Library Card Meme!


Fun! Make a library card for your blog with this card generator.

I tag Razib, Abel, and OmniBrain.


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(I saw this on Abel's blog.) Get yours at the Catalog Card Generator.
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MOOP-BOOP-BEEP *"We're sorry, but the number you have reached, 567-5309, is not the number in that annoying song with the chorus that clung to your brain like a wad of chewing gum clings to the sole of your shoe. That number was 867-5309. Please check the number and try your blog again"* AWP-AWP-AWP-AWP-AWP-*click*

By Ktesibios (not verified) on 12 Jan 2007 #permalink

Don't feel bad for mis-dialing the phone number; if memory serves, the song was about "Jenny," not "Shelley" anyway. Of COURSE you've got a different number...