
If you think things look bad now, what do you suppose the devolved future looks like? Scary, that's what!
Sperm Cells Created From Human Bone Marrow: Human bone marrow has been used to create early-stage sperm cells for the first time, a scientific step forward that will help researchers understand more about how sperm cells are created. Gives a new meaning to the word "boner", doesn't it? OK, too late at night - I am losing all sense of what is appropriate on a science blog. Actually, the study is interesting besides its potential for humor.
Now I'm just going to have to give up — I can't top Ophelia, who just got a Jesus and Mo comic that references her. Maybe if I talked about epistemology more…
1851, London: Arthur Leared presents a model of a "double" or biaural stethoscope (one using both ears) at the Great Exhibition. Three weeks later a prominent surgeon, Sir Norwood Holsapple, purchases a similar stethoscope from Leared and discovers that the tubing connecting the diaphragm with the earpieces melts in the summer heat. He returns the device and receives a new one, along with strict instructions to avoid exposing it to excessive temperatures. With the assistance of a local tanner, Sir Norwood fabricates a heavy pouch similar to a mail bag and packs it with ice, followed by…
I hate to say this, but I have often wondered about the future of the human species .. we will certainly keep our technology, but our overall intelligence and ingenuity will diminish, as this video reveals. (clips from the Mike Judge movie, Idiocracy). . tags: streaming video, evolution, Idiocracy
When you see a car labeled with creationist slogans parked, don't you expect to see a dozen guys with floppy shoes and big red rubber noses pop out of it? (I think the fellow in this picture is mocking the car, so don't laugh at him if you see him in public.)
Suppose for a minute that everything the creationists say about evolution were true. Now suppose you had lost your mind... but I repeat myself. What would the history of that ersatz and terrible "science" be? Wonder no more. Richard Forrest, who claims to be a paleontologist but is clearly a minion of satanic powers, has written the truth history of evilution, in The Truth: Being a TRUE and IMPARTIAL account of the history of that damnable religion, the great EVIL of DARWINISM, also called EVOLUTIONISM and it's attempts to bring the downfall of all moral and TRUE CHRISTIAN ™ virtue. Based…
One of the best of all American writers - I'd put him up with Twain - has died, leaving us all the poorer. HT: Dynamics of Cats
This particular woman makes the case that she deserves the title: I think she wins hands down, don't you? She must be one of those pollo-vegetarians. Because, after all, chickens aren't "animals."
href=""> I thought this was kind of clever.  Not  sure why the href="" rel="tag">Project for the Old American  Century put it up -- it is not their usual fare -- but they deserve credit for being creative.
This streaming video gets to the point regarding Iraq .. which of course, means it is not safe for work (so watch it in the broom closet while on your lunch break). . tags: streaming video, humor, politics
This story has been around the block a few times, but I thought it was appropriate to share with you anyway. A major research scientific institution has just announced the discovery of the densest element yet known to man and science. The new element has been named Bushcronium. The scientific symbol for the new Bushcronium is the letter "W". Bushcronium has one neutron, twelve assistant neutrons, seventy-five deputy neutrons, and two hundred and twenty-four assistant deputy neutrons, giving it an atomic mass of three hundred and eleven. These particles are held together by dark forces…
While walking to work a couple of weeks ago, I saw this Smart car tooling around Boston. And it's no ordinary Smart car either... It's apparently part of a promotion for a chocolate company. Yes, it has bunny ears. an aside: Am I the only one who thinks Smart cars should be called iCars?
Today, in case you didn't remember, is World Homeopathy Day, a day for the credulous to celebrate the woo that is homeopathy by celebrating the birthday of the originator of homeopathy, Samuel Hahnemann. I had thought of making a "homeopathic" mention of this great event (in other words, no mention, just like there's no active ingredient in a homeopathically diluted and succussated remedy), but then I remembered that, according to the principles of homeopathy, the more you dilute something, the stronger it is. Thus, by homeopathic "reasoning," not mentioning World Homeopathy Day would be even…
I hesitate to mention this, but I seem to be the target of creationist humor. It's not being targeted that I mind, but that the 'humor' is so lame and the photoshopping is so bad. I would have thought that I'd be an excellent subject for lampooning, being easily caricatured and having views outside the mainstream, so why are they so pathetic at it? Never mind, I looked around the site a little more — it's all that bad, a kind of ham-fisted exaggeration of creationist misconceptions that really only makes the creationists look foolish, on a par with Dembski's clumsy attempts at a joke. Don't…
I don't know whether this is staged or not, but it's bizarrely amusing: someone video taped his mother's reaction to learning he is an atheist. Mom throws a hissy fit. After a bit of denial, she brings the big guns to bear on the poor guy: if he's an atheist, he's not going to get any presents for Christmas, because it's all about Jesus. After crushing him with that overwhelming threat, what's she going to do to punish him when she finds out he posted her tirade on Youtube? It's good parenting skills to know you don't launch the thermonuclear missiles with the first offense, because you won'…
Via Modern Mechanix, from the pages of Popular Mechanics, April 1924: BEARD IS REMOVED WITH MUD AND USE OF X-RAYS Shaving beards from men's faces, has been accomplished by a special mudlike paste that is undergoing experiments at the hands of a New York doctor. After the mass has been applied, it hardens and is torn off. To finish the operation, X-rays are then directed against the skin. The originator of the method claims that it is beneficial and if used regularly will remove scars and similar marks of long standing. It is also said that the sticky treatment does not leave any ill effects…
[Editor's Note: As promised in the mission statement of this blog we strive to bring our readers the brightest and the best in contemporary medical writing. Our latest entry (and painstakingly researched we might add) is the first of a series about the history of the healing arts.] 1889: Dr. William Osler, Chairman of Clinical Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, leaves Philadelphia to become Physician-in-Chief at the newly created Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland. Regarded as the 'Father of Modern Medicine' and one of the greatest teachers of all time, Osler quickly…
This was at Barnes and Noble, in href="">Linux User & Developer.  I learned that href="">Peugot (the second-largest auto maker in Europe) plans to install Linux for their 2,500 servers.  That is not particularly surprising.  What is more, they plan to install Linux on their 20,000 desktop machines! The href="" rel="tag">European Commission has published a study: href="">Study on the…
I cannot believe I didn't pick this up myself. Coulter's book Godless isn't what it seems to be - an ill-informed rehash of tired old creationist bafflegab. Instead, it's a Sokalesque hoax designed to make conservatives reassess their own rationality and to expose the idiocy of intelligent design! Read about it at in a piece of clever analysis by Peter Olofsson.