Friday Grey Matters: African Grey Death Metal "HATEBEAK"


Move over Judas Priest! Make way for HateBeak!

HateBeak is a ParrotMetal band with, you guessed it!, a African Grey as the lead "vocalist."

From HATEBEAK's site:

Face-crushing guitars, head-pounding drums, bass so low you'll vacate your bowels, and vocals so scorching, so extreme they simply can't be human! They're not. This death metal outfit with a parrot for a singer trashes the pathetic birdfeeder you call the metal underground!

That's correct, a parrot for a singer, savaging you with feathers of razored steel! This is not Jimmy Buffet's parrot - be warned! Try as one might, they will not escape the claw; nothing can dodge the talons of hate!! These three songs are an ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY beak in the ass of all things sacred in the underground. The holiest shrines of metal and hardcore seriousness are duly trashed, burned, laid to waste, smeared in Avian excrement. The pecking order has been established! For the last time, it really is a parrot, not the loser from Six Feet Under.
Groundbreaking, nest-crushing, egg-shattering! You can run, but you can't fly

I especially love this passage as it exalts the awesomely metal African "Gunmetal" Grey while also administering a "beak in the ass" to my arch-nemesis and pseudo-Floridian Jimmy "Pina Coladaberg" Buffett. Many a day, as I worked my low-wage job in a beachside surf store, plauged by nothing but Buffett all-day everyday, would I have loved to bear witness to his downfall brought about by the very thing he held dear (freaking parrotheads).

You can buy his latest CD "Beak of Putrufaction" on their website, as well as "Avian Supremacy" shirts. Did I mention I have a b-day coming up??????????

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I bumped into this group a year or so back. I was disappointed to learn they don't do live shows. Though I think they had a good parrot health reason not to.

Yeah, the volume metla music is played would probably cause the poor bird to combust. Also, live shows would be hard cause, as every parrot owner knows, they only talk when you don't want them to.

I think it was the volume that was the issue. I don't know, my birds love loud noises, especially the smoke detector.

I am curious about the speaking on command. Fortunately my birds don't like to talk around people they don't know. So the more colorful language doesn't come out when my parents visit. But if the band hasn't trained the bird to speak it would need to tape hours of random bird chatter and splice it to record. That would be a lot of work. Though perhaps less than training a parrot to sing on command. =)

Of course if I'd read the links in your message instead of just posting about what I remember, I'd have answered my question. It is Friday afternoon, I guess that is as good excuse as any.

He gets very hyper and talkative when we play music he likes and we usually record his outbursts following an extended listening period. We take the best parts and track them with the rest of the music.

Did I mention I have a b-day coming up??????????

Once or twice...

By Kristjan Wager (not verified) on 02 Dec 2006 #permalink

he's a timneh!

and what is it with birds and smoke detectors anyway? can't teach any of them to say "go gators," but the grey meows and does the smoke detector. at least he admonishes the macaw when she gets too loud.

Hatebeak also have a fine trans-species split 7" with the pitbulls (Basil & Budgie) of Caninus [look for Locking Jaws mp3 here].