Last Call for Retrospectacle Blog Roll

Ok, I'm updating 'da roll tonight, so if you want me to check out your site for link-worthiness leave it in the comments!


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I would hardly object to being on a blogroll, but my site isn't really science related (by which I mean that it's not science related at all).

On the other hand, if you like video games/movies/music, the occasional feminist post, and a dash of philosophy, I might be able to provide.

Hi Shelly,
I've been traveling for the past two weeks and been unable to post. But I really appreciate presence on your blog roll for the past few months, and hope I can continue there. Regardless, best wishes and I really enjoy your blog.

Ooooh! Ooooh! Pick me, pick me (raises hand, hopefully)!

It's an attempt to be the "on-ramp" to science for those who got turned off to / by it in their past...

Hey Shelly,
I've been reading your blog for about six months now. I quite enjoy your posts and often link to them..!
Check out "All the Best Bits." I would be delighted to offer a reciprocal listing!

Hi Shelley,
Sorry I'm a bit late on this posting. I'd like to be added to the blogroll. I am relatively new to blogging, I post 4 - 5 times a day on biodiversity, conservation, palaeontology, evolution and current controversies. I enjoy reading your blog and will add a link to it this afternoon. Thanks! Cheers, Sarda