
This, of course, refers to the famous remarks (almost four days old now) in which Richard Dawkins' suggestion that there be a separation of church and state in public schools was shouted down by O'Reilly's claim that he was imposing fascism. Poor Winston Smith. When Orwell wrote his novel there was only a three minute hate. Now FOXNews runs 24 hours a day. Watch the full "interview" here.
Bet you didn't know I'm the guy who talked the deity into using the horrifically inefficient and cruel process of evolution to create life on earth, didja? The trick to maneuvering him into doing anything? Appeal to his vanity. The guy is definitely omninarcissistic. (Psst. Notice that the deity's science advisor is wearing an "A" pin, and one of Lynn Fellman's sciency ties. Bad acting is no barrier to sneaky product placement!) Oh, and don't forget to subscribe and donate. How else will they ever be able to stop scraping the bottom of the barrel for guest appearances?
You know, it could work. Consider the Vatican's net worth as reported by Paul Velelli in the London Independent: ⢠The Vatican Bank, Istituto per le Opere di Religione, manages £2bn of assets. It does not reveal its profits or dividends, which are paid directly to the Pope. It enjoys the status of a central bank and has a dealing room adorned with crucifixes and papal portraits where 20 traders work. ⢠Despite the Vatican's assets, including the art collection in the Vatican Museum and the Sistine Chapel, it relies heavily on support from American dioceses. ⢠The Pope owns more than 1,…
Bidding opens soon and I think the chances are good that we could nail this one. Top contenders so far are Azerbaijan and Sierra Leone. Chicago has some issues with government corruption and public safety, which is why it's currently in third place. The Silly Olympics From Monty Python Live at the Hollywood Bowl
That little blonde kid needs a lesson in gratitude. What if she'd been sucking on that wafer and it had turned into a toenail? She should be thankful she got a bite of something as nutritious as Jesus' holy liver.
tags: art, humor, satire, The Big Snit, Canadian cartoon, streaming video Here's another peculiar yet amusing Canadian cartoon that I only just saw for the first time: The Big Snit by Richard Conde.
tags: Obama family, miserable Americans, comedy, humor, satire, funny, ONN, Onion News Network, streaming video This daring news interview with the nations' top thinkers comes right out and says what we've all mumbled under our breath to ourselves in the privacy of the unemployment line: the Obamas are too damned happy! They're so happy that it's downright unAmerican!
tags: Intelligent Alien Design, Discovery Institute, Gordon J. Glover, Casey Luskin, humor, parody, satire, Canadian cartoon, streaming video This video is a hypothetical dialogue between Gordon J. Glover and the official spokesperson of the Intelligent Alien Intervention Institute on Science NEWS. They discuss the Academic Freedom legislation that recently became law in Louisiana and how it might also help various theories of Paleo-Contact to be taught alongside mainstream archaeology in the public science classroom. Hint to the humor-impaired: this video is a parody mocking Intelligent…
Alright, I think I got the whole Maher/Dawkins thing out of my system for now. True, given the highly annoying reaction of one reader, I was half-tempted to write yet another post on the whole fiasco just out of spite, but I decided that spite in and of itself was not a good reason to write a blog post. Well, in this case it isn't, anyway, but if it were someone like Vox Day, or J.B. Handley, or a hapless quack or creationist, well, a wee bit of spite can make for some mighty fine blogging that's really fun to write. True, spite should never be the be-all and end-all of a blog, but certainly…
tags: comedy, humor, satire, funny, ONN, Onion News Network, streaming video Here's the latest development in the anti-smoking campaign aimed at teens: television ads that claim smokers are gay (and of course, no one wants to be gay, right?)
As I wrote that title, I realized that it's probably insufficiently informative - there are, after all, multiple parallels between Intelligent Design proponents and the crackpots dedicated defenders of the Constitution who continue to insist that Barack Obama is not eligible to be the President. Both groups, for example, have a blind devotion to a concept that has no actual basis in reality. Both appear to be remarkably skeptical toward the enormous amounts of evidence challenging their views while simultaneously demonstrating a remarkable credulity toward any evidence that might possibly be…
tags: kakapo, Strigops habroptilus, conservation, endangered species, humor, Stephen Fry, Mark Carwardine, Last Chance to See, streaming video Stephen Fry and zoologist Mark Carwardine head to the ends of the earth in search of animals on the edge of extinction. In New Zealand the travellers make their way through one of the most dramatic landscapes in the world. They are on a journey to find the last remaining kakapo, Strigops habroptilus, a fat, flightless parrot which, when threatened with attack, adopts a strategy of standing very still indeed. This behavior is not uncommon among birds…
Earlier today, Birther Leader Orly Taitz took time away from her busy schedule to explain the connection between Barack Obama's birthplace and Tropical Storm Grace to this reporter: "If you look, you will see that the storm is just like Obama. It has come from Africa and turned everything left. But it's not a legitimate storm, so it will not do anything significant." When informed that the storm had actually turned to its right, Taitz replied: "Look, if you don't know left from right there's really no point talking to you because you will never see what is so totally apparent - the…
tags: religion, advertising, satire, humor, atheism, streaming video Get Religion Today! Funny satirical ad which hits the nail on the head with modern organized religion.
tags: superhero, humor, satire, Who is Captain Legend?, Chicken Hollow Productions, streaming video I loved this video and I think it is really well-done! Better, it reminds me of one of my dreams: to be a superhero crimefighter, although it does remind me (uncomfortably) of the realities involved with such a lifestyle. I guess I should stick with being a scientist, instead.
tags: art, humor, satire, But the Cat Came Back, Canadian cartoon, streaming video I've never seen this cartoon before today, but it's a classic Canadian cartoon that my spouse watched when he was a kid. So he introduced it to me.
The Colbert Report Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c Richard Dawkins Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor Michael Moore Colbert just kind of talks over him the whole time, but that's to be expected.
tags: religion, Bible, humor, satire, Dara O'Briain, streaming video Comedian Dara O'Briain provides a few comedic insights on on God and the Bible. Video clip taken from Live at the Theatre Royal 2006.
For some reason, this geeky little saga tickled me. David: Taunt dude! You're supposed to be the tank! Zach: Just back up, you're drawing agro. David: I can't, I'm- Cheryl: *opening the door* David...? David: Oh sh*t! Cheryl: Discarded pizza rolls, empty Mountain Dew bottles...What's going on here? David: We were...I was...fixing Zach's computer! Cheryl: Liar! *starts bawling* You're having a LAN party aren't you!? David: You weren't supposed to see this! You aren't supposed to be home for another three hours! Zach: I should leave. David: No, you know what? I'm done hiding. Cheryl: *crying*…