Check Out my Interview With Page 3.14!

In a shameless act of self promotion, I direct you all to this week's ScienceBlogger interview on Page 3.14, which features meeeeeee!

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Getting too big for your britches, my pretty??? I don't see me in that picture on Page 3.14. Lots of Shelley...all Shelley, in fact.

First you're off to SfN and then doing promo without me? Just remember who was here for you first and always!

Poor Pepper! Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about you. If you didn't go so crazy after a camera flashed, it might be easier to take pictures with you!

Dear Neuro Rockstar Goddess:

My parrot-sitting service, will be happy to take care of Pepper for you while you tour the world seeking your fame and fortune. Don't worry about a thing, I can provide the salt.


Sylvester The Cat

ps: Cool stuff you are working on, and I say stick with the drunken knife fight line. Or could be an old Rugby injury.

By Sylvester The Cat (not verified) on 27 Oct 2006 #permalink