Kazakh Man + 500 Parrots in an Audi

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If Kazakhstan wants to clean up its image (remember how much they protested about "Borat"?), they might want to curb the rampant parrot-smuggling-by-Audi practices going on.

Kazakh border guards arrested a man trying to smuggle 500 parrots in his car from neighbouring Uzbekistan, media reported on Tuesday.

"Border guards discovered a live cargo of 500 parrots in his car," Kazakhstan Today news agency quoted a KNB security service official as saying.

It was unclear how the parrots fitted into the Kazakh man's Audi. Trade in wild parrots is banned around the world, according to the U.N. Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora.

In reality, this is rather sad for the parrots, as it indicates a blatant smuggling ring. But the thought of 500 parrots squawking and crapping and flapping and chewing up that guy and that Audi, well, lets just say, it warms the heart.

(HT: Steve)

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i want more speculation on the part of the reporters here... this is media, not fact. for example, how can you make a comment like 'It was unclear how the parrots fitted [sic] into the Kazakh man's Audi' without at least some sort of vague guesswork or at least a funny diagram. And why not tell us the model Audi, this would be a wonderful mental picture if it was 500 birds in the back of his TT and not some European Audi minivan.

In order to curb rampant parrot smuggling, we have to curb demand as well as supply.

It's gonna be hard, 'cause those parrots make good eat'in.

I have Audi! It pull 500 birds! Is nice!

(Sorry, couldn't help it).