
You all will be pleased to know that bug #177773 in cowsay has been fixed.  The cow's tongue now will be rendered correctly. j7uy5@localhost ~ $ cowsay Corpus Callosum is weird!  ___________________________ < Corpus Callosum is weird! >  ---------------------------         \   ^__^          \  (oo)\_______             (__)\       )\/\                 ||----w |                 ||     ||  ___________________________ < Corpus Callosum is weird! >  ---------------------------         \   ^__^          \  (**)\_______             (__)\       )\/\              U  ||----w…
I find it amusing to see things that are both elaborate and pointless, especially if the pointlessness is obvious. (from: href="">XKCD)
I haven't seen it summed up quite as well as here: Dog: I am starving. Me: Actually, no. You aren't starving. You get two very good meals a day. And treats. And Best Beloved fed you extra food while I was gone. Dog: STARVING. Me: I saw you get fed not four hours ago! You are not starving. Dog: Pity me, a sad and tragic creature, for I can barely walk, I am so starving. WOE. Me: I am now ignoring you. Dog: STARVING. Dog: Did you hear me? I am starving. Dog: Are you seriously ignoring me? Fine. [There is a pause, during which the dog exits the room in a pointed manner.] [From the kitchen, there…
Remember the SCIO? It was featured in Your Friday Dose of Woo two weeks ago. It's an amazingly woo-ey piece of woo that was just perfect for my little weekly feature. Unfortunately, not everyone appreciates my having a little fun with it. For example, one of the woomeisters responsible for the SCIO has appeared on my blog to complain and defend Professor William Nelson, the luminary of woo who's had a hand in not one, but two pieces of woo featured in YFDoW. This woomeister, who signed his comments "Dr. D," is displeased and showed up in the comments to tell me so: ill Nelson hasn't yet won…
Two years ago today, I posted this. One year ago today, I only linked to it, though I should have reposted it instead to start a tradition. Well, I'll fix that this year on this day - under the fold: In exactly one year I will be officially old. Well, I may be old, but my memory is still in perfect shape. I remember the dinosaurs. I had a baby Therizinosaur when I was a kid. With those long arms, he was great for hugging and for playing catch. But, that was 3500 years ago. You should have heard how Noah was cursing the Big Contractor In The Sky! Too little time, too small budget. The…
...and a symphony broke out? Who starts a fight at the Boston Pops? From the Globe: One of the two concertgoers at the center of what has become known as "The Brawl at Symphony Hall" said yesterday that he intends to press charges against the man who punched him after being asked several times to stop talking during the Boston Pops' opening night gala. "People with a temper like that aren't really safe in society," Matthew Ellinger , a 27-year-old graphic designer from Brighton, said yesterday. "If a guy is going to lose his temper at the symphony when somebody asks him to stop talking,…
tags: art museum, humor, streaming video This streaming video also shows us a little about most people's child-rearing techniques -- which leave something to be desired.
While I might wish that this satire were true, it has a few problems. SEATTLE--Members of The Discovery Institute, a Seattle based think tank, publicly rescinded their demands that intelligent design be taught in public schools after watching an Ultimate Fighting “best knockouts” compilation video Monday night. The video, which depicted wild men viciously attacking one another before a crowd of bloodthirsty spectators, provided “the smoking gun ” that man is descended from apes. “It is with great regret that we abandon our quest to have the theory of intelligent design taught in public…
The spoof site is here.  The spoof video: I know this is kind of old, but still worth a chuckle or two.
As a fan of Roy Zimmerman — I've mentioned his Creation Science 101 before, among other lovely songs about the modern world — I have two revelations for you. If you're a guitar player, he has released a short clip that is a tutorial on how to play Creation Science 101. There are fingerings and keys and chords and things that lost me. If you aren't a guitar player (like me!) you can still enjoy the wisecracks. Secondly, he has a new YouTube video titled "Ted Haggard is Completely Heterosexual". Watch out, it's a little bit risque — he rhymes "schism" with … well, it's obvious from the subject…
What have the funny pages come to? This is titillating and kinky to the point of obscenity. I mean, really; bondage and octopuses and radioactive spiders and so much imagination is triggered by the promise of that image … oh, my. I think I should go take a shower. (via the shameless Zeno)
tags: middle east, Onion, humor, satire I have been reading The Onion on and off for most of my life. It's stories such as this one, about the Middle East conflict, that keep me coming back for more. With the Iraq war in its fifth year, the war in Afghanistan in its sixth, and conflict between Israel and the rest of the region continuing unabated for more than half a century, intelligence sources are warning that a new wave of violence in the Middle East may soon blah blah blah, etc. etc., you know the rest. "Tensions in the region are extremely high," said U.S. Ambassador to Iraq Ryan…
This one's been going around the medical blogosphere. It's pretty hilarious, based as it is on perhaps the funniest Saturday Night Live Digital Short from the entire 2006-2007 season (warning: may not be work-safe, depending on how uptight your workplace is): Kids these days. I tell you. I don't think we could have gotten away with this in our medical school's end-of-the-year play back in the 1980s.
It's a simple question that we as medical professionals often have to ask, but one that is a minefield when it comes to answers. To take a cue from our former President, I suppose it depends on what the meaning of the word "active" is.
By way of ScienceBlogling John Lynch, I read that George Gilder calls biologists "Darwinian stormtroopers." In the same NY Times article, John West claims (italics mine): The [Darwinian] technocrats, he charged, wanted to grab control from "ordinary citizens and their elected representatives" so that they alone could make decisions over "controversial issues such as sex education, partial-birth abortion, euthanasia, embryonic stem cell research and global warming." While Gilder and West don't realize it, they have stumbled across our Evil Darwinist Plot: That's why we want the embryonic…
She beat Brownback. She trounced Tancredo. She even clobbered Coburn. America's Holiest Congressperson is Minnesota's own Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN). Bachmann, an Evangelical Lutheran, and self-professed "fool for Christ," ran for Congress because God—and her husband—wanted her to. The representative publicly credited her campaign to her submission to her husband, who was channeling God's wishes for her. Prior to this higher calling, Bachmann earned a law degree from Coburn, an affiliate of Oral Roberts University, and helped found a charter school where she reportedly worked to prevent the…
I know this one's been circulating around the Internet for a while now, but it's so perfect that I can't resist posting it here. Pure genius, particularly the paper upon which the above talk was based!
Our intrepid mascot has been revealing sides of himself this year of which I had previously been unaware. After all, who knew he was so into art that he'd pose nude without embarrassment? Or that he was a Shakespearean actor? Or that he has a way with the ladies? Maybe it's because he's so suave and debonair, as we see this month: I ask again: What's he got that I haven't got? Is it the tux? Is it--gasp!--the appliance on top of his head. Best not to go there.
tags: horse racing, humor, streaming video I couldn't help it, but in honor of the Queen attending today's Kentucky Derby, I had to post this streaming video of the Queen Victoria Handicap. Yes, I know the Derby isn't a steeplechase, but this was the best I could do with what I had available to me.