
Grimpoteuthis is a cephalopod so cute, now it's being compared to Pikachu. That's harsh. Being plump and adorable is a good way to get kicked out of the savage monster club. I know. I've been there.
If they're going to be that uninformed about the perilous sea beasts they encounter, they deserve to spend eternity in Davy Jones' Locker, mastering monstrous taxonomy.
[Editor's Note: Today we pay tribute to the dual congruencies of American cinema and psychiatric disorders. For those readers who don't recall the source of the patients' quotes, the answers are below the fold.] Psychiatrist: "Come in and have a seat on the couch. Now, let's begin by telling me what seems to be bothering you?" Patient # 1: "Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit amphetamines." Patient # 2: "Amputate a man's leg and he can still feel it tickling. Tell me, mum, when your little girl is on the slab, where will it tickle you?" Patient # 3: "You talkin' to me? You…
I was going through all those new blogs from my open enrollment day, and found this little clip on Salt on Everything. The ending made me giggle.
But I thought they were already parodies! The new parody tract, Darwinism: the Devil's Religion, reveals the Unholy Trinity of Science, the Devil, Darwin, and Dawkins. For the record, I want it known that there isn't a single letter "D" anywhere in my name.
For the next few days, my beloved Mac 12" Powerbook is going in for intestinal surgery - it seems to have lost connection with its wireless, DVD/RW and microphone, which indicates Major Problems (although I do recall a desktop that had dust gathered on a particular point and shorted it out once, so who knows?). Hence I will be stuck with (I can hardly bring myself to say it) Windows XP (quick, nurse! The soap!). So I won't be configured to post, or read mail, or do work, so I may as well go for a walk or exercise or eat chocolate. This probably means I'm offline until Tuesday or Wednesday…
Rest in peace, Herbert F. Kornfeld.
As a male, this bit of woo from Serbia causes me pain just to contemplate it. I'm not sure if it's true or not because--well--I have a hard time believing that anybody can be this stupid. It has the whiff of urban legend about it. However, one underestimates the stupidity of men in their quest to solve sexual problems; so it's possible that this is true. Just don't tell Bora; I don't know if he could stand that this happened in Serbia, if it actually happened: A Serbian man who went to a witchdoctor in search of a cure for premature ejaculation rather foolishly took the shaman's advice, viz:…
So, it appears that one's metabolic rate and hunger triggers are set by in utero factors. This means that leptin and insulin have different effects depending on early experiences in life, particularly the brain's desire to feed. Worse, it seems that once you have the weight, you are unlikely to get it off, according to this release by the American Physiological Society. I'm a lost cause. You children go eat healthily and I will be forced to consume this chocolate bar. Damn... Silverbacks are supposed to look.. bulgy. I tain't all muscle, you know.
Ever wonder how the art and science of medicine made it from medieval times to today without self-destructing, à; la alchemy? Meet Leonard of Bertapalia (1380?-1460), a prominent surgeon in Padua and Venice who was not only a dedicated anatomist but a visionary in the surgical arts. He authored one of the first texts on surgery of the brain and was a proponent of meticulous dissection, using every attempt to avoid infection or injury to the patient. Leonard is best known for eight rules he wrote as a guide for the 15th century surgeon. In my opinion they should be memorized by all…
tags: birds, cartoon, humor, streaming video Okay, I've linked to this video before, but this version includes dialogue that you might find amusing. Needless to say, I am hoping this will give you a smile as you go about your workday.
The Eight Day Adventist calendar has rotated into phase with your infidel calendar, so it is time for a sermon. Our subject today is secularism. I noted an article about the decline in secular standards in Turkey, which of all modern societies is the one most deeply founded as a nation in secular ideals. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk wanted a society not controlled by the imams in order for Turkey to catch up to the then more secular west. But Turkey is now about to elect a Muslim leader who wants Sharia. Meanwhile, in the once-shining example of modern secularism, the United States, even the…
Can I just say that a remake of this movie with Samuel L. Jackson as the voice in the burning bush would be awesome?
He's a Snuffleupagus, not a Seamus we have to name everything Seamus? Yesterday, the Boston Globe had an interesting story about curing a sick tapir at the Franklin Park Zoo using antibiotics: With its trunk leading the way, the baby Baird's tapir once again explored pools and exotic plants at the Franklin Park Zoo yesterday after recovering from life-threatening pneumonia. The 50-pound South American mammal, which looks like a cross between an elephant and a hog, responded to an aggressive eight-day regimen of antibiotics, said Dr. Eric Baitchman, a zoo veterinarian. Zoo trainers…
tags: cookie monster, computers, streaming video What did the cookie monster eat before he ate cookies? Um .. for some odd reason, this video reminds me of my parrots .. not sure why. Anyway, here's a little about the film; This funny computer video, titled "Coffee Break Machine", was created by Jim Henson in 1967 as an IBM training video. At the time, the monster was named "Arnold the Munching Monster".
Following Scientific American's blog's description of Shelley at Retrospectacle, in the context of the the Wiley situation, as "seems to be attractive and avian-friendly", I now want it to be known henceforth that your favourite albino silverback is "obviously witty, attractive and good with children and pets". See Zuska's post for more on this.
This is an abomination against the Evil Baby (which kicks Flying Spaghetti Monster's and the Mouse of the Disco Ball's asses--I mean that in the nicest ecumenical way possible): The post is pretty amusing. And this other one is pretty good too.
tags: humor, streaming video, dinosaurs Okay, I couldn't resist sharing this silly video with you all. It's just one of those things that makes you go, Hmmmm.
Some phrases no science or other journalist should ever write about science: "could rewrite theories about evolution" "medical breakthrough" "scientific breakthrough Any suggestions (with links, please)? [ht: What You're Doing is Rather Desperate