
We used to see a lot of cartoons that portray a psychiatrist's couch.  That is not so common anymore.  When we do see them, they tend to be annoying.  This is no different, because it is so unrealistic. style="display: inline;"> No psychiatrist would put the couch under the window like that.  It would defeat the purpose of the couch. (HT: href="">Economic Populist)
As you've already heard, the Atheist Foundation of Australia was hit with a denial-of-service attack earlier this week (you can learn more about it in this interview of Jason Ball by Catherine Deveny). I rather like their planned unofficial response. This is a call to all non-believers and advocates for freedom of speech to join us in a global co-ordinated minute of prayer with the aim of inundating God (in this context, the Christian god, God, as distinct from the Greek god, Zeus, the Egyptian god, Ra etc etc) with so many useless prayers that it causes his divineness to go offline as as…
A Greek man was relaxing at his favorite cafe in Krateron, a small Greek village in northern Greece, when he managed to attract the attentions of a spectacular blonde woman. He invited her back to his flat, made some small talk and then they made love. After a pleasant interlude and a blissful rest, he stretched, and smiling, he asked; " finish?" She paused for a second, and frowned. "No," she replied. Pleasantly surprised, the Greek man reached for her and had his way with her again. This time she's wild, thrashing about on the bed and climaxing with screams of passion. After…
Answer: Everyone that couldn't afford it, if his representatives are any indication. From People for the American Way: Focus on the Family's James Dobson, on a recent conference call for anti-choice activists, sounded both those charges, calling reform legislation a "huge abortion industry bailout" as well as a "health care power grab by the federal government." Operation Rescue similarly conflates the anti-choice and anti-government arguments, urging activists "to act now to stop Obama's radical, socialistic abortion agenda..." The Christian Broadcasting Network has provided a major…
tags: religion, flowchart, humor, funny, diagram Flowcharts are a great way to make sense out of confusing scenarios, and there's no scenario that's more confusing than trying to figure out what religion you should follow. This helpful flowchart was created to guide you through this complex process: Can you all spot the error in this diagram? [Some perspective: If every one of you wonderful people who has been flooding in to my blog these past 18 hours had donated ONLY ONE DOLLAR EACH to my DonorsChoose "Challenge" classrooms, they would have $40,000+ to spend on teaching materials to help…
As you all know, it was predicted that the world would end on 21 October. I understand many of you are puzzled to note that you are still here. The purpose of this post is to inform any of you who have been engaged in wild, drunken orgies all night and are now blearily and confusedly turning on your computers and turning immediately to Pharyngula (as you all do, I know) that unfortunately, you are very late to work. Shower quickly, get to your car, and get coffee at the drive-through on your way — with any luck, though, your boss is in the same state and will forgive you. However, I have to…
In a shocking reversal after denying climate science for decades, a spokesperson for the US Chamber of Commerce (the world's largest business advocacy group) announced yesterday that they have reversed their historical stance on the issue of global climate change. According to the press release carried by The New York Times, Reuters, CNBC, the Washington Post and FOXNews: WASHINGTON, D.C.-The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is throwing its weight behind strong climate legislation, a spokesman for Chamber President Tom J. Donahue announced today at the National Press Club. "We believe that strong…
tags: moon bombing, science, comedy, humor, streaming video This silly video was sent to me by Jared from LandlineTV. It is a comedic look at what happened when the earth sent out missiles in search of water. Featuring Michael Antonucci, Yoni Lotan, Jaime Castillo, Emily Axford, Jared Neumark, Steve Levine, Dan Levine, and Paul Briganti. Written and Produced by Captain Hippo. Jared is reading comments so I am sure he'd appreciate your thoughts and input.
David Horsey / Seattle Post-Intelligencer
And I'm not even a teenaged girl.
I don't know how many of you have ever been to an Ikea, one the Swedish furniture stores that have sprouted across the U.S. over the last couple of decades, bringing Swedish design sensibility and off sized sheets to the the masses at affordable prices; that is, if you can stand the crowds. Apparently Jesus likes Ikea, too, as he has shown his holy visage at Ikea's Braehead outlet, near Glasgow. More specifically, Jesus has shown up on the door to the men's bathroom at that particular store. This provoked one of the best lines I've ever heard about a pareidolia experience: Last night one…
Sometimes I think I have difficult patients.  Then I saw this: style="display: inline;"> Yes, it is a gorilla in a CT scanner.  The poor animal had href="">mastoiditis; the scan was used prior to surgery.  The surgery was successful.  See The Big Picture at the Boston Globe for the href="">original, from a series on World Animal Day 2009. (HT: href="">Reddit user Micah)
This is a video by an apostate: an atheist who has left the flock and become a believer. I was all ready to point a gnarled bony finger at him and screech to my minions that he must be rent limb from limb, but then I made the mistake of listening further…and he actually makes a good case. I'm thinking, though, that if I get sick this year and don't recover, then I'll be able to mock and laugh at him again. Briefly. From my deathbed.
tags: religion, fundamentalism, christianity, atheist meets god, Edward Current, streaming video It's the moment of judgment for one fool who says there is no God. Christians, get ready to laugh as he learns his eternal fate!
I knew it! I knew there had to be an explanation that young earth creationists could come up with for all that evidence in support of evolution: (WARNING: Borderline NSFW, depending on your job. Definitely offensive to fundamentalists.) It's so obvious. Why didn't I think of it before?
I do have to agree that kids can say the darndest things, and they are more perceptive than your average Christian.
Comments are superfluous on this one.
There's one thing that could make this video funnier. It would be Bill Donohue waxing apoplectic over that video. Hallelujah! My prayers are answered! Comedian Sarah Silverman appeared on Bill Maher's HBO show on October 9 attacking the Vatican. She began her monologue bemoaning the plight of world hunger, and then found a solution: "What is the Vatican worth, like 500 billion dollars? This is great, sell the Vatican, take a big chunk of the money, build a gorgeous condominium for you and all your friends to live in…and with the money left over, feed the whole f---ing world." Speaking of…
Wow. I was in Lewiston, Maine, just a few weeks ago, and look what kind of effect my brief visit had: several of the Catholic churches in the area have simply expired. I was there, then this happened, therefore I must have caused it. Anyone want to buy me a plane ticket to Vatican City?