Holy Crap! I'm a Finalist!!

Vote for Pedro, oops I mean ME!

Yes, for some odd reason I've been selected as a finalist in the College Blogging Scholarship, but now I need some votes.

Please, I'm a poor broke college student and could really use the scholarship! Vote for me, would ya???

And if you're a blogger, and blog for people to vote for me, I promise that Pepper will personally send you some karma.

Thank you!

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This is the current tally after I voted for you. The numbers are wierd however, so maybe the resident Math Blogger can figure it out, cuz I sure can't! Good Luck!

Who Should Win The Blogging Scholarship?
Pranam Kolari 10% of all votes
Ben Kimball 3714% of all votes
Kambiz Kamrani 5722% of all votes
Matthew Himler 31% of all votes
Shelly Batts 73% of all votes
Matthew Mireles 10% of all votes
Lisa Marie 10% of all votes
Paul Stamatiou 7830% of all votes
Jennifer Wong 135% of all votes
Stephen Yellin 6124% of all votes

Total Votes: 259 Started: October 31, 2006

The first (bold) number is number of votes, the second (pale) number is percentage.

It was a hard call, but I have nominated Jennifer in the first place, so I voted for her. Sorry. I know a grey parrot will haunt me in my dreams, plucking my eyes out....

Some of those other blogs are seriously poor. Is it really going to be decided as a popularity contest?? :(

I know, and the more I think about this, the more it seems like a stacked deck. Votes or content? I would have preferred content rather than a traffic contest. :/

It's gonna be hard to win versus Paul and Stephen. they write in one of the top blogs of the internet about politics and technology. I wonder if there will be a way to normalize the votes, like # of votes a day/# of day visitors on average for each contestant.

Anyways, off to class. Best of luck to you Shelly, I hope either you or I... or a real science blogger wins.

Well, I voted for you. But I don't have the influence of Daily Kos.

The vote indicator lists the number of votes and the percentage of all votes, but there is no space between them, because it is badly formatted. That is why the numbers look so strange.

It's pretty sad that there are so many votes for the Daily Kos blog. The guy writes and thinks like a retarded squirrel.

This is the tally after my latest vote for Shelly... (I am in Chicago, so it's okay)

Looks to me like Shelly is second... where is that Rove guy when you need him? How long do we have to stuff the ballot box BTW?

Who Should Win The Blogging Scholarship?

Pranam Kolari 833% of all votes
Ben Kimball 1033% of all votes
Kambiz Kamrani 1766% of all votes
Matthew Himler 612% of all votes
Shelly Batts 2247% of all votes
Matthew Mireles 80% of all votes
Lisa Marie 702% of all votes
Paul Stamatiou 36512% of all votes
Jennifer Wong 792% of all votes
Stephen Yellin 199663% of all votes

Shelly - The only way to overcome the huge lead that Yellin has at this point is to fully utilize the benefits of working at a large research university like Michigan. You need to get all your contacts out working on this. If you get just a couple of big dorms, or departments backing you on this, you can still pull it out. Send an email to all the people you just toured Europe with. If they tell one friend etc... Good luck

Having given only the most cursory examination of the candidates, and on top of that only a few of them, I voted for you, guided only by the principle that what we need more of is science. Good luck.