New College Mentioned on the Colbert Report!

It wasn't long, or meaningful, or useful in any way to New College's publicity really, but the words "New College in Sarasota Florida" WERE indeed uttered.

New College is my alma mater, as at a whopping 630-student enrollment, they need all the shout-outs they can get.

The press release is here, and the gist of the mention is below:

The brief mention of New College on Comedy Central's hit show The Colbert Report took place on Thursday night as Colbert interviewed Goodman regarding her new book, Static.

While discussing the war in Iraq and what she sees as growing sentiment on the part of liberals and conservatives against continuing the nation's involvement there, Goodman said: "I think there are a lot of people, like Sergeant Marshall Thompson, who break down those lines of conservative and liberal, all over this country. I was just in Sarasota, Florida, at New College...."

Goodman never got to finish her thought, as Colbert quickly chided her for mentioning more than one state on his show.

And, the vid is here.

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Colbert? Sheesh..big whoop.

More impressive might be that New College AND famous sciblogger, Shelley Batts, were mentioned in the very same post at Terra Sigillata as that Abel Pharmboy guy sang the praises of Florida's research and education enterprise.

As an obsessive listener to Democracy Now, I feel obliged to admit that my heart belongs to Amy Goodman. (Except, of course, for the bit that I save for the parrot on your shoulder. He has claim to my left ventricle. ;) )

By Chas Smith (not verified) on 06 Oct 2006 #permalink

Aw, think nothin' of it - you were probably too preoccupied preparing for addressing the international masses of scientists in France.

Pretty cool to see the amazing and positive sci/med/ed developments in the ol' stompin' grounds, eh?

Hey, keep us all posted on the NRSA score - some of my buds are already getting scores of their R01s, so keep an eye on your eRA Commons acct. Good luck!!!