Blogging Scholarship Update: $1000 Won!

Great news! I won $1000 in the Blogging Scholarship!

Although Stephen Yellin of DailyKos took first place (and $5000), me and Paul Stamatiou both won $1000, and the rest of the bloggers won $100. What a great surprise, as I had completely written off winning anything. Thank you all for voting, no matter who you voted for (but especially if you voted for me!). :D

In other news, I contacted Dr. Irene Pepperberg about the interview she agreed to do (oh so long ago!) for Grey Matters and she said send over some questions. So, if you readers have any questions to contribute, I'd love to hear them. I'm going to try to give her a list by Thursday. So please either email me or leave them in the comments.

Thanks again for the support!

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Congratulation! I knew you would win. I 'm really interesting in neuroscience and vote for neuroscientist's blogger like you, always! ^_^

Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah!

Huzzah indeed! :)

And a beer to anyone who wants to meet up SFN 2007, as long as they get the next round(s)!

If you plan on entering this contest next year, I can try whipping votes for you at Yearly Kos in August.

Congratulations on the $1,000... that's what the scholarship was supposed to give the winner, originally.

Thanks Alon, I'm just happy to get anything really. At the chance of sounding uncouth, what is YearlyKos?

And yeah, I'll probably enter next year, as long as there isn't some clause saying past winners can't.....

Congratulations. It's well deserved.

By Kristjan Wager (not verified) on 08 Nov 2006 #permalink

I second that, it's well deserved.
