
Leiter's poll has Wittgenstein beating Frege. I'm disappointed that Peirce didn't get a higher ranking, and astonished the Nietzsche did.
I think it's a spoof. Maybe it's an homage? Either way, combining the comic strip Peanuts with Frank Miller (writer of the comics The Dark Knight Returns, Ronin, Sin City, and many others) is interesting...
Brought to us by The Onion San Francisco Historians Condemn 1906 Earthquake Deniers: The 1906 Earthquake Deniers, a group reviled by Californians and scholars alike, held three days of lectures and roundtable discussions over what they call a "century-long hoax" of exaggerated seismic activity in the Bay area, and part of a conspiracy to bring the World's Fair to San Francisco in 1915. Historians protested the conference, saying the organization's statements denying any major seismic activity in 1906 are reprehensible and out of line with all available geologic data from the time. ... "If an…
Collectable card games are evil: if they get you hooked, you find yourself throwing money at little foil packets of randomized bits of cardboard, feeding the variable reinforcement schedule. The New Humanist has stumbled onto compounded evil, combining collectable card games with religion. Fortunately, they're giving the images away for free. If they ever start selling booster packs, though, it will be time to descend on their offices with pitchforks and torches and root out the wicked.
tags: hamster popcorn piano, cute overload, funny, dwarf hamster, streaming video This streaming video is a recreation of the original dwarf-hamster-on-a-piano-eating-popcorn video, which I embedded into my blog waaaay back in the day, but which the filmographer inexplicably removed from YouTube. This video remake is indicative of what pain and pain medications can do to a person -- I've spent something close to an hour watching hamster videos on YouTube .. hamsters riding private elevators, hamster derbies, hamsters driving cars, dancing hamsters, hamsters opening doors to lego houses,…
Apparently it's Pi day on March 14*, which means you get to eat a pie. But Americans do not understand what a pie is. That's not a pie... this is a pie: Real pies have meat, preferably with well-known common names like "beef", in them. And you eat them with tomato sauce, thusly: I once retraced my steps for around 5 miles in the US to get to a pie store only to find it was all fruit! If I wanted a fruit pie, I'd have bought Sara Lee at the supermarket! * Or, as the rest of the world has it, 14 March, which means the real Pi day would be the 3rd day of the 14th month, Octonovdecember.
Billy Graham has a column in which he answers letters — he's a kind of evangelical agony aunt, I guess. A recent letter will make you laugh. DEAR BILLY GRAHAM: Why do people get involved in cults? My cousin has gotten involved in one, and no matter what we say to him, he refuses to listen. He says we are the ones who are in the dark, and he alone in our family has found the truth. -- S. McM. That's a real problem, and I'm sure we all know someone who has gone off the deep end with some weird belief. That's not the funny part; the good bit is Graham's oblivious reply. DEAR S. McM: One…
Who knew that dialetheism was invented by kids?
It's up and ready for listenin'!
Do you want 50 reasons you shouldn't believe in evolution? I think the list pretty well covers all the real reasons people are creationists.
Sadly, the meeting's over, and I'm winging my way back home as this very post shows up on the blog for your edification. Because it's Sunday and, more importantly, because I'm too tired to produce anything substantive, I leave you with this bit of Asian weirdness sent to me by my sister. It left me scratching my head: My sister informs me that this is actually a parody of this band: Wow. This is just...incredible. You know, I really have to get back to serious blogging about medicine and science. I can hear my traffic plummetting after this. Oh, well. Perhaps people more in the know than…
It's true…it's a webcomic that jests at the expense of Pharyngula and you readers. We must be offended! Are there any legislatures we can fire up to condemn webcomics?
It's a rare thing indeed for this to happen, but words fail me here: Wow. Just wow. Because clearly the Obama administration is getting ready to fire up the ovens for responsible borrowers who paid their mortgages on time. Truly, a black hole of stupid in a single cartoon! The stupid burns on so many levels at once, that I remain astonished. Either there was nothing for the Hitler Zombie (you remember, that undead dictator whose feeding on a victim's brain leads to incredibly dumb Hitler, Holocaust, or Nazi analogies) to find here, or the Undead Führer so thoroughly snacked on Mike…
Dominionists for Tancredo 2012, that is. In response to this post about creationist wackaloons and giraffes, over at the Dominionists for Tancredo site, we find: Evolutionists would have you believe that the giraffe neck "evolved" so it could reach food higher and higher in trees. But God created the giraffe with a very specific purpose in mind: Noah needed a scout who could see far distances, searching for dry land. After the Flood, and the water cleared, God rewarded the Giraffe for his good services by creating the acacia tree, whose leaves rise to a height that perfectly matches the…
The Tufted Titmouse explains in a spot-on parody of Senator Harkin's statement to his Senate panel. I'm tellin' ya, "integrative" reporting is the wave of the future, just like "integrative" medicine.
You all probably already knew about this comic series, but I needed Phil Plait to mention it. This is me. And... This is us collectively...