
tags: science, god, religion, creationism, humor, funny, satire, Edward Current, streaming video In this video, we learn that the know-it-alls who dreamed up the Big Bang and evolution don't know what they're talking about. Edward Current proves this with a few simple science experiments. (ps, sorry about the picture quality. I thought 'white balance' had something to do with banning immigrants.) [5:05]
tags: Weekend Project, Potato Gatling Gun, DeRose family, trailer, entertainment, engineering, physics, streaming video Do you wish you could do something fun with your family? This video shows how one family designed and built a potato gatling gun, which was shown at this year's Maker Faire. This looks like so much fun that it almost makes me want to have kids! [4:29]
I'm headed home to give a speech at my old high school's graduation. Which is a weird feeling-- I don't feel like I'm really old or successful enough to be on the lecture circuit. Then again, it is twenty years since I graduated there myself, which means I've been out of high school longer than most if not all of them have been alive, so... Anyway, to give you something to look at while I'm off speechifying, here's some video of SteelyKid: In this clip, she shows off two new ridiculously cute behaviors: the "hold my toy" game where she hands something to you, then takes it back; and tool use…
tags: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, film, movie, trailer, entertainment, streaming video This is a behind-the-scenes look at the soon-to-be-released Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, which will open on 17 July 2009. I have been waiting eagerly for more than one year for this film, ever since Warner Bros claimed it was going to be released in November 2008 .. but wasn't! [1:45]
tags: Biosphere 2, environment, biophilia, green living, Jane Poynter, TEDTalks, streaming video In this video, Jane Poynter tells her story of living two years and 20 minutes in Biosphere 2 -- an experience that provoked her to explore how we might sustain life in the harshest of environments. This is the first TED talk drawn from an independently organized TEDx event, held at the University of Southern California. [15:54] TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives…
I made this screen cast for my algebra-based lab. Maybe you will find it useful also. This is a tutorial using Tracker Video Analysis (an awesome free program as I have said many times). In this tutorial I analyze a moving cart that shoots a ball up and lands back in the moving cart (called a Howitzer cart). The video is available at the LivePhoto Physics site. Screencasts and videos online
tags: medicine, surgery, robots, Catherine Mohr, TEDTalks, streaming video In this video, surgeon and inventor Catherine Mohr tours the history of surgery (and its pre-painkiller, pre-antiseptic past), then demonstrates some of the newest tools for surgery through tiny incisions, performed using nimble robot hands. Fascinating -- and very graphic. This is an inspiring presentation, but she neglected to mention all the other people who contribute to this technology, from engineers and computer designers to scientists. [21:28] TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and…
I quite like this science smackdown from astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson. The world needs more robust, funny, scientists on TV.
tags: What's Wrong with Philip, comedy, humor, funny, streaming video This video is a touching vignette about the difficult moment where a woman breaks up with her beau, Philip. As you'll notice in this video, Philip suffers from a common problem: he doesn't listen. However, that said, I sure wish I had a Philip to deal with my parents and family .. although I could do without his farting [2:45] H/T: Travelgirl.
Drag races add a bit to all of the excitement, not only for their competitive elements, but also because the action fills the skies, sometimes with mishap. This Great Gizmo drag race was sponsored by Wildman Rocketry at LDRS27 in Argonia, Kansas, with each flying the same kit: It's a rare treat to see them all roar off the pad at the same time, and then spiral around like Keystone Cops. The sparky one at the bottom went into a death spiral and crashed into the farm dirt near me. (Since these are all the same rocket kit, I suspect the difference in flight dynamics derive from differences in…
tags: universe, god, religion, creationism, humor, funny, satire, Edward Current, streaming video In this video, we learn that God created the entire universe for the enjoyment of us humans on Earth. To believe otherwise is arrogant and deluded! [4:08]
tags: The Science of Story Telling, Paul Nurse, genetics, family history, narrative, streaming video This video is a fascinating look at Paul Nurse's personal history .. Nurse, who is a biochemist, Knight, 2001 Nobel Prize Winner and President of Rockefeller University in NYC, reveals how, after 58 years, he finally learned the truth of his own family history. As a boy, Nurse always felt "a little bit different" from the rest of his family. His parents and siblings all left school at age 15 while he excelled at academics and pursued higher education. In his 30s, Nurse's mother confided in him…
tags: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, film, movie, trailer, entertainment, streaming video Do you have your tickets to the opening showing yet? Thanks to one of my readers, I DO! I DO! This is the newest trailer for the soon-to-be-released installment in the Harry Potter series; Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, which will open on 17 July 2009. I have been waiting eagerly for one year for this film, ever since Warner Bros claimed it was going to be released last November .. but wasn't! [2:24]
For more video book reviews by Joanne Manaster, see her page on YouTube.
tags: Shawn Johnson, gymnastics, sports, humor, satire, Onion News, streaming video Gymnast Shawn Johnson euthanized after breaking leg. After gym doctors confirmed the her injuries were career-ending, Johnson's trainers said there was no reason to keep her alive. [2:28]
tags: parrot, head-banger, umbrella cockatoo, music, dancing parrot, streaming video This is an interesting video is a headbanging umbrella cockatoo -- this bird really rocks out! Be sure to turn the sound down before you view this video, lest you go deaf... [0:38]
tags: religion, Bible, Ricky Gervais, creation story, humor, funny, parody, streaming video This streaming video shows Ricky Gervais discussing creation as he reads from the Bible -- wow! This makes so much sense, doesn't it? I am going to give up my godless hedonistic ways right now!! [9:53]
tags: politics, congress, CongressCritters, Rep. Gordon McCullough, humor, parody, social commentary, streaming video This hilarious video is a parody of itself, to be honest. This previous week in congress, Rep. Gordon McCullough presented the highlight of the week by ranting at his esteemed colleagues about how one of them was so rude and inconsiderate to the American people as to leave a half-eaten fish sandwich rotting on the floor of the House. All I can say is this is hardly surprising to me, since our elected officials (who are all in the pockets of one or another corporate interest)…
tags: David Letterman, Sarah Palin, NYC, New York City, humor, politics, social commentary, streaming video Normally, I can't stand David Letterman because he has such a cruel sense of humor. But in this case, I'll make an exception since his sense of humor is perfectly suited to bring Sarah Palin down a notch or two -- as she so richly deserves [1:50]
tags: agribusiness, agriculture, dairy farm, cows, industrial dairy farm, milk, dairy products, streaming video This is an interesting video of a modern mega-dairy farm, with "all" aspects visible to the public (well, I'll bet not all aspects are visible, since they don't show how sperm is collected, packaged and stored, nor do they show the process of artificial insemination). Visitors get a close up and personal view of the entire process, from the milking barns where they observe cows being milked and fed, and they even can witness live births. This mega-farm also recycles manure into…