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A photo tour of the Large Hadron Collider Does Every Question Matter? An American In Paris Says Au Revoir To His Laptop U of Calgary Library Video Game Collection rocks Twitter! and Video game centre installed on campus Accessibility isn't a "feature": Responding to a drive-by comment A collaborative proposal on research metrics Where can scientists host their web pages? Please help The Rise of Apps Culture Time is running short for county's trove of law books 10 paths and they're all hard (Privacy cliffhangers) Scholarly Impact of Law School Faculties: Extending the Leiter Rankings to the…
Almost Halfway There: an Analysis of the Open Access Behaviors of Academic Librarians The eReaders Bill of Rights (the Kobo Perspective) Plagiarism and essay mills Do Students Listen to Others' Views? Bad at Math? Visualizing the Science Blogosphere (and Open-Sourcing It) Writing: Find the Time or Don't Mind-bending mysteries at the Perimeter Institute The 10 Core Values Of A Winning Personal Brand Six Reasons Why I'm Not On Facebook, By Wired UK's Editor iPad vs Kindle How Many Computers Will You Own? Google Books Blur the Line between Book & Internet Totally hip video book reviews by…
12 Rules for New (Academic) Administrators The Facebook Reckoning Kickin' it old-school: The rise of the mature student In the context of web context: How to check out any Web page Value of Academic Libraries Report SIMCITY by Neil Gaiman On open data and disruptive innovation Data mash-ups and the future of mapping Research Data: Who will share what, with whom, when, and why? and Retooling Libraries for the Data Challenge The Fall of Book Publishing: The Rise of New E-Book Business Models Berners-Lee mounts rousing call for net neutrality Sort of a review of Cognitive Surplus Let's Stop…
UTSA opens fully electronic science, engineering library The Future Of Reading Bye Bye, Big-Box Bookstores The Rubik's Cube Conjecture PROVEN! (Do we care?) On Great Myth of the Librarian Grays What Do You Call Facebook For Scientists? Um...Facebook Shutting down social media access: I take umbrage A Personal Librarian For Every Drexel Freshman in the British Museum Post-publication Review: Is the Dialog of Science Really a Monologue? The line between book and Internet will disappear From Good Study Habits to Better Teaching 7 Things You Should Know About Privacy in Web 2.0…
Has the Future of the Internet come about? A virtual counter-revolution: The internet has been a great unifier of people, companies and online networks. Powerful forces are threatening to balkanise it How a watch works (via) On Wikipedia, Cultural Patrimony, and Historiography (via) Institutional repositories and digital preservation The decline of studying: How university students are spending less time hitting the books while earning better grades than ever Science publishing: the humorous side Obsolescence in the CS literature and Confronting the Myth of Rapid Obsolescence in Computing…
Inspired by Bora, but with perhaps a slightly different emphasis. Eight Strategies for Communicating with Challenging Parents (via) Why natural history museum collections rock! How to Write Up Major Results Get in the goddamn wagon The All E-Book Diet A glimpse into the future of the classroom: how the Steelcase node will change the way we teach Wikipedia for Credit Cornering the Marketplace of Ideas Geeky fun: The "sound" of different sorting algorithms Textbook Publishing vs. Lifelong Learning Publishing Newly Customized Majors Suit Students With Passions All Their Own Wikipedia, and the…