
Before I start telecommuting, I need to learn some basic rules of behavior...
(via 3quarksdaily)
I got bored, what can I say. I'll stop now.
Here's what PsyBlog has to say about Omni Brain: Best humorous (but still scientific) psychology blog The danger with mixing science and humour is slipping into the 'geek trap' where clever people try to be too clever. Omni Brain easily avoids this. Funky finger pictures on this post about sexual orientation and finger length. Just to let you guys know... the only way we avoid being too clever is by not actually being very clever ;) haha... Thanks for the props! Check out the rest of their psychology blog reviews (which are great!) here. Oh, and the beanie baby Freud doesn't have anything…
I think I've finally found the religion for me... (Click the picture to read about the religion! Hat tip to Robster, FCD.) Moreover, in a direct comparison between Christianity and this new religion, Christianity doesn't come off so good. (The sad thing is, I get each and every reference in this comic.) Indeed, in the U.K., the sacrament of this new faith is occurring as we speak. We poor U.S. faithful have to wait a few hours to worship, though, at least long enough for the object of our devotion to show up as a Torrent file. (Worse, those who don't know how to use BitTorrent or don't…
Fresh off his earthshaking debunking of the whole of evolutionary biology with his classic "banana" and "coke can" arguments, Ray Comfort has a compelling new argument against atheism: the electricity argument. It's a little story about "three wise fools" who are exposed to electricity for the first time, and who refuse to believe in this amazing invisible force, and refuse even to test it. Obviously, the "wise fools" are supposed to be modern scientists, and the invisible force they refuse to acknowledge is a god. Comfort tells the tale to make the scientists look like obstinate idiots who…
Tax cuts for the Howells.  No reproductive rights for Ginger and Mary Ann.  Funding Cuts for the Professor.
... so it looks like I'll be blogging a lot longer than I had expected. An 81 year old woman with severe Alzheimer's apparently can still make some wicked puns.
Blame Mark Hoofnagle for the idea and Glenn Branch for the inspiration. Clickie for biggie. Update: Also see LOLDembski
Enjoy this great video where Dwight from The Office is trained with Pavlovian Classical Conditioning! Wasn't that great?!
Things You Don't Want to Hear During an Ambulance Ride to the Hospital 1. "Sir, would you like some music?" 2. "Wait! I think we forgot the defibrillator!" 3. "Relax, willya...this is a shortcut." 4. "Now, you're not going to say anything about this, are you?" 5. "Isn't that your wife over there on the corner?" 6. "Do you mind if I lie down next to you?" 7. "You saw that bicyclist back there, didn't you?" 8. "Man, did we tie one on last night!" 9. "Say, do you happen to have change for a twenty?" 10. "Pienso que él va a morir." 11. "Hey, slow down - I think this girl needs a lift…
Fortunately, Janet Reno is still OK. The police brought Bill Clinton to the Orange County Animal Shelter, where he later died. With perfect quote-mining, I made you look, didn't I?
Ahh silly research - gotta love it! SAN DIEGO -- Anakin Skywalker, aka Darth Vader, suffers from a controversial mental condition and could use some couch time in a shrink's office, a team of researchers declared this week. "He's suffering. And he's suffering from a disorder," said Dr. Eric Bui, a psychiatrist in Toulouse, France, who co-wrote a study that diagnosed one of the most villainous and heroic characters in the Star Wars canon as having borderline personality disorder. According to the authors, who reported their findings at the American Psychiatric Association's annual meeting in…
Only in LA, they say, but these things could happen anywhere. href=",0,5393460.column?coll=la-home-middleright"> href=",0,5393460.column?coll=la-home-middleright">A wanted man who wanted to make it to court really early May 22, 2007 For your Stupid Criminal Alibis file, consider the case of the guy stopped by an L.A. County sheriff's deputy and informed that there was a warrant out for his arrest. "Yes, I know, I was on my way to court," explained the suspect, according to…
Ask yourself this: What do the convicted do, either in prison or when facing prison? They find Jesus, of course: It's inevitable any time anyone's going to jail, it seems. My prediction for Paris' next stop: Kabbalah! It would, however, be even more amusing if she were to convert to Islam while in prison.
San Diego, 1932 - Dr. Philip J. Hooley, a popular otolaryngologist, is enjoying a round of Saturday afternoon golf with friends when he is approached by a club valet with an urgent message. Little William Mackapease, six years old and heir to the Mackapease frozen food fortune, has swallowed a chicken bone. Without hesitation Dr. Hooley makes his apologies and jumps in a waiting cart which takes him straight to his Cadillac. Accompanied by an increasing number of police motorcycles, Hooley rushes to the Emergency Room of Our Lady of Perpetual Motion Hospital, where he finds the lad in the…
I'm giving a presentation today while I'm at ASM, and I'm using a picture of a wombat (one of the topics in the talk is E. coli from Australian mammals). So I have a question for you: Which critter is cuter: Pandas: or Wombats: Discuss. Inflammatory rhetoric is encouraged.
I wish I could have been there—Kristine Harley was in the Galapagos and got to break the news to Richard Dawkins that Jerry Falwell had died. It's hilarious. It's also true that Kristine is not a very nice girl. She's probably a witch.
tags: humor, class warfare, streaming video This is a bit of British-style humor to get you started on your work day, starring David Letterman. [1:58].
As big as he wants to be? Apparently it varies between 200 and 1400lbs. Me, I'm on the lower end of the scale... but I think we ought to start metricating gorilla weights: a 200kg gorilla sounds so much more appealing, even for a silverback like me...