around the web
The tweetbomb and the ethics of attention
Did One-Sided Legal Advice Lead To The Terrible Copyright Deal For Canadian Universities?
How we use our mobile devices
Ebooks and Ereaders: Where do I Start and Which One Do I Choose?
Ebooks Appetizer #2: Ebooks in the Library
Ebooks Appetizer #3 - Ebook File Types
How to Spot the Future
Here's Why Google and Facebook Might Completely Disappear in the Next 5 Years
Sign the Petition at!
Massive Open Online Courses: How "The Social" Alters the Relationship Between Learners and Facilitators
Why e-books will soon be obsolete (and…
The worth of creativity: From jerk to troll in three easy steps
Your Roger Corman Future
Where Would We Be Without Libraries? Or An Open Letter to Publishers, by Leah Petersen
Let in the Riffraff: In Praise of the New York Public Library's Renovation Plan
The digital world has invigorated publishing, not doomed it
The Consolation of Philosophy: An update by the author of "A Universe from Nothing" on his thoughts, as a theoretical physicist, about the value of the discipline of philosophy
project curve, part seven: open access publishing for learner engagement (aka oa ftw).
Retail DRM Is an…
Why DRM is a Toothless Boogeyman, Ebooks are like Video Games, and Amazon is the Winner
Shaking Up the Lecture
Geist: The most expensive copyright insurance policy in Canadian history
Open Letter Regarding the Agreement Reached Between Access Copyright and the AUCC
The Library of Utopia (Google Book Search is floundering)
Stop Telling Students to Study for Exams
What Makes a Book a Book?
What's Required for eBooks to Carry the Day
The innovation we need to see before eBooks can completely replace pBooks
Services More Meaningful Than Ebooks
What Your Klout Score Really Means
For Books,…
Harvard Faculty Advisory Council Memorandum on Journal Pricing: Major Periodical Subscriptions Cannot Be Sustained
"No, we can't"
A proposal for the library of the future
Harvard: we have a problem
Harvard Library: subscriptions too costly, faculty should go open access
Could Harvard Library's "untenable situation" regarding journal costs help move scholars toward open access?
Saying Costly Subscriptions 'Cannot Be Sustained,' Harvard Library Committee Urges Open Access
Harvard's library can't afford journal subscriptions
Harvard Library to faculty: we're going broke unless you go open…
Persistent myths about open access scientific publishing
Prepping Grad Students for Jobs
Rewarding Teaching Innovation
Ask a Stupid Question: Why is there so much anonymity when it comes to the practices of academic discourse?
Elite Universities' Online Play
Electronic Textbooks: Why the Rush?
Peer review and plagiarism
Redesigning the Reference course and Crowdsourcing a library-school syllabus
Contract hacking and community organizing and Provocative proposal to force scholarly publishers to respect open-access wishes of their unpaid contributors
Why you should stop using social reader…
As part of a workshop on Creative Commons, I'm doing a short presentation on Open Data and The Panton Principles this week to various members of our staff. I thought I'd share some of the resources I've consulted during my preparations. I'm using textmining of journal articles as a example so I'm including a few resources along those lines as well.
The Panton Principles
Why does Dryad use CC0?
#sparc2012 a manifesto in absentia for Open Data
Information mining from Springer full-text: I ask for freedom
Textmining Update: Max Haussler's Questions to publishers: They have a duty to reply…
Paper books vs. e-books: I still can't decide
Is blogging and tweeting about research papers worth it? The Verdict
Open Access To Scientific information: Policy Guidelines Released by UNESCO
Receptivity to Library Involvement in Scientific Data Curation: A Case Study at the University of Colorado Boulder
How Librarians Can Successfully Navigate the 7 Cs of Social Media
Why Gamification Can't Be Stopped
How Teamwork Can Damage Productivity
Weighing the costs of conferencing
Ebooks 101: DRM (Digital Rights Management)
'A Model Discipline' (poly sci & "physics envy")
The Conundrum of…
The Decline and Fall of the Library Empire
Do Librarians Work Hard Enough?
Academia, Libraries, Work, and the Public Good
Library-only 2.0 is dead. Long live Library 2.0!
What Will Library/Information/Knowledge Graduates Be Doing 25 Years Hence?
The Last Enclosures (Washington Post article response)
Answering questions about library impact on student learning
Libraries as software - dematerialising, platforms and returning to first principles
An Elite University ... From Scratch?
A New "Elite University" Gets $25 Million in Seed Funding
Dear CEOs and senior managers, it's no longer ok…
My Paleo Media Diet: Turning off, opting out, and disconnecting to save my brain for the things I really want to use it for.
What she Really said: Fighting Sexist Jokes the Geeky Way
Mobile and the news media's imploding business model
Bigger Than Agency, Bigger Than E-Books: The Case Against Apple and Publishers
Martin Sorrell: Internet Has Created More Value Than It Has Destroyed
A Slow-Books Manifesto
Are College Professors and Librarians Digital Pirates?
Authentic Librarianship and the Question of Service
Taking the Long View with First Year Writers
A Whip to Beat Us With (Amazon, Apple…
Philip Pullman: Libraries are not just about books
The Tech Savvy Presidency
Spain's Libranda Grows Up: E-reader, Library Lending Planned
Doing It for Themselves: Libraries and E-books
Visibility is currency in academia but it is scarcity in publishing. The push for open access shows that academic publishers can't serve two masters
Don't build a paywall, create a velvet rope instead
The Ed-Tech MacGuffin
Fish? Check. Barrel? Check.
'Social-Media Blasphemy': Texas researcher adds 'Enemy' feature to Facebook
Reflections on the paywall
The Last Enclosures (More on WaPo article)
Stop Cultural…
This post has superseded my two previous link collection posts here and here.
