Things That Make You Go "HUH?"

Apparently, China now really believes that Americans landed on the moon.

More anti-Ipod alarmist garbage. Just listen to it at a reasonable level and you'll be fine.

Our ability to spot snakes helped humans evolve?

Tina Fey is leaving SNL. (Too bad, she was like the only funny one left.)

Best to avoid the herb Longdan Xiegewan

Flaming dog meat, a bribe offered to other teachers by a man who sold the school's trees, set the school on fire..

And, cars that run on cooking oil. Come on Marty, we gotta go back to the future!

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1.) I wonder if that's more of a translation issue than anything. Asian languages always seem primed to have cheesy language added in translation.

2.) I imagine a pool of people out there who love the idea of being a watchdog, and wait around for anything that could be positioned as negative. I imagine these people with a room in their home filled with broom handles, poster board, permanent markers, and premade "no" symbols cut out and ready for pasting.

3.) Again, I wonder if the journalist had to put their own spin on the story, and took one example of what they were trying to do and made it look like the focus. Either that, or these guys get paid too much.

4.) Can they now finally have the balls to kill off SNL? Fey was the last scion, and their scion pool is desperately empty.

5. This advice sounds best given to prison inmates (get it? "long dan?" prison? large penises?)

6. "Flaming dog meat" now officially resides on my "greatest band names ever in case I ever start a band" list.

7. Why can't they just make a car that runs on love?