around the web

The End of Academic Library Circulation? Print on the Margins: Circulation Trends in Major Research Libraries Teens join Twitter to escape parents on Facebook: survey Teens slowly migrating to Twitter Academic E-Books: Innovation and Transition Is Facebook Really a Good Business? Who Does Google Think You Are? A tool tells users what the company infers about your interests and age Social Media and Privacy The (Not So) Inevitable Future of Digital Textbooks Social Anxiety (ups and downs of post-pub online peer review) 5 Foundational Principles for Course Design The nine golden rules of…
College students will stick to paper books Open Access Collection (PLoS) A Vision for the Future of Scholarly Publishing How to Become A Social Media Influencer: Ten Small Steps The Declining Value of Subscription-based Abstracting and Indexing Services in the New Knowledge Dissemination Era Scholars Seek Better Ways to Track Impact Online Attempt to replicate "arsenic life" experiment fails A Most Optimistic Unconference: Publishers, Libraries, and Independent Bookstores at Digital Book World 2012 Publishing's Ecosystem on the Brink: The Backstory Saint Zuck Is uncivil behaviour hijacking…
Ever since I attended the Harvard Leadership Institute for Academic Librarians last summer, I've been watching for interesting posts on academic library leadership, or just academic leadership in general. This is some of what I've found. Let me know in the comments what else I should be reading. Gordon Ramsay's Library Nightmares On talking crazy, taking initiative, and having a comprehensive vision The Faculty-Staff Divide Two Years at Cupcake U: Reflections What Were They Thinking? Ask the Administrator: Professional Development for a New Dean Wait for It... Wait for It... Consensus…
What 'Ownership' Means for Digital Media (Hint: Not Much) The Power of Introverts: A Manifesto for Quiet Brilliance An Introvert's Guide to Networking Giving introverts permission to be themselves Consensus Decision-Making and its Possibilities in Libraries Disruption and Implications Support good science writing - pay for it Online tools are 'distraction' for science You Probably Don't Have a Social Media Expert From Stacks to the Web: the Transformation of Academic Library Collecting Ebooks on Fire: Controversies Surrounding Ebooks in Libraries Our College Education System Serves Its…
Note: this post is superseded by: Around the Web: Research Works Act, Elsevier boycott & FRPAA. Following on my post from yesterday on Scholarly Societies: It's time to abandon the AAP over The Research Works Act, I thought I'd gather together some of the recent posts on the issue. The Wikipedia article is here, full text of the bill here and status here. 2012.01.04. New US Publisher Anti-OA Legislation by Cable Green 2012.01.04. A Threat to Open Access: the Research Works Act by Lisa Federer 2012.01.05. Update on publishers and SOPA: Time for scholarly publishers to disavow the AAP by…
On Changing Reading Habits or Savoring the Experience Who decides what a library should be? Those who use it or those who pay for it? The rise of the new information gatekeepers Exploding The "Influentials" Myth "Ambitious, Unfunded, and Possible" Grad Students and Digital Education How to Get Past Your Customers' Lies Regarding Snobbery Copyright Policy and Practice in Electronic Reserves among ARL Libraries Should you enter the academic blogosphere? A discussion on whether scholars should take the time to write a blog about their work Cutting their own throats The degree is the job: a…
Why Engineering Majors Change Their Minds Why Science Majors Change Their Minds (It's Just So Darn Hard) Why The Internet of Things Will Be Open Access or ownership: Which will be the default? Designing for the phase change: Local communities and shared infrastructure There is a pathetic lack of functionality in scholarly publishing. We must end for-profit publishing and allow libraries to make available the works of their scholars for all Retaining the STEM Dropouts Finding Scholarship and Scholarship Finding Us Thoughts on 2011 Open Access Week "We Don't Read That Way" The Walled Garden…
True scientists are irreverent Bookshops, You Have Three Choices The three biggest myths about women in tech On thumb twiddling (how not to run your IR) Why parents help their children lie to Facebook about age: Unintended consequences of the 'Children's Online Privacy Protection Act' Tightening the Net: Intellectual property micro-regimes and peer-to-peer practice in higher education networks The Creepy Librarian Stalker Hypothesis Students Push Their Facebook Use Further Into Course Work Hacking (Higher) Education: An Intro (Some) garbage in, gold out Building the perfect data repository…
Social Media for Scientists Part 1: It's Our Job Social Media for Scientists Part 2: You Do Have Time Social Media for Scientists Part 2.5: Breaking Stereotypes Social Media For Scientists Part 3: Win-Win The economics of science blogging The three things I learned at the Purdue Conference for Pre-Tenure Women: on being a radical scholar Coming to blows over books Where should our information literacy standards come from? Asked and Answered: Here's What I Think the Aaron Swartz Case Means Are Teaching and Research Distinct? Doing Science in the Open Joe Murphy as Apple Advertisement - We've…
As I'm sure everyone who's spent anytime exposed to any media at all over the last day knows that Steve Jobs has died. The death of anyone so young and with so much left to give is a tragedy to their immediate circle of family, friends and co-workers and they certainly have my sincere sympathy for their loss. But of course, Steve Jobs was a very public figure who's death has had a huge emotional impact on many people, including many he never met. And that's because of the immense impact of the full range of Apple products have had on people's everyday lives. Steve Jobs seemed somehow…
