high fuel prices, funny, humor, parody, streaming video This odd little streaming video is part of an ad, but the actual footage of the commercial itself seems to suggest -- somewhat tongue-in-cheek -- what life might be like after fuel prices have gone so high that no one can afford to use it [0:51]
tags: merry christmas, funny, humor, parody, streaming video Thisstreaming video shows an amazing "stupid pet trick" performed by a human and it's just in time for the holidays, too! [0:46]