
This comment, posted to a Yahoo Finance forum by one dianasullivan1953 in response to a pointer to my recent post about the possible end of coal, was a great start to the day. I laughed for ages. Some one smoking left handed cigarettes. wrote this memo. What are the replacing coal with? wHEN ARE THEY GROUNDING AIRPLANES. They polute more than coal fired plants daily. China is building three coal fire plants every month. US is less than 4 % air polution. Fact. Try tyelling Chian and India to stop coal usage. This rfeport just like AL Gore invented then internet and he has no nterest in Kleiner…
Mark posted this on Facebook, but is is so wonderful I need to pass it along:
Star Wipe Lisa: OK, I finished editing the gardening sequence. . . Homer: OK, from here we star wipe to a glamour shot of Flanders paying his bills, then we star wipe to Flanders brushing his teeth. . . Lisa: Dad, there are other wipes besides star wipes. . . Homer: Why eat hamburger when you can have steak? Lisa: I'm taking my name off this thing. OMFG YOU GUYS! Lenny Horowitz has figured out our Swine Flu master plan!!!! 1. Release genetically engineered H1N1 virus onto humanity. 2. Kill lots of people. 3. ??? 4. PROFIT!! And we would have gotten away with it too, if it werent for you…
How much more successful would Gravity's Rainbow have been if it were two paragraphs long and posted on a blog beneath a picture of scantily clad coeds? And why not add a Google search box? Want to become a high-profile Twitter superstar? McSweeney's tells you exactly how. Maybe Google is making everyone stupid, but if so, the bar for a successful writer is now much lower! w00t!
Surly Amy mixes swine flu and homeopathy: Do you suppose the homeopaths are diluting a smidgen of a pig in water right now? See, Twitter does have its uses....
I have to take back some of the mean things I've said about Intelligent Design creationism. They have finally made a significant contribution to a science…in this case, computer science. Behold the awesome power of the Intelligent Design Sort! Intelligent Design Sort Introduction Intelligent design sort is a sorting algorithm based on the theory of intelligent design. Algorithm Description The probability of the original input list being in the exact order it's in is 1/(n!). There is such a small likelihood of this that it's clearly absurd to say that this happened by chance, so it must have…
tags: The Beagle Project, science, fund-raising, humor, streaming video This strange and amusing streaming video features a self-described "fat, bearded chap with a Charles Darwin fixation" whom I know in real life, has an important purpose: Let's help build the HMS Beagle and follow Darwin's journey of discovery! [1:06] The Beagle Project aims to celebrate Charles Darwin's 200th birthday by building a sailing replica of the HMS Beagle and recreating the Voyage of the Beagle with an international crew of researchers, aspiring scientists and science communicators (perhaps, including me!). The…
tags: Edward Current, christianity, pray for armageddon, vibrations of devotion, satire, humor, streaming video Edward Current is depressed: our once great country is now an Islamic communistic atheocracy where children are forced to learn things like math and science. This video is dated, but it still is worth watching. [3:40]
tags: Edward Current, christianity, the intelligent dust bunny, the big bang, satire, humor, streaming video Just in time for Saturday cleaning day: this video examines a dust bunny, a little ball of dust, it's miraculous what can be logically inferred about God and outer space. [4:06]
I'm tired of blogging about anti-vaccine nonsense again. Don't get me wrong, I had an enormous amount of fun writing my commentary on Fire Marshal Bill's attempt to explain vaccine/autism pseudoscience. It was a hoot, if I do say so myself, but it depresses me that writing such posts is so necessary so often. Fortunately, it's Friday, and you know what that means (well, at least some of the time, anyway). That's right, it's time for some woo. This time around, it's not just any woo. In fact, it's woo that relates to my area of expertise. As you may recall, I do a lot of breast cancer surgery…
tags: umbrella cockatoo, Cacatua alba, behavior, humor, funny, streaming video This amusing video captures an umbrella cockatoo, Cacatua alba, taunting a pug by imitating its barking -- what do you suppose this cockatoo was saying? [1:17]
I've just spent a hilarious few minutes reading this guy's accounts of the many ways one can injure oneself. It bothers me that I have done so many of them myself (especially the exploding incinerator), and a few he didn't think of (the rocket fuel on a petrie dish that my friend ignited in the chem lab). Anyway, he summarises them all: Fire is not necessarily your friend. Neither are dogs. Things with lit fuses should not be held onto. Beware the savage croquet ball. If it is -30 out, put on a coat before you leave the house. Just because the snow keeps you from seeing other objects the…
tags: Christians, religion, death, humor, streaming video A scientific study recently found that Christians are more likely to have aggressive medical care at the end of their lives -- why is that if heaven is so wonderful? In this video, Edward Current, the defender of Christianity everywhere, explains why Christians do not want to go to heaven early [3:17]
When reading fairy tales as a kid, I always wondered at the end how that 'happily ever after' looked like. I never imagined it, in my childhood innocence, that it would be like this:
One more reason why John Stewart and his writers are geniuses is here, where he examines the "Tea Parties" we in the U.S. were subjected to three days ago, including one in my own town: The Daily Show With Jon Stewart M - Th 11p / 10c Nationwide Tax Protests Daily Show Full Episodes Economic Crisis Political Humor How is it that to the right comparing Bush to Hitler was overblown and unfair over a great many issues, including the war in Iraq (a criticism that I actually agreed with, even though I was thoroughly opposed to the war--think Hitler Zombie),…
Pam Ayers once noted that in car and hedgehog fights, the hedgehog comes off worse, but what about in python and human fights? It seems they reached a standoff in Kenya recently. He bit the snake on the tail while it tried to eat him. He held off by using a shirt to blog its mouth, and a mobile phone to call for help. It managed to take him into the trees, which is unheard of, Disney animated movies notwithstanding.
tags: taxes, pet taxes, humor, satire Image: Orphaned. Please contact me for proper attribution [larger view]. This form should be familiar to those of you who live in the USA, but if you click on the "larger view" link, you'll realize this is yet another change that President Obama has made to our existing tax code. Once again, I ended up owing a huge amount of taxes (considering my laughable income). This year, I owe $500, but since I managed to qualify for the $300 "economic stimulus package," I only have to come up with another $200 instead of having to survive the trauma of scraping…
tags: taxes, online tax filing, humor, satire, streaming video This amusing video tells us how to rely on a "green" solution to powering our laptops while figuring and filing our taxes [1:29]
tags: animal porn, Apple computer, iPod, humor, funny, prank, streaming video This hilarious streaming video is a prank phone call to iPod Customer Support regarding "Animal Pornography" on the complainant's 4-year-old son's iPod [18:53] If you have a crank/prank idea, post it to Friday Night Cranks.