Going to China!

From December 11th to the 26th I'll be in Shanghai visiting my parents there, for my birthday and the holidays. Fear not, I'll still be blogging and probably posting interesting pictures from China. I always have a blast when I go and am really looking forwards to having a bit of down time away from school, work, and stress. I think we might even fly out to the Wolong Panda Reserve where China's panda breeding and research facility is.

Don't be surprised if posts go up at 3am, as the time difference is 12 hours. Not looking forward to that loooong flight. Thank the FSM that they have free booze on those things! Woohoooooo!

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have fun!
I'll be sleeping on friends couches in Philadelphia over the break - definitely not as interesting ;)

Thanks guys! Have a nice break yourselves. Eclipse? Didn't know about it. I am trying to plan on being there during the Beijing Olympics this summer though.