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January 24, 2010
Last week's ScienceOnline2010, our fourth annual science communication conference in North Carolina, was our biggest, best and most successful event yet, and from the long list of blog and media coverage and the Flickr pictures, YouTube videos and Twitter mentions of the conference (all using the…
January 24, 2010
You cannot see the feedback that many participants at ScienceOnline2010 have already provided to Anton and me (keep them coming - we take the responses very seriously), but the recurring theme for the "highlight of the conference" question was "Meeting the People"; and the main request for…
January 15, 2010
The history of science has never been more relevant. As we struggle with communicating science effectively and breaking down barriers to the open access of scientific knowledge it's essential to learn from the lessons of the past as we move forwards. Science relies on the open communication of…
January 14, 2010
Is there a place for citizen scientists in the world of digital biology?
Many of the citizen science projects that I've been reading about have a common structure. There's a University lab at the top, outreach educators in the middle, and a group of citizens out in the field collecting data.
January 14, 2010
Following along in the tradition of Bora's introductions of the various attendees for the upcoming Science Online 2010 conference, I thought I'd list all the library people that are attended. I'm not going to try and introduce each of the library people, I'll leave that to Bora, but I thought it…
January 14, 2010
Yes, we have it.
You can check out the app in iTunes here.
Features include a schedule quick-reference, information about the conference as a whole, and a brief nod to the participating sponsors.
The app is named 'SciOnline10' due to the (visible) naming restrictions on the device. Searching for…
January 13, 2010
Several blog posts posts were written (by me or Stephanie Zvan) explicitly in preparation for Science Online 2010 Session C, Trust and Critical Thinking organized by Stephanie Zvan and including PZ Myers, Desiree Schell, Greg Laden, and Kirsten Sanford
The most recent post, just put up, is this one…
January 13, 2010
Do citizen science efforts ever go beyond "feel good" contributions? Do the data get published in peer-reviewed journals?
Cross-posted at Discovering Biology in a Digital World.
In an earlier post, I started a list of citizen science projects that allow students to make a contribution. Many…
January 12, 2010
A record number of SciBlings will be in attendance at ScienceOnline2010 - 26! Who will be there?
Erin Johnson, Janet Stemwedel, Christina Pikas, Rebecca Skloot, Dorothea Salo, Anne Jefferson, Suzanne Franks, SciCurious, Sandra Porter, Dr.Isis, Katie Thompson, Greta Munger, Dave Munger, Abel…
January 12, 2010
Of course, our conferences always attract a nice contingent of physicians, nurses, medical journalists, biomedical researchers and med-bloggers, so it is not surprising that ScienceOnline2010 will also have sessions devoted to the world of medicine. Check them out:
Medicine 2.0 and Science 2.0--…
January 12, 2010
There will be, at ScienceOnline2010, at least two sessions dedicated to books and book publishing - From Blog to Book: Using Blogs and Social Networks to Develop Your Professional Writing and Writing for more than glory: Proposals and Pitches that Pay - as well as several others that will at least…
January 12, 2010
Last year, it started out cold, then got warmer, but then it also got rainy. Therefore, I assume the same exact thing will happen this year.
And, the forecast is ...
Fri: Low 31F, High 57F -- Partly Cloudy
Sat: Low 42F, High 52F -- Cloudy
Sun: Low 42F, Hight 44F -- Chance of showers
(From The…
January 12, 2010
ScienceOnline2010 is starting in three days! If you are not excited yet....well, I think you should be! And perhaps I can help you....with this post.
First, see the complete list of attendees, or, if you want more details about everyone, browse through these introductory posts. It is always good…
January 12, 2010
Every year, we pay special attention to sessions that explore the use of the Web in science education. This year is no different - there are several sessions to choose from:
Citizen Science and Students - Sandra Porter, Tara Richerson (science_goddess), and Antony Williams
Description: Students…
January 12, 2010
Of course, this conference would not be itself if it was not full of Open Access evangelists and a lot of sessions about the world of publishing, the data, repositories, building a semantic web, networking and other things that scientists can now do in the age of WWW. This year, apart from…
January 12, 2010
On Saturday afternoon, at ScienceOnline2010, the science goddess, the chemspider, and I (Sandra Porter) will be presenting a workshop on getting students involved in citizen science.
In preparation, I'm compiling a set of links to projects that involve students in citizen science. If you know of…
January 12, 2010
The year that just ended, 2009, was a year that saw huge changes in the world of media and the world of journalism. Science journalism has also been greatly affected, with many media outlets firing their science journalists first, then firing all the others afterwards. Much virtual ink has been…
January 12, 2010
A number of sessions at the Conference are looking at sociological aspects of the Web and science. I have already pointed, in quite a lot of detail, to the session on civility and politeness, as well as several other sessions that touch on the topics of language and trust. Let's look at several…
January 12, 2010
Last year we had a session on Art And Science and a workshop How To Paint Your Own Blog Pictures. At this year's conference we have more sessions that explore the visual aspects of science. Click on links to see what discussions have already started on these pages and add your questions and…
January 11, 2010
At Science Online 2010 (or, as I like to call it, Esss Oh Ten Oh) I'll be participating in a session organized by Stephanie Zvan called Trust and Critical Thinking, with herself, PZ Myers, my favorite Radio Talk Show Host Desiree Schell, and Kirsten "Dr. Kiki" Sanford. Oh, and me.
Pursuant to…
January 11, 2010
The conference is only a couple of days away!!!!!
I have introduced the participants, and the Program over the past couple of months on my blog. Today, we'll go into the night....the dark side! There are three evenings during the meeting, thus three evening events for participants. Importantly,…
January 11, 2010
(Cross posted from Christina's LIS Rant)
We're just about set for a fabulous session on citation/bibliographic/reference managers at the upcoming Science Online conference. The session wiki page is here, so you can hop over there an add questions or suggestions if you'd like.
John Dupuis and I are…
January 11, 2010
We are in the final stretch - it is getting really exciting!
Today I'd like to remind you, if you are registered for the conference, to add your name (by editing the appropriate wiki page) to one of the Friday Tours:
Coffee Cupping at Counter Culture Coffee
It's cold in the morning, and nothing…
January 11, 2010
If you are coming to ScienceOnline2010 and you have checked the amazing Program there, you have noticed that there will be a set of hands-on workshops on Friday morning.
If you will be attending (and even if you are not registered for the rest of the conference but will be in town on that day),…
January 11, 2010
At ScienceOnline 2010, I'm going to be leading a workshop entitled Blogging 102. It's supposed to be a session to help established bloggers to improve their craft.
The next question is, what do bloggers need most in order to become better bloggers?
One possibility is "more technical skills." There…
January 11, 2010
If you have been following sciency blogosphere, or my blog, or tweets about #scio10, or checked out the Program of the conference, you may have noticed that I have predicted that the "overarching theme" of the meeting will shift from last-year's focus on Power to this year's, hopefully, emphasis…
January 11, 2010
Almost four years ago, after attending several technology and blogging conferences, I thought it would be interesting to have a conference for science bloggers to get together. Other science bloggers showed interest, but I wasn't sure it would be possible to actually organize one. Then, Anton…
January 11, 2010
The ScienceOnline conference brings together scientists, bloggers, journalists, writers, educators, students, entrepreneurs, and others to discuss the ever-expanding role of the Internet in the practice and communication of science, and to share new tools and practices that facilitate these goals…
January 7, 2010
It's football season in America: The NFL playoffs are about to start, and tonight, the elected / computer-ranked top college team will be determined. What better time than now to think about ... baseball! Baseball players, unlike most football players, must solve one of the most complicated…