
tags: How DNA is Replicated in a Living Cell, biology, molecular biology, DNA, streaming video I still remember when I learned how DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) replication occurs, and it was like a lightning bolt from the sky: it changed my view of the world and a molecular biologist was born. This video uses the latest research to create an animation of how DNA is replicated in a living cell [1:54] DNA replication is a fundamental process underlying biological inheritance that occurs in all living organisms to accurately copy their DNA. This process occurs through a "semiconservative"…
tags: Faith Is Retarded, religion, faith, delusion, streaming video Clearly Christianity, as with all religions, has been a necessary cog in the machinery of human social evolution. But it is a crutch that we no longer need. It is time for us to move past this primitive mindset and into a world based on reason and logic. [5:50]
tags: The Most Amazing Bible Passages Ever, humor, funny, Edward Current, streaming video In this video, Edward Current shares his favorite Bible verses to recite for nonbelievers who just don't get it -- especially when the going gets tough. [5:03]
tags: TEDTalks, laptops, future success, Nicholas Negroponte, streaming video (TED follows Nicholas Negroponte to Colombia as he delivers laptops inside territory once controlled by guerrillas. His partner? Colombia's Defense Department, who see One Laptop per Child as an investment in the region. This project will have a bigger and more lasting effect on the damages created by poverty, destitution, crime and violence in the world than any other single thing I can think of -- how about you? [6:31] TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference,…
tags: Onion News Network, ONN, privacy, humor, funny, satire, fucking hilarious, streaming video This streaming news report reveals that web users who wish to completely protect their privacy can choose to move to a desolate mountain village started by Google. While living there, they are guaranteed an environment free from Google products and natural light from the sun [2:18]
tags: Wedding Yells, humor, funny, The Day Today, BBC, streaming video This video shows a nupticution. It's not so much wedding bells as 'execution yells' as a killer of 12 marries his 'fried to be' on the electric chair. Barbara Wintergreen reports for CBN News. From the BBC comedy, The Day Today. [2:12]
tags: Test Your Faith Vision, humor, funny, streaming video This video shows you an actual boat rescue in progress. A speedboat has flipped over in NYC's Central Park Conservatory Water so a nearby fireboat rescues it by flipping it back to its proper position. Of course, since this is a speedboat, the ungrateful thing zips off immediately, and is not seen again. I happen to know the man (Dick Conners) who pilots the fireboat in this video. [0:57] I have a photoessay in the works about the boathouse where these model boats are housed, since Dick was so kind as to bring me into this space…
tags: Test Your Faith Vision, humor, funny, Edward Current, streaming video This video is a timed quiz and it asks, "Among all the horrible things in the world, how quickly can you pick out our loving Creator's blessings?" Find out with this simple quiz. [4:33] What was your score on this quiz? My score indicates that I should give up and go back to my sinful way of life. YEEhaw! I can hardly wait!
tags: pregnancy in America, Natus craze, funny, humor, satire, streaming video This video is the entire Colbert Report form 6 August 2009. This news report covers Yahweh or No Way, and other interesting news reports [21:44]
tags: pregnancy in America, Natus craze, funny, humor, satire, streaming video This video is a news report from The Day Today with Barbara Wintergreen, who is investigating the Natus craze in California [2:02]
tags: potable water, safe drinking water, LifeSaver Bottle, streaming video Too much of the world lacks access to clean drinking water. In this video, engineer Michael Pritchard did something about it -- inventing the portable Lifesaver filter, which can make the most revolting water drinkable in seconds. An amazing demo from TEDGlobal 2009. [10:05] TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes.
tags: Creature Comforts USA, self-image, self-esteem, humor, funny, streaming video did you know that hair on your dingleberries affects your self esteem? Neither did I. This video is a clip from Creature Comforts USA about self image -- I think it's amusing. [8:51]
tags: antarctica, music, streaming video This video shows some of the stark landscape of Antarctica. The music is by the black meta band, Immortal -- you might want to turn the sound down on your computer to avoid workplace hassles [7:07]
We don't have SteelyKid watching any kind of baby-oriented tv, because I'd rather be stabbed with a fork than have to listen to the Tellytubbies. We do frequently have the tv on while she's playing in the living room, though, as we try to catch up on DVR'ed programs. This has led directly to SteelyKid having a favorite show: That's right, our baby is part of the Colbert Nation. Whenever the credits sequence for the Report plays, she claps at the bit where the eagle swoops in. This is very repeatable (Kate re-played the opening a few times, and SteelyKid always clapped), and especially…
tags: Antarctica, nature, wildlife, ecotourism, Polar environments, streaming video Below the jump is a wonderfully produced amateur video, which includes gorgeous photography combined with a stunning piece of music by Delirium and sung by Sarah McLaughlin; "Silence (Delerium)" [6:33] The song is "Silence" by Sarah McLachlan.
tags: penguins, humor, funny, animation, streaming video Below the jump is an amusing video, that asks the question, "Do Penguins Fly?" and makes an unexpected discovery [2:15]
It's critically important to be on your guard when exploring our living room at the moment. The wily SteelyKid can strike without warning: Of course, not all of her attacks are quite so violent: Awwwwwww.....
tags: religion, humor, funny, bible, Lewis Black, streaming video Lewis Black takes a look at religions and explains them to the public .. he uses some rather colorful language, too [5:56]
tags: religion, humor, funny, bible, The Chasers, streaming video According to the polls, 63% of Americans believe the bible is literally true. But apparently, they are either lying or too stupid to know what is actually in the bible, as you will see in this video [5:56]
These aren't really SteelyKid's first steps, just the first ones I got on video: She routinely goes farther than that, more confidently than that, but the big lunge at the end is awfully cute. It's hard to get her really good walks on video, because she always seems to be on the verge of disaster, either by falling and hitting herself, or by walking toward the dog while she's chewing a bone, or heading some other place where she shouldn't be.... From what I understand, the terrifying phase should only last another twenty years or so.