Peace Wreath Prevails Over Bigots

Thanks to Mustafa Mond, FCD for bringing this to my attention. The notorious peace wreath (reported on below) which was garnering a $25/day fine from the owner's homeowner association will stay put. According to the committee chairman, who was backpedaling so fast that it made it hard to hear him, the threatened fine was a "misunderstanding." Also, the owner of the wreath, Lisa Jensen, said that hundreds of strangers offered to pay the fine for her to keep up the wreath!

The story had a happy ending after all.


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I like your "notorious peace wreath" comment... Looks like the committee chairman has great potential for a career in politics.

I wonder if the firing of the people who refused to fine her, also was a misunderstanding?

By Kristjan Wager (not verified) on 28 Nov 2006 #permalink

The bit about the fascist homeowners association president changing his number to unlisted is interesting. Shame on you people for harrassing him.

By Mustafa Mond, FCD (not verified) on 28 Nov 2006 #permalink