Sick....Waaaaaaaah :-(

Sorry for the lack of blogging or comment response, but me and my sinuses have not been the best of friends lately. I think it *may* have had something to do with St. Paddy's Day (so my doc says) but I think thats just utter nonsense. Obviously.

Anyway, its been me, Zithromax, Gaterade, and lots of horrible daytime TV.

Hopefully tomorrow my Superman pills will kick in, but if you want to leave me a fun link to cheer me up, well, we behind piles of Kleenexes salute you.

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if your sinuses are acting up shel, and your doctor thinks it has something to do with st patty's day, then i need a little talk with him. take it easy, get some rest, hope your sinuses fare better. sorry no funny links... if i had the motivation i'd link you to a youtube of the colbert report last night when he had willie nelson as a special guest to defend his new ben and jerry's ice cream flavor release (some peach cobbler-esque ice cream) in direct conflict with the release of the colbert flavored B&J's ice cream. so i'm lazy and i feel you are enough of a youtube maven that you can find this one yourself.

My bad :) That's why I wasn't around saturday. It lasts about 4 days.