Jesus Sighted on a "Holy" Burrito

I've been trying to convince my friends for years that salvation could be found at Taco Bell. Now, I have irrefutable proof.


Valencia Phillips said she's not crazy, not so religious either. But even though Phillips was quite hungry one evening, she didn't dare bite into what she calls the "holy burrito."

"Right here, I see an emblazoned image of Jesus Christ on a burrito," Phillips said, pointing to the blackened image near the top right corner of the burrito she cooked for dinner. "It was amazing."

Um, so your saying you're *not* crazy. Huh.

(Hat tip somilista, FCD)


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MMMMMMM, burrito.

By Homer Simpson (not verified) on 23 Oct 2006 #permalink

why is it that mary tends to show up on architecture and jesus shows up on foodstuffs?

That sounds like an excellent question for Frank Gehry. They should have asked him that at SFN....

Well Mary did show up on that famous grilled cheese.

That burrito is looking pretty rough too. Is it that dieties, especially christian ones, only show up on poorly, in this case overcooked, food?

I think you're right Mustafa. Since when did Jesus have an afro?

And is that a thick cloud of smoke emanating from his mouth (on the left)?