Science Meets a Nice Ass: Genetic Jeans

How nerdelicious-cool are these "genes?" I want some! These are the "Recessive" variety.

i-5754fa9168f6dd741ecd79c1bcc787d2-genes jeans.jpg

Sadly, they're quite expensive. Small price to pay for a double-helix on your butt, I say.

Read about the brand here.

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Small picture-but that helix looks left handed.

Or do all the cool kids wear Z-DNA?

DNA jeans? HHmmmm....the evil scientist side of me is wondering if I could make DNA jeans that would change peoples personalities. *evil laughter*

200+ bucks for a pair of jeans... hmm....they better alter your dna to make you look better for that amount..

i paid the same amount for my double helix, and mine's permanent! (it needs a touch-up in a few spots, tho.) and mine's complete with replicon (and initials).

Search eBay for "genetic denim" -- some are lightly worn, some are new; price range ~$25-120, with lots of new pairs only costing ~$70-80. Ta-da.

Hey, buy me some and pictures be thine. :P

Okay, sounds like a dea ... Two hundred twenty dollars!?


By Charlie (Colorado) (not verified) on 02 Feb 2007 #permalink