Thinking Blogger Awards

i-3804264473f6d1e5a303bdd24522c5d8-thinking-blogger.jpg A few days ago I was tagged by Perfectly Reasonable Deviations as a "Thinking Blogger" which apparently comes with a nifty picture and the responsibility to tag five more bloggers for the award. The tough part is *just* nominating five blogs, I think I could easily rattle off 25 which deserve the title of Thinking Blogger. But, as I hope this meme makes its way around the net, eventually all those other blogs will get tagged too.

So here's my five to get the ball rolling:

1. Not much is known about the author of The Neurocritic blog, but he's funny, snarky, and blogs neuro-stuff awesomely.

2. The Loom by science-writer Carl Zimmer. Superbly written, always interesting and informative. I feel smarter for reading his blog.

3. Dr. Bushwell's Chimp Refuge by Dr. Bushwell, Kevin Beck, and Jim. They bring diverse perspectives on science, scathing wit, and the rare ability to make me drench my computer screen in coffee ona regular basis. A near-daily stop for me.

4. Jon's Travel Adventures is the blog of Jonathan Shock, an English post-doc in Physics currently living in Beijing. Full of interesting commentary on physics, string theory, not to mention hilarious fish-out-of-water stories about living in China. I've been reading this blog since I started mine.

5. Lab Cat is the anonymous blog of a food scientist who blogs on a wide range of topics. Smart writing and interesting perspective.

Now as I mentioned, I recently updated by blogroll with some great new sites. So please check out some of those additions as well as my nominations.


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Hope you don't mind that I've tagged your blog. This whole "thinking blogger" thing is a bit pathetic IMHO, but I figured it could actually have some value: by sharing some of my personal blogs with my readers, I could somehow do some "good" by allowing my blog's readers to find other blogs that might interest them.

I agree with you: tagging only 5 "thinking bloggers" is amazingly difficult, if impossible. I actually tagged 10+1, so I suppose I cheated, ha ha :-)

have fun

Just to correct a typo...

"amazingly difficult, if impossible"

should obviously be:

"amazingly difficult, if NOT impossible"

just for the sake of clarity and accuracy :)

Its a bit silly, but its cute and well-intentioned. I'm happy to keep the meme going. Thanks for tagging. :)

Shelley, a good call on Lab Cat (and the other four, of course). Got to meet Lab Cat in Jan and she's as engaging in person as on-blog. I really enjoy her food side of chemistry (especially when it involves beer.)

I hear you, Rod. In the closest thing I wrote to a thinking blogger award, my farewell post, I named 13 different blogs. I could probably winnow it down to around 9 or 10, but no fewer.