Make me donate to a good cause

How cool is this? If you, my readers, can fully fund this cause by 5pm EDT, I'll donate my next blogging check to DonorsChoose. There's about $290 left to go, so it shouldn't be that hard. C'mon, folks...even if you can give one or two bucks, it adds up fast, and encourages others to give.

Go for it!

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I just donated, seems like a good cause and no one from my old school district had any projects up (no internet in rural new york I guess:P)

Would have done more but being a post-doc sucks, blah blah blah.

Every penny counts! Thanks!

I haven't actually donated to any of the projects before now, since they aren't even in my country. But I dealt with a lot of deaf people and those with hearing loss during my residency at a centre run by my hospital. I'll gladly part with some cash for this one, good luck with the rest Pal.

WoooHooo! Great Job Folks!

By micheleinmichigan (not verified) on 06 Oct 2009 #permalink