Next Saturday, Meet Dr. Pepperberg in Illinois

i-e0cda18626d933fcc4837b88bdbc6ffa-alex irene.bmp If you are in the vicinity of Illinois, I've got a cool event to pass on: a fundraising dinner to help benefit Dr. Irene Pepperberg's work on intelligence and communication in Grey parrots. Go see Dr. Pepperberg talk about her research or participate in a meet-and-greet. Proceeds go to the Alex Foundation, and all details can be found at either this flyer or on the foundation's website.

Dr. Pepperberg gave a symposia talk at the University of Michigan last month and I really enjoyed hearing her speak, I encourage you all to go to the event (hey, its for a good cause!).

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On Friday, I received an email letting me know that the world's most famous African Grey, Alex, had passed away. For those of you who have read this blog for some amount of time, you probably realize that I was a huge fan of Irene Pepperberg's work with Alex and even dedicated a weekly series (…
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I just got back from picking up Irene Pepperberg from the Detroit airport and dropping her off at a hotel here in Ann Arbor. A while back I interviewed her for Friday Grey Matters, and afterwards suggested to the UM Neuro peeps on high that she be an invited speaker for the Neuroscience Spring…

In Joliet, to be precise. I happen to know that Irene, Alex, et al. could really use the money.

Is this the point to which we've sunk? Essentially panhandling for spare change to support research?

I'm not the biggest fan of the whole Alex-the-wonder-parrot thing on the scientific merits but even critics have to admit Pepperberg is good for scientific communication and outreach if nothing else...
