
You be the judge! And patriotic, too! Huh, huh, huh. He said "stimulus package."
tags: film, trailer, Everyone Poops, humor, satire, streaming video If you saw the trailer for Where the Wild Things Are, then you will recognize that this streaming video is a satire of that, providing us with a humorous look at the children's book, Everyone Poops [1:18]
This is three years old now but worth a repost given the season in question. HT to Crooks and Liars for reminding me of this.
tags: Jesus Christ, The Life of Brian, easter, humor, satire, religion, holidays, holidaze, streaming video This streaming video is from the British series Not the nine o'clock news. It comments on the controversy created by the Biblical story about Jesus Christ and how it is really a cheap rip-off of Monty Python's popular film, The Life of Brian [3:24]
A young gorilla escaped from his enclosure at the Melbourne Zoo last night and wandered about for 20 minutes while craven visitors hid out. I would have sat and waited for him to introduce himself. And paid good money for the chance. A moron by the name of Cardinal George Pell, who has a chance at being a pope one day, has reiterated the lie that condoms do not reduce the incidence of AIDS, with anecdotal accounts filtered through the Jedi Catholic Mindshield. And to the folk who were up at 6.30am to go to Mass, and decided that everybody had to be able to hear their conversations in…
It's that time of year, so Happy Spring Festival, Zombie Vampire Death and Raising Weekend, and Escape That Didn't Happen Celebration... [I know, I know, don't blog drunk...]
Someone reached my site by searching for "callosal boobs."  He probably was disappointed.  The Corpus Callosum does not have boobs.  style="display: inline;"> However, nearby, there is a pair of structures known as the href="">mammillary bodies.  Maybe that will bring some joy. (image credit: href="">The Medical Journal of Australia; HT: Mike's High Yield Blog)
Yeah, there's little I like better than some sweet snarky skewered Libertarianism. Of course, if you don't like it, you could always go complain in the comments over there.
You be the judge! Clicking on the picture will lead you to a blog post where you can download a high resolution version suitable for printing up and either distributing or putting up on a bulletin board or wall. I particularly like that it was made by The American Institute for the Destruction of Tooth Fairy Science. My only objection to the poster is the use of the word "shit." Don't get me wrong here. Yes, it's accurate. Yes, it's appropriate. No, I'm not some sort of prude who never uses the word and wilts at the very sight or sound of it. My problem with it is that its inclusion on the…
Full strip here.
The Onion has just announced that the pope has reversed some traditional teachings. The divine proclamation, which contradicts prior teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, was reportedly made by Pope Benedict after a late night phone call to his Vatican residence. According to witnesses, His Holiness was seen pacing back and forth, nervously wringing his hands, and cursing at himself in a hallway mirror before coming to the sudden decision. "My friends in Christ, brothers and sisters of the cloth, having an abortion is...err...not that big a deal," announced the anxious pontiff while…
I was very late to the game on a DrugMonkey post last week examining the demographics of Early Career Award winners from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI). Drug noted that only 9 of the 50 awardees are women: So who got lucky? See the slideshow here. huh. anything strike you? no? lemme get a pencil here....hmmm. 2 African-American looking guys, another maybe. Six Asian guys. Maybe another four or five men who look other than standard model white guy. Nine women. Really? That's the best you could do? Seriously? You couldn't even that gender ratio up even a little bit better than…
tags: prayer, religion, humor, satire, streaming video This streaming video is a commercial for the PrayerMAX5000! Finally, Prayer Amplification Technology⢠can be yours -- either at home or on the go [2:00]
tags: prayer, religion, humor, satire, streaming video This streaming video shows Edward Current's new contraption, where he exploits science to build a prayer amplifier, the PrayerMax5000. Edward says, "I have faith that with my new invention, praying to God will be effective and reliable, finally." [3:55]
tags: prayer, religion, humor, satire, streaming video This streaming video shows a little chat with Edward Current, who pleads, "My Grampa seriously needs to stay alive. Fortunately when there's something we have no control over, there are still things we can do!" I'll bet you can't guess what that might be [4:09]
This was doing the rounds. I have to say there is absolutely no need for such techniques at my present employer institution, no sir. Just in case you are having a rough day, here is a stress management technique recommended in all the latest psychological journals. The funny thing is that it really does work and will make you smile. 1. Picture yourself lying on your belly on a warm rock that hangs out over a crystal clear stream. 2. Picture yourself with both your hands dangling in the cool running water.. 3. Birds are sweetly singing in the cool mountain air. 4. No one knows your secret…
This recent xkcd should have you all reaching for your calculators. I had to look up the population density in my area…it's 18. Not 18 thousand, just 18. When I plug that number into the formula, I got a value of 4,500 meters, almost 3 miles. The parents of our students will find that a reassuring statistic, I hope. Of course, the formula lacks a temporal component — that mean distance is going to vary with a circadian rhythm, I would think, with peaks in the evening and early morning hours. Rather than a static number, it should be a function that measures a kind of hourly flux, with all…
Let me say right up front that I'm not entirely sure that the victim--I mean target; no, I mean subject--of this week's little excursion into the deepest darkest depths of woo is not a parody. That's the beauty of it. I've never heard of it before, but a little Googling brought me evidence that it may not be a parody, that the guy purveying it may actually believe it. I'll leave you to judge for yourself, or, if you've heard of this guy before, to chime in and let me know the deal. I'll also point out that parts of this website are not entirely safe for work. Actually, a couple of the pages…
Why would I care what you're doing? The 140-character limit. Just another opportunity to interrupt real-world social interactions. Enabling attention-deficit disorder sufferers doesn't seem a like a particularly good idea these days. Gives NPR Weekend Edition host Scott Simon an excuse to let listeners do his job for him by tweeting suggested interview questions. Created to give Starbucks a way to send us all today's list of special coffees. I have enough media to monitor, thank you very much. What part of "trivial" don't you understand? Maybe if we weren't paying so much attention to our…