Madonna Malawi Adoption Now Ok By Dad

The father of the Malawi orphan that Madonna wishes to adopt now says that he is entirely in favor of Madonna taking full permanent custody. This is in contrast to a statement he issued only a few days ago, where he said he wished to retain parental rights. But, in an entirely predictable turn of events, the father says he was goaded into making the statement (against the adoption) by non-governmental child rights organizations who are suing to prevent the adoption. He has now fled to his sister's residence to avoid the media attention.

What a ridiculous situation, where a child-rights activist group(s) would attempt to force the father into making these statements. In all the press, they are never specifically named, but I would love to know their names so I know never, ever to donate to them.

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I feel sorry for the father. It seems like he is trying to get a better life for his kid, and getting battered about if from both sides. Hope the kid grows up to be a champion for the poor of Africa.

This is how the overpopulation problem in Africa should be solved by having wealthy white women buy black babies. Why didn't someone think of this sooner?

This whole Madonna thing reminds me of Swift's "Modest Proposal," with the difference that it is the father being consumed. Perhaps a pop icon can make a difference in this boy's state by keeping him from a life of poverty. But maybe that icon's ridiculous money could be put to better use by paying for this child's father's betterment. Taking someone away from their family seems a little excessive an "improvement." Perhaps it is also the boy being consumed. The publicity and politics I'm sure have already taken a toll on him.

Celebrities can improve things with their near-endless funds. But in this case, it seems only the improvement of a fading star's press. I wonder if her minions coerced the father into blaming some other charitable organization for his earlier protests.