around the web

I'm Not Your Sweetheart (& interesting counterpoint) Library and Repository Communities Join Together to Identify New Competencies for Academic Librarians How to Scuttle a Scholarly Communication Initiative Why Do So Many Incompetent Men Become Leaders? Anonymous asked: Have you personally received crap for being a Mover and Shaker, or are you taking statements against the award as being directed at its recipients? 30 Years of Change and Hype ITHAKA 2012: A BELATED ANALYSIS Why We Need Radical Change for Media Ethics, Not a Return to Basics The Great Lakes Ecosystem: Uses, Abuses and the…
Wanted: Nonlibrarian Librarians Image, Public Perception, and Lego Librarians I'm Not Your Sweetheart Why your librarian is a superhero Are the Boomers Ruining Libraries? Hurtling Towards Relevance The Long Suffering Librarian Self-Censorship in Libraryland How to Answer “So You Need a Degree to Do That?” Yes, Virginia, it matters which library school you go to Silencing, librarianship, and gender: it is worse to speak ill than to do wrong I Do Not Want My Daughter to Be ‘Nice’ To Move Ahead You Have to Know What to Leave Behind Making Open the Default Position Restoring Trust in Government…
Change Rhetoric: Good and Bad Three challenges: Engaging, rightscaling and innovating Time for a little dissent To Be Or Not To Be A Library Director How to Answer “So You Need a Degree to Do That?” Putting Things in Perspective Here’s how Amazon self-destructs Amazon vs. your public library Small Pieces Loosely Kludged: Peer Review and Publication in Math Scholarly Communication The Awesomest 7-Year Postdoc or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Tenure-Track Faculty Life If We Share Data, Will Anyone Use Them? Data Sharing and Reuse in the Long Tail of Science and Technology…
How Technology Is Destroying Jobs The Fall of the American Worker The Internet’s destroying work — and turning the old middle-class into the new proletariat Giving Away Our Lunch Reminders about the Economics of Becoming an Academic Econ 101 is killing America: Forget the dumbed-down garbage most economists spew. Their myths are causing tragic results for everyday Americans What Is College For? The Great Dereliction The Stakes for All of Us (higher education reform must be approached very carefully) Cash-Strapped Universities Turn to Corporate-Style Consolidation Information Consumerism: The…
Silencing, librarianship, and gender: a preface Silencing, librarianship, and gender: what is silencing? Gender and Digital Identity Does the library world squash public dissent? Library Schism: How Do Librarians Define Their Profession? The Librarian Shortage Myth & Blaming Library School Waiting for Batgirl The MLS quasar, and Lists for the Perplexed New Services, New Skills, and Renewing Staff Breaking Up with Libraries Hey Libraries: It’s Not Me, It’s You and Part 2: Who Gets to Keep the Couch? SUL supports conference anti-harassment policies and My library supports anti-harassment…
I have a son who's just finished his first year as a physics undergrad. As you can imagine, I occasionally pass along a link or two to him pointing to stuff on the web I think he might find particularly interesting or useful. Thinking on that fact, I surmised that perhaps other science students might find those links interesting or useful as well. Hence, this series of posts here on the blog. By necessity and circumstance, the items I've chosen will be influenced by my son's choice of major and my own interest in the usefulness of computational approaches to science and of social media for…
Harvard’s First University-wide Library Mission Statement Approved by Library Board Declaration for the Right to Libraries Open Review: A Study of Contexts and Practices The Cooler: PLoS ONE and the Panic Over Impact NIH sees surge in open-access manuscripts Academics don't let themselves be free Guide to Creative Commons Surge in 'digital dementia' Library DIY: Unmediated point-of-need support Ten trends shaping the future of publishing Risk, responsibility, and public academics ‘Is the BA a ticket to nowhere?’ No. Employers want independent, critical thinking workers Be employable, study…
For various reasons, I've been collecting some resources around open access, open data and scientific and technological innovation in Canada. Since they might be more broadly useful that to just me, I thought I'd share them. Of course, this list is incomplete. I've most likely left out whole swaths of stuff out there, both in terms of organizations and relevant posts and articles as well as institutional OA mandates and author funds I may have missed. Please feel free to suggest items in the comments. One thing in particular I would like to add in a future iteration is a list of library/…
After Your Job Is Gone Disruptions: The Echo Chamber of Silicon Valley MOOCs as a Lightning Rod The Stories We Tell about MOOCs Fixing the Digital Economy Exit, Voice, and Loyalty in the Academic Library Stop Scaring Students An Avalanche is Coming: Higher education and the revolution ahead Role of librarians changes in digital age Exploring the future of academic libraries: A definitional approach Why You Should Never Have Taken That Prestigious Internship Notes From an Academic Nobody What's a Library? The End of Ownership If you live in a surveillance state for long enough, you create a…
In Praise of Traditional Libraries How not to be a dick to a librarian What Librarians Lack: The Importance of the Entrepreneurial Spirit In Service? A Further Provocation on Digital Humanities Research in Libraries What I Wish I’d Known in Graduate School Academics will need both the physical and virtual library for years to come Throwing the Books at Each Other ACRL Value of Academic Libraries Bibliography The Librarian’s Love/Hate/Love Relationship with Books Life Sciences Library – Consultation News, Next Steps and Cruess-Boyer Report (McGill) Opportunities and Barriers for Librarians in…