10 Reasons Why Your (EDU) Boss Should Tweet The digital scholar - which way to go? Facebook is scaring me #ArsenicLife Goes Longform, And History Gets Squished Science Online: London 2011 - Keynote, Michael Nielsen - Video & Storify Op-Ed: Stop Feeding Facebook, It's Time for Moderation Bibliographies (CS scholars should post copies of articles on their websites) Reading, Risk, and Reality: College Students and Reading for Pleasure Access to scientific publications should be a fundamental right Honor Your Campus Library Academic Publishing and Zombies Who killed videogames?…
The Future of Libraries The Guardian's 9/11 mistake shows we're still learning the boundaries of Twitter Feeling pointy A Quick Buck by Copy and Paste: A review of Gamification by Design Stop the Internet, we want to get off! Open Access Is Infrastructure, Not Religion Internet Ruffles Pricey Scholarly Journals Think Different? Not in Higher Ed Counting books is boring Note to vendors: Academic Librarian Research: A Survey of Attitudes, Involvement, and Perceived Capabilities Introverts and Customer Service in the Library: An Unexpected Fit What does curation mean, anyway? Why do we…
Academically on Course Journal Submissions Asking the right questions Inger Mewburn - Is There a New Digital Divide Brewing? The case for libraries' use of social media: a how-to Social Media - Oversold and Undervalued 15 Case Studies to Get Your Library Director On Board With Social Media (Moral) Hazards of Scanning for Plagiarists: Evidence from Shoplifting Eleven Deadly Sins Of Online Promotion For Writers Why IT pros should be more like librarians Hacking the Academy Some Thoughts on the Hacking the Academy Process and Model How to Leverage your workforce: librarians and the art of the…
Seniors, Women Embracing Tablets, E-Readers Open access to scientific knowledge and feudalism knowledge: Is there a connection? I Got the Wrong Request from the Wrong Journal to Review the Wrong Piece. The Wrong kind of Open Access Apparently, Something Wrong with this Inherently... Do More, Own Less: A Grand Theory of the Sharing Economy Now Can We All Agree That The "High Quality Web Content" Experiment Has Failed? A way forward on reformatting conferences Five Hard Truths About Blogging Social Media - Oversold and Undervalued Collections are library assets The Internet of things will…
The Patent System Is The World's Biggest Threat To Innovation Today How Google Dominates Us The Status of Science: We Have No-one to Blame but Ourselves Resilience vs. Sustainability: The Future of Libraries Getting first sale wrong College Students: The Gadget Generation Our kids' glorious new age of distraction Study this: E-Textbook readers compared Academic E-books and their Role in the Emerging Scholarly Communications Landscape "Librarians" -- An Endangered Species? What Students Don't Know The Library, it's academic Why it matters how faculty view librarians Three Reasons We Struggle…
How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Copy The Children They Never Had (regrets about not having kids among mostly female science faculty) Why We Inflate Grades Search: How Libraries Do it Wrong Faculty inertia and change in scholarly publishing Blogs: face the conversation No Offence, But Insults Have Merit in Academia Overexposed? Baby Photos in the Age of Facebook What People Don't Get About Working in a Library Building Canada's Digital Law Library Subtle Things That Hold Women Back Facebook and Branding The importance of language and framing, part eleventy-thousand Fall From Grace…
Let's talk about Plagiarism Who Is Punished for Plagiarism? NYU Prof Vows Never to Probe Cheating Again--and Faces a Backlash If your website's full of assholes, it's your fault What Tech Do You Bring to Conferences? Overeducated, Underemployed: How to fix humanities grad school Know Your Value "I graduated from a top library school." Yeah, so what? The role of Facebook and Twitter in scientific citations and impact factors Tweeting Science Google Plus and The Social Media Moonshot Does the Murdoch Hacking Scandal Signify the End of Privacy? You Stay Classy, Ivory Tower! Google Plus,…
The Cornucopia of the Commons Discouraging EDU Lessons from Netflix Streaming A gentle introduction to Twitter for the apprehensive academic Setting the Agenda: Key Issues for Scholarly Publishing Of Hybrarians, Scholar-Librarians, Academic Refugees, & Feral Professionals An ex-Googler's inside view on Google+ vs. Facebook Six Reasons Tablet Devices Will be Owned by 20% of Incoming Freshmen in U.S. Higher Education by Fall 2012 Tips for being a great blogger (and good person) Is It Cold in Here? Rock Stars and Superheroes If this is the future, count me out Warning! Social Networks Are…
Facebook's face recognition strategy may be just the ticket Is e-learning the food-bank of education? My "must have" apps after 1 academic year on the iPad Teaching Them How to Think The (Revised) Case Study Why I Decided to Start a Blog When Social Networks Become Tools of Oppression: Jillian C. York Tinkering with technology education Zuckerberg and Schmidt warn on over-regulation of web The Value of a Humanities Degree: Six Students' Views Entrepreneurship vs. Scholarship? The Facebook Mirror Roads Taken and Not Taken Hard work and success and the difference between the two with great…
The death of death? Print on the Margins: Circulation Trends in Major Research Libraries Tinkering with the IEEE and ACM copyright policies How can a university best use social media for internal communications? Being a More Efficient, Productive Academic II: Thinking About References Taiga by the Tail When talking about the library remember N3P3: an advocacy talking points framework for academic libraries PDA and the Research Library A Pilot Survey of the Numbers of Full-Text Items in Institutional Repositories where credit is due Boycotting the Plaintiffs? PDA and the Research Library…