DonorsChoose Update

The first week of the DonorsChoose fund-drive is up and the donations are coming in rapidly to a variety of school projects via my SciBlings' challenges.

You can check out all the projects picked by my SciBlings here and my own here.

You can get to my pledge also by clicking on the thermometer on my sidebar (scroll down a little bit) and watch how the mercury in all of our thermometers rise over time. As you can see, 37% of my challenge has already been funded!

Thank you so much! If you continue being so fast and generous and we reach our goal too soon, I will add more projects to the pledge. Remember, the drive lasts the entire month of October.

And now, let me introduce some special "bribes" for you. I have placed my beautiful banner (with the permission of the artist) on some merchandise on Cafe Press. There are coffee mugs, a wall clock (how appropriate!) and several styles of t-shirts. Send me your receipts from DonorsChoose to be eligible for prizes. One item of your choice will be sent to the following people (who, with their permission, will be announced here on November 1st):

- the reader who donates a single, one-time, largest donation to my challenge.

- the reader who donates the largest total amount over the month of October to my challenge.

- the reader who gives the largest number of times during October to my challenge.

- the reader who donates through the challenges of the largest number of my SciBlings (including mine).

So, if you want a mug, a clock or a t-shirt (or in your e-mail, if you are a winner, you can ask for something else that can be had at Cafe Press, e.g., baseball hat, baby bib, or, gasp, underwear!), pick your preferred strategy and get started. If you have already donated over the past week, you are still eligible. Thank you in advance!

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