
tags: insects, comedy, humor, satire, bentekr, animation, streaming video If the previous video wasn't enough to make you laugh, then this one will do the trick. Silly, funny, fun, but .. is there a meaning to this? Or maybe I should instead have entitled this "Ladybug pwns Dragonflies"?
tags: insects, comedy, humor, satire, bentekr, animation, streaming video This is a silly video that will make you smile.
To get this, you may want to look at the last episode of Mr Deity, in which Jesse and the Deity struggled with the implications of the trinity — it was hopelessly confusing. This is the blooper reel from the making of that episode. That was hard. It makes me feel good, though, because these guys are pros…and my little incursion into their world left me impressed with how difficult it is to put together even these shorts. If they ever put out the bloopers from my episode, though, I'm going to have to cry.
After posting my piece on the Anthropology of Organ Transplants I couldn't resist posting Monty Python's humorous take on the concept from their film The Meaning of Life. To see what happens next click here.
...back when they believed that humors were responsible for your health. Oh, yes, I know it's now "politically or medically incorrect" now to practice medicine the way they did in the days of our Founding Fathers, but that's because the socialist libero-Nazis took that away from us. After all, remember who else didn't answer medical questions. That's right. Hitler! We must take back our country and the medicine of the Founding Fathers, lest our organs organize against us and the government be given the power to remove your appendix and eat it in front of you and your children! Genius!
Lookie what came in to my e-mail box overnight after yesterday's post about the hypotrichosis treatment, Latisse® brand of bimatoprost. Hmm...I have a few ideas who might have sent this (no profanity, so it wasn't Comrade PhysioProf). And very interesting that this comes just a week before FDA holds an opening hearing entitled, "Promotion of FDA-Regulated Medical Products Using the Internet and Social Media Tools. For your information, here's the PDF schedule courtesy of colleague John Mack - Pharma Marketing Blog and @pharmaguy. John is currently running a survey in his masthead to solicit…
tags: Glenn Beck, comedy, humor, satire, funny, ONN, Onion News Network, streaming video As the grieving mother says, it's a tragedy to watch Glenn Beck outlive your child. Victim In Fatal Car Accident Tragically Not Glenn Beck
tags: humor, funny, rational thought, belief systems, bill bailey, streaming video Bill Bailey gives Rosie O'Donnell (and mothers like her) some advice: "Nuke every country that hasn't sent us a Christmas card in the last 20 years."
tags: forklift accident, jobs, humor, funny, oh SHIT!, streaming video This video is one of those where you find yourself laughing while you secretly hope that this will never be you. This fork lift operator backs up a little too fast and bumps into the edge of large pallet rack. He hits it just hard enough to start a domino effect bringing down all the shelving in the entire warehouse.
tags: mobile home commercial, television, humor, funny, streaming video This is a real commercial for a real mobile home company. Everything Robert says in it is true. (If more commercials were like this, no one would Tivo past them). See more funny videos and Funny Videos at Today's Big Thing.
Image: Seattle Post-Intelligencer / David Horsey
tags: halloween prank, fake trick-or-treater, humor, funny, prank, scaring the neighbors, streaming video This is a funny video of a series of pranks committed on the videographers' neighbors. Truly inpsired! This is the original in high definition. For this Halloween Prank, the videographers (and pranksters) fixed up a life size dummy to look like a trick-or-treater, complete with bag of candy and hidden microphone. Then they went door to door with their fake "Timmy" to see what kind of reactions they would get. More videos from this videographer.
I'd say this is definitely a contender: ADDENDUM: Sorry, I just assumed everyone knew what these guys are. If you don't, here are a couple of classic Sesame Street videos to demonstrate the Yip Yip Aliens in action:
tags: halloween costumes, effeminate boys, humor, satire, funny, fucking hilarious, ONN, Onion News Network, streaming video Anna Stephenson stops by Today NOW! to show parents of girly sons costume tips to survive Halloween without accentuating their child's already obvious homosexuality.
Damn you, PZ! Not only are you muscling into my territory (what, aren't creationism and atheism enough?), but you had to subject me to the most mind-numbing example of why homeopaths are the most clueless purveyors of pseudoscience there are! Behold, Dr. Charlene Werner, an optometrist (apparently) and a homeopath. I warn you, however. If you have any understanding of physics or chemistry whatsoever or if you've ever read (and liked) Stephen Hawking's A Brief History of Time (or anything else he's ever written), sit down now. Take a deep breath. Heck, crack open a bottle of wine and down at…
tags: Edinburgh, Scotland, big freeze, human behavior, streaming video Sunday, 24 Feb 08, Edinburgh, in front of National Galleries of Scotland. Roughly 150 people froze for five minutes in this fab flash mob (this is a long time to remain motionless!).
That trinity stuff is bewildering even to the trinity!
I was going to join PZ Myers, ERV, and Pamela Ronald in helping out an old blogging friend and former host of the Skeptics' Circle, Karl Mogel of The Inoculated Mind by pimping his other science-based blog Biofortified, which seeks to provide a science- and evidence-based discussion of plant genetics and genetic engineering. Unfortunately, as seems to be the case lately, other things have distracted me, and I'm late to the party. Better late than never, though. Basically, Biofortified is in the Ashoka Changemakers contest, GMO Risk or Rescue. First prize is a $1500 grant and a conversation…
While working on a science-rich post and writing an exam, something came across Twitter that is, well, too good to just be seen only on Twitter. Fullsteam is the name of the plow-to-pint Southern microbrewery in Durham, NC, no-longer-in-planning-but-not-quite-done and I have written about the tweeter several times. The imagination behind brewing a beer with sweet potatoes (it's awesome, btw) or kudzu comes from the very same mind that burped into his iPhone for the benefit of shared education with his daughters. The result: I use Google voice search all the time and have been very…
tags: Invisible dogs, NYC Life, prank, humor, funny, fucking hilarious, WTF, streaming video As a NYCer, I can tell you that NYC is filled with weird people, but on some days, the populace is weirder than others. For example, more than 2,000 people walked "invisible dogs" down the streets of Brooklyn on a Sunday afternoon recently. The leashes were on loan from the current owner of 51 Bergen Street, the factory space where the invisible dog toy was invented in the 1970s. Participants of all ages spread out from Red Hook to Brooklyn Heights, very seriously walking their very silly dogs.…