
tags: Harry Potter and the Midlife Crisis, comedy, humor, funny, streaming video How will the Harry Potter movies finally end? Don't wait for the book! Here is the exclusive story [4:15]
When all else fails, go online and buy another doctorate: Hat tip to le Canard Noir.
tags: snowball, dancing cockatoo, parrots, Cacatua galerita eleanora, interview Snowball, adult male Eleanora (medium sulfur-crested) cockatoo, Cacatua galerita eleanora. Image: courtesy of Bird Lovers Only [larger view]. I have been working behind the scenes for the opportunity to interview Irena, the woman who lives with the amazing Snowball, the dancing cockatoo. She recently indicated her willingness to be interviewed so I am going to share the fun with all of you, dear readers. I will give you one week to think of all those questions that you'd like to ask Irena about Snowball, so…
tags: Ivory-Billed Woodpecker, Campephilus principalis, grail bird, bird watching, conservation, documentary, streaming video No, I do not believe that the Ivory-billed Woodpecker lives, but this trailer makes the documentary film look interesting anyway, mostly because it focuses on the people; the residents of the town nearest the "rediscovery site", the scientists, the politics and the media frenzy surrounding this "Grail Bird" [3:29] Here's a somewhat rambling interview with the film's director, Scott Crocker, who is articulate (and very fun to look at) [9:37]; I would like to point…
tags: Onion News Network, research, monkeys, medical news, humor, satire, streaming video In this video, ONN reports on a newly published study indicating that repeatedly stabbing monkeys with sharpened objects may have an adverse effect on their health and longevity [1:08]
tags: Onion News Network, human kidneys, organ transplant donations, medical news, humor, satire, streaming video In this video, ONN reports that an anonymous hero donates 200 human kidneys to a hospital. Hospital officials hope to locate the good Samaritan that dropped off a sack of human organs in the middle of the night so they can thank him. [1:11]
A bunch of heavy stuff on the blog today-- quantum physics, insulting journalists, political activism. Here's a cute baby video to lighten the mood: This is Steelyid demonstrating her climbing prowess, just in case anybody suspected that Saturday's filler picture was staged. She can actually go quite a bit faster than this, but she kept stopping to mug shamelessly for the camera.
tags: Africa, Toto, Perpetuum Jazzile, music, streaming video This video is a live recording of Toto's "Africa" (I love that song!) performed by Perpetuum Jazzile at Vokal Xtravaganzza 2008 (October 2008). This vocal group uses only their bodies to create these remarkable sounds, ranging from rain to thunder [6:17]
tags: Onion News Network, Mexico, Border wall, US Assholes, humor, satire, streaming video Disgusted with vacationing Americans and their horrible behavior, this video news report reveals that Mexico is doing something about this: They are building a wall to keep Americans out of their country [1:36]
July 4th can be fun. One activity my family enjoys is playing in the lake at my parents house. Along with this comes the jumping off the dock. Great fun, and great physics. Here is a short clip. Work Energy Example from Rhett Allain on Vimeo. Notice that I violated my own rules for making videos. In particular, the camera was not perpendicular to the motion. Also, I can handle panning cameras, but not when there is nothing but sky in the background. This video is therefore not appropriate for a video analysis. That is ok. I don't need it to talk about physics. So, here is the…
tags: Antarctica, music, Terra Nova, Sinfonia Antarctica, photography, streaming video This video is the trailer for DJ Spooky/Paul D. Miller's next large scale multimedia performance work: an acoustic portrait of a rapidly changing continent. Terra Nova: Sinfonia Antarctica is a seventy minute performance featuring music combined with visual material from Getty Images' vast collection, creating a unique and powerful moment around man's relationship with nature [5:36] Quark Expeditions is searching for an Official Blogger to join a voyage to Antarctica. Their goals are to have this person…
tags: science, god, religion, creationism, humor, funny, satire, Edward Current, streaming video This video provides an unbiased look at whether Earth's favorable conditions for life prove that a loving God planned it that way all along. (Hint: There's no other explanation.) [3:45]
tags: Britney Spears Parody, comedy, humor, funny, streaming video This video reveals my perfect man: "He's got me rocking like Stephen Hawking .. Check out his hard drive, sets me to Warp Five .. I dream of him hooking up my ethernet cable and whispering in my ear about the Periodic Table .. Don't need a jock, I want a Spock!" (And he doesn't even need to know Russian!) [2:46] H/T: Arikia.
tags: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, film, movie, trailer, entertainment, streaming video This is a behind-the-scenes look at the soon-to-be-released Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, which will open on 17 July 2009. I have been waiting eagerly for more than one year for this film, ever since Warner Bros claimed it was going to be released one year ago .. but wasn't! [6:33]
tags: Harry Potter, ADHD, humor, funny, satire, streaming video I thought this video spoof might bring a smile to your face while we all wait for the upcoming premier of the Harry Potter film, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince on 17 July [2:22]
tags: Michael Jackson, Moonwalking Bird, birds, behavior, funny, streaming video I am an ornithologist and aviculturist, which means that I research birds scientifically as well as breeding and raising them. So after the shock of Michael Jackson's sudden death wore off, I wanted to share a bird lover's farewell to Michael with you [1:15]
tags: Bat Falcon, Falco rufigularis, South America, nature, National Geographic, streaming video This female bat falcon, Falco rufigularis, makes dazzling mid-air catches over Mayan ruins in Guatemala to feed her chicks [2:15]
tags: Antarctica, environment, nature, streaming video This is a video of a trip to Antarctica, including some lovely images of seals, penguins, gulls and other seabirds and breaching humpback whales! [4:48] Thanks to one of my readers, I learned recently that Quark Expeditions is searching for an Official Blogger to join a voyage to Antarctica. To select this person, they are asking blog writers to enter a competition where the public votes for whom they think would be best for the job. I am a wonderful candidate for this job as the official blogger for Quark Expeditions because I have…
tags: Mother Goose Stakes, horse racing, Rachel Alexandra, streaming video Rachel Alexandra (daughter of Medaglia d'Oro), running away with the 2009 Kentucky Oaks (Grade I; three-year-old fillies) under the guidance of Jockey Calvin Borel. Image: David J. Phillip [larger view]. I have been keeping my eye on the amazing filly, Rachel Alexandra, who wowed the public by beating the boys as she won the Preakness Stakes last month. Yesterday, at Belmont Park in New York, Rachel Alexandra did it again. This time, she won the Mother Goose Stakes for 3-year-old fillies, setting not one, but two…
tags: World Science Festival, science, dancing parrot, Snowball, eleanora cockatoo, Cacatua sulphurea eleonora, humor, funny, streaming video Despite living in NYC, I was not at the World Science Festival last weekend, which totally bums me out, especially since Irene Pepperberg was there, speaking, and Snowball, a male Eleanora (medium sulfur-crested) cockatoo, Cacatua sulphurea eleonora, was there, dancing. This video shows Snowball's delightful performance -- which I missed!! [3:01]