I have a son who's just finished his first year as a physics undergrad. As you can imagine, I occasionally pass along a link or two to him pointing to stuff on the web I think he might find particularly interesting or useful. Thinking on that fact, I surmised that perhaps other science students might find those links interesting or useful as well. Hence, this series of posts here on the blog. By necessity and circumstance, the items I've chosen will be influenced by my son's choice of major and my own interest in the usefulness of computational approaches to science and of social media for…
Joining a CHORUS, Publishers Offer the OSTP a Proactive, Modern, and Cost-Saving Public Access Solution Publishers Propose Public-Private Partnership to Support Access to Research CHORUS: hoping for re-enclosure CHORUS: It’s actually spelled C-A-B-A-L Scientific Publishers Aim To Get Ahead Of Agency Repositories A CHORUS of boos: publishers offer their “solution” to public access All joined with a single voice to praise CHORUS, thus: “meh.” Chapter, Verse, and CHORUS: A first pass critique SHared Access Research Ecosystem (SHARE) Proposed by AAU, APLU, ARL (proposal here) ‘Federated System’…
Don’t Panic: Why Catastrophism Fails Libraries Breaking Up with Libraries Resolved: All LIS students should not take that course Once a Librarian, Always a Librarian? Editorial: Libraries see opportunity in changing times Look to the present of libraries to see the future Results of the “Global Research Council” in Berlin Announced Wellcome Trust extends open access policy to include scholarly monographs and book chapters Open-access initiatives to benefit the academy Economics of scholarly communication in transition (Is there enough money in library budgets to unleash all of scholarship…
Challenge, don't worship, the chiefs and high priestesses of science: If we don't recognise the politics of science, we will just get played by those who do Confronting The Woo-Woos Head-On... 45% Fewer Professional Working Musicians Since 2002 Academics and universities must continue to develop open access alternatives to break the monopoly of large publishers It’s not about predators, it’s about journal quality Open Access Advocates Trumpet the Fall of the Paywall Survivorship bias and electronic publishing: practically no one is making any money The Challenges of Measuring Social Impact…
Academic library existence at risk? The Myth and the Millennialism of "Disruptive Innovation" Fending off university-attacking zombies The online threat to the American professor Educational Hucksterism: Or, MOOCs are not an Educational Technology Laptop U: Has the future of college moved online? Libraries into career centres, campus residences into senior homes Embrace Moocs or face decline, warns v-c Library holds consultation sessions on proposed closure of the Life Sciences Library (McGill) Editorial: why academic freedom matters to librarians The Librarian Doesn’t Exist Harvard…
I have a son who's just finished his first year as a physics undergrad. As you can imagine, I occasionally pass along a link or two to him pointing to stuff on the web I think he might find particularly interesting or useful. Thinking on that fact, I surmised that perhaps other science students might find those links interesting or useful as well. Hence, this series of posts here on the blog. By necessity and circumstance, the items I've chosen will be influenced by my son's choice of major and my own interest in the usefulness of computational approaches to science and of social media for…
The Downside of Being Universally Liked 5 Reasons Libraries Will Fail – Published in 1864 (satire) What's a Library? Can Information Professionals Afford Apprenticeships? A Thought Experiment Faculty Usage of Library Tools in a Learning Management System The bravery of librarians We Aim to Misbehave Librarians need bigger egos Beyond measure: Valuing libraries Riding the crest of the altmetrics wave: How librarians can help prepare faculty for the next generation of research impact metrics New Higher Education Model Higher Ed in 2018 Four ways open access enhances academic freedom Open…
Yes, We Should Talk About the MLS On Big Name Librarians The Loon’s job Why am I getting my MLIS? Because I have to. So You Think You Want to Be a Librarian? The Adjunctification of Academic Librarianship Your candidate pools Fork the Academy (github as a model for scholarly communcation) Massive (But Not Open) (new online cs degree program) [Expletive Deleted] Ed-Tech #Edinnovation (relates ed tech history as it is often told to how Argo treats the Canadian contribution to that story) Making the peer review process public Why is Science Behind a Paywall? The Delete Squad Google, Twitter,…
Cults of Librarian Personalities Let's upgrade undergrads to first-class citizens Libraries and the informational future: some notes Librarians Respond to DPLA Launch Marketing Libraries Is like Marketing Mayonnaise The Sibyl of Cumae (OA/costs of schol comm) A matter of emphasis (librarians must read this post) Send Me the Check That You Would Have Sent to Consultants This Year Mash-Up This! Science Communication’s Image Problem Social Media for Science Outreach – A Case Study: The Incubator Blog at Rockefeller University Ebook anxieties increase as publishing revolution rolls on (2nd hand…
I have a son who's currently a first year physics student. As you can imagine, I occasionally pass along a link or two to him pointing to stuff on the web I think he might find particularly interesting or useful. Thinking on that fact, I surmised that perhaps other science students might find those links interesting or useful as well. Hence, this series of posts here on the blog. By necessity and circumstance, the items I've chosen will be influenced by my son's choice of major and my own interest in the usefulness of computational approaches to science and of social media for outreach and…