Ali G Interviews Kent Hovind

Ah Sasha Cohen, pokin' fun at the silly creationists. Its a bit like shooting fish in a barrel isn't it?

Heh, still hilarious.

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Ahh... I'm glad Hovind's in jail. I never really liked Ali G, but this is actually somewhat funny. And, if anything deserves to be mocked by a professional, it's got to be creationism.

Of course, now I wish Ali G would do a jailhouse interview with Hovind. That could be damn funny.

"Yo' Kent. Since you're in jail and all, you hard?"
"I have no idea what you mean by that."
"It's jail, Kent. Yo' doin' hard time. So, you hard?"
"I get lots of mail."
"No. Are you hard here in jail? Like tough."
"It's hard."
"Yo' So you're hard?"
"It's always hard."
"I can tell just by looking at you, yo."

In other sad news, on 8/24/07, co-defendant Jo Hovid has had her prison "visit" stayed... I'm sure the Fundies are all "Praise Jebus" over this, without realizing the irony.

The big question in my mind, is whther or not GW pardons Ol'Dr. Tax-Cheatin' Dino before he leaves office...

I loved the floater accusation.

As for Hovind, it looks like his tax returns showed the same imaginative inventiveness as his creationism.

Ugh. Cohen blew a chance to really capitalize on the humor potential of these guys by spending 90% of the interview reciting numbers and debating "homo" and toilet use. Sophomoric and lame. There's more humor in a Dawkins documentary.