The first focused solely on the Research Works Act, the second added posts on the Elsevier boycott and this one also incorporates posts on the reintroduction of The Federal Research Public Access Act. These three stories are all intertwined to the extent that it is difficult to separate them out completely. That being said, I'm not attempting to be as comprehensive in coverage for the boycott or for FRPAA as for the RWA.
Some relevant general resources:
The Cost of Knowledge: Researchers taking a stand against…
Around the Web: Promise & perils of Pinterest, Abundance vs disruption, Beyond the textbook and more
Promise & Perils of Pinterest
Abundance vs disruption: dramatically different views of the future
Beyond the Textbook
My Experience With eBooks: Yea or Nay?
Of dead trees, living networks, and encyclopedic ambition
Ask the Administrator: If I Become a Dean, Will My Faculty Colleagues Shun Me?
Killing the Story (Apple & Daisey)
The Prison-House of Data (digital humanities)
Nicholas Carr on the evolution of communication technology and our compulsive consumption of information
Counterintuitive digital media assignments
Making Sense of the Digital Transition: Are Textbooks Dead?
Why we need blue-sky research
Internet con men ravage publishing
Why I Pirate - An Open Letter To Content Creators
Open Access Tenure: Put it in the File
Bletchley Park tweet saves Alan Turing computing papers
The little guys stand up to Amazon: Book distributor IPG fights for say in e-book pricing
Are books and the internet about to merge?
Reflective Teaching for Librarians
Comments -- The Weakest Part of Blogs, the Weakest Part of Online Journals
Censorship is inseparable from surveillance
Libraries as Community Publishers: How to Turn the Tables
Fighting HEARSE: Higher Ed Apocalpyse…
Read E-Books On Multiple Devices
Another Library Is Possible
Should Libraries Get Out of the eBook Business?
Alternative Uses for the Pesky eBook Budget
In which container is the journal article I need?
The Library in the City: Changing Demands and a Challenging Future
Anarchy and Commercialism (state of journal publishing)
Disrupting College: How Disruptive Innovation Can Deliver Quality and Affordability to Postsecondary Education
#alt-LIS OR The Question of the Hybrarian OR What is Digital Humanities and What's It Doing in the Library?
Rigor without rigor mortis
Letter from Scott Turow:…
The Future of the Book Business: A Classicist's View
Rich Books, Poor Society: Random House's Price Spike
Random House's eBook Price Hikes are GOOD for Libraries. IF...
Electronic Mini-Books That Allow Writers to Stretch Their Legs
How TED Makes Ideas Smaller
Mike Shatzkin: In Five Years, Only 17.5% of Books Bought in Stores
Not So Different After All, Or, Academics and Publics vs. Predatory Pricing
Amazon, the iPad, and the culture of reading in an age of distraction
INTERVIEW: Seth Godin on Libraries, Literary Agents and the Future of Book Publishing as We Know It
The impact of Random…
Breaking the barriers of time and space: the dawning of the great age of librarians.
The Great Age of Librarians
Achieving the "Golden Age of Librarians" -- An Ambitious Project of Deep Redefinition
Nobody cares about the library: How digital technology makes the library invisible (and visible) to scholars
Snooki, Whale Sperm, and Google: The Unfortunate Extinction Of Librarians When They Are Needed Most
Potential Crisis May Be Brewing in Preservation of E-Journals
Privacy?? Forgetaboutit!!
Notes from the AE's desk (about being an editor at a journal)
Computers in classrooms don't…
e-Books: Why Bother
Truly moving literature: Enhanced eBooks
Science Finds a Better Way to Teach Science
The Future of Science Publishing
Introducing Download the Universe: A new science ebook review
Canadian universities sign bone-stupid copyright deal with collecting society: emailing a link is the same as making a photocopy, faculty email to be surveilled
Culture is an echo chamber
California Dreaming (comment on value of libraries in crossing digital divide)
Heavy Hangs The Bandwidth That Torrents The Crown
The Open Access Irony Awards: Naming and shaming them
Libraries and publishers…
'Academically Adrift': The News Gets Worse and Worse
The Case for Publicly Owned Internet Service: Susan P. Crawford
On the 10th Anniversary of the Budapest Declaration
By one benchmark at least, we are probably halfway through the (r)evolution
Will Business Step Up or Step Out?
Attendance, Retention, and College Success
How to Enjoy a Sabbatical
TOC 2012: LeVar Burton, Libraries and The Bookstore of the Future
RLUK library trends
Why the book and the Internet will merge
Libraries Receiving a Shrinking Piece of the University Pie
Joining the Movement: A Call to Action
Google Director…
The Great Age of Librarians
Amazon Will Destroy You
Confessions of a Publisher: "We're in Amazon's Sights and They're Going to Kill Us"
Mobile Sites vs. Apps: The Coming Strategy Shift
Instructional Designers Wanted: No Experience Necessary
Libraries and the Commodification of Culture
Innovating the Library Way
About the Emerging Battles Over Textbooks: Options from Apple to Open Initiatives
fallacies of a market approach to public higher ed
The perils and pleasures of online gaming for married life
Scienceography: the study of how science is written
An Experiment in Teaching Writing: A Look…
Why Privacy Matters Even if You Have 'Nothing to Hide'
Reading and Believing
Who really benefits from putting high-tech gadgets in classrooms?
"if libraries did not exist, it would be necessary to invent them"
Academia as Music Industry
Wolfram Alpha Pro democratizes data analysis: an in-depth look at the $4.99 a month service
Physical Sciences Case studies: information use and discovery
New Media Consortia - Horizon Report - Ten Top Trends in Education
Why Pay for Intro Textbooks?
The Future of Taxpayer-Funded Research: Who Will Control Access to the Results?
Tim Berners-Lee Takes the…