
Sadly, this is not too far from how religious disputes seem to be settled. The only difference is that there's less violence here than there is in real life: Hmmm. Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad thing if religious conflicts could be resolved by an Ultimate Praying Challenger, rather than the usual way. As the reporter said, "Who's closer to God now, bitch?" Hat tip to Stupid Evil Bastard.
tags: Twatif?, twitter, workplace, strange, offbeat, culture, streaming video So..... what if you were restricted in the real world to only 140 characters and spaces? The office might be a sticky place .. The rumor is that this video is funny .. but you be the judge. What's with the "di" sound when the guy supposedly meant to say "dumb"?
tags: little boy, burglar, offbeat, humor, funny, satire, streaming video This video is an interview with a little boy who uses his father's gun to shoot a burglar, and then, when the wounded burglar is screaming in pain, he proceeds to shoot off other appendages, too. It's all in a night's work. Little Boy Heroically Shoots, Mutilates Burglar
tags: bat, congress, offbeat, humor, funny, satire, streaming video In this breaking news video, we see that Congress is deadlocked on the best way to get a bat out of their committee chamber.
tags: Nouveau Poor, discrimination, offbeat, humor, funny, satire, streaming video As Americans rush to join the Nouveau Poor, panelists debate the claim that the newly poor are incapable of integrating with long established poor... I am not sure if I should laugh or be offended ..
How did it get between the windows? Maybe this is why the flight attendant kept asking us to close the shades.
Zombies are attacking Detroit! This is why all of the brains are disappearing out of the city! Check out the picture here's the undeniable evidence: Not only are the Zombies eating Detroit's brains it sounds like the young folk are escaping and leaving no brains left for the Zombies to eat! Check out this snippet from Broad numbers are difficult to come by, but nearly a quarter of respondents in a survey for Fusion, the area's young professional association, said they plan on leaving Detroit within the next two years. Among the larger population of 4.6 million people, 63,000…
It's tragic — the psychopathic teddy bear from the web comic died last week, but apparently he's getting a new gig as a sub for the deity. Yep, nobody will notice any difference down here.
tags: the sneeze, allergies, offbeat, streaming video Some people are allergic to housework.
In fitting in with the recent sightings of conspiracy minded Stormtroopers here at ScienceBlogs I thought I would add my own contribution to the remix. Here Derrick Jensen tells the story of the little known early version of the film before it was optioned to an unknown director named George Lucas (starts off slow, but give it 30 seconds). To read more by Jensen see his piece in Orion Magazine.
Three Imperial stormtroopers discuss the destruction of the Death Star on the first anniversary of its exploding: Of course Palpatine must have known! The logic is inescapable. Why else would Darth Vader have been in his Tie fighter and not in the Death Star when Luke Skywalker blew it to kingdom come? Personally, I always thought it was because he was needed as the villain for the next couple of movies and so he had to escape, but that's just me.
tags: religion, violence, mental illness, fundamentalism, Mitchell and Webb, streaming video This video is a Godless Comedy created by That Mitchell and Webb Look about the myth of Abraham and Isaac .. if an American did this today, he'd be placed in a mental institution for hearing voices that command him to murder his own son. Charming.
Buffalo News / Adam Zyglis "As hypocrisy is said to be the highest compliment to virtue, the art of lying is the strongest acknowledgment of the force of truth." - William Hazlitt, "On Patronage and Puffing", 1822
Bestest public service announcement EVAH!: Seriously though, has some good information. And someone at HHS was being very clever when he or she thought of soliciting videos for a public service announcement.
The people of Obama are selling jellyfish candy.  Really. style="display: inline;"> The photo shows a diver next to a specimen of Nomura's jellyfish, href="">Nemopilema nomurai.  These creatures occasionally href="">swarm off the coast of Japan, where they are a nuisance.  Some creative souls have responded by href="">finding ways to eat them.  Now, schoolkids in the…
tags: reading graphs, Onion News Network, ONN, humor, satire, fucking hilarious, streaming video In this video, we see that experts are still trying to determine the effect of the concentric circles on the long squiggly green objects located in the blue area.
Economist Brad DeLong criticizes an economics reporter from ProPublica who claims "his job is looking for 'gotcha' stories about stimulus money going for 'lion cages at the National Zoo.'" In DeLong's comments, I asked: What's wrong with lion cages at the National Zoo? I like the National Zoo, and someone would be employed by this. Seriously, I don't get it. (That's not the snark, but it really does make you realize how stupid that reporter is. If you don't believe that a stimulus was necessary, well, you're an idiot, but, regardless, once you do have a stimulus, what's wrong with using it…