
Well, well, well, I went to my office this morning and, just as I got my coffee, opened up the laptop and logged in, who walks in? PZ Myers! What a surprise. So, we chatted some. He thought that PLoS ONE should be the place to have all the Intelligent Design papers published. Since it is Open Access, everyone could see for themselves how foolish those "papers" really are and he can send the Pharyngulites to post thousands of comments. I thought that would be pretty poor framing for PLoS, though. Anyway, I asked the barista to take a picture of us (under the fold): Whoa! What happened!…
Even when I was nought but a wee gamete, I was an intrusive little bastard. Mark Mathis is going to get quite a shock next time the full moon rises, too.
Is it real or is it April Fools? The March 21st issue of Science has an interesting news article by Elizabeth Pennisi and a letter to the editor about a proposal to wikify GenBank. Currently, the NCBI holds the original authors responsible for editing or correcting entries and this does cause problems when those authors fail to return to the scene and fix what they've submitted. Some researchers are suggesting that third parties be allowed to fix some of those mistakes or at least add comments to records, to warn the unwary. There are some good arguments on both sides and it's certainly…
It wasn't just Wilkins' catalog of the atrocities. It was the sudden realization that if Wilkins can post from one day in the future, there's no reason Darwin's influence couldn't extend back into the past.
I have yet to see the film Expelled, because it hasn't come to Australia yet, but I have become absolutely convinced that Ben Stein is correct. Darwinism causes antisemitism. I have therefore conveniently listed all the cases known of this below the fold. I'll stick with those in which Jews were killed or which led up to justifying such killings. I have of course had to correct the Darwinian fake history, which I have done with strikeouts and italic insertions so you all can see how perfidious these Darwinian revisionists are. 38CE: Thousands of Jews were killed in Alexandria, under Darwin…
tags: kitsch, tacky midwestern shit, ball of twine The World's Largest Ball of Twine in Cawker City, Kansas. Image: GrrlScientist, 2008. [larger size].
We used to love watching him blow stuff up on TV. But things are different now.... GrrlScientist has the movie.
tags: The Streetwalking Lawyers of Aurora Avenue, humor, satire, streaming video "The Streetwalking Lawyers of Aurora Avenue" is a great idea that I should emulate to get a job .. maybe I can hang around in the garment district with a set of pipettemen and offer to clone rich people so they can get transplants of their own organs from their clones? [1:26]
A little April Foolishness now. Please help me fill in the blanks. Correct entries must come from television or film. Number 1 Number 2     Logan 5 Number 6 Seven of Nine    
OK, enough. Everyone is sending me a link to this comic, but your efforts are misplaced. You need to send it to Ben Stein or Mark Mathis or Walt Ruloff — I'm not in the market.
I'm actually surprised it's that high: Created by OnePlusYou - Free Online Dating Must be some of the commenters. I have been known on occasion to use the word "bullshit" with reference to, for example, David Kirby, but I really do try to keep this blog fairly clean as far as cussing goes.
You know that if I encourage this sort of thing, there will be a rising chorus of voices on the web screaming at me to shut up, don't you?
Wilder Penfield at work ;)
This made me laugh if only because I used to row back in Ireland: In Ireland, it is not uncommon for university rowing teams to cancel practice because there is a swan in the river. Rowing teams tend to be composed of men who are built like very large trees. Trees that bench-press Volvos. These men are terrified of swans, probably due to a grizzled old rowing coach, always looking on from the shore, a bill-shaped scar where his left eye used to be. FWIW, I can’t bench press a Volvo. Never could.
Seed has been running an interview with the British author Will Self whom I first encountered by reading his wonderful Great Apes, the cover of which - a mash-up of a human and ape - is above. Every time I see this picture, I can only think of one person ... And ironically, Duane Gish says there is no evidence for human evolution.
Hilarious, particularly "big-pimpin'" Daddy Dennett: I can't make up my mind if it's meant to skewer Dawkins or whether it's meant ironically as a way of making fun of ID creationists and how they view Dawkins...
tags: biology, zoology, lost cat, humor, funny, college life The poster says; Cat Found!!! Black + tan with grey male no collar not very friendly, I think he might be scared not housebroken either :( found on Sunset Blvd And they show two pictures of an opossum. (That's a marsupial for the zoologically challenged).
The guys from I Can Haz Cheezburger? have come up with a new website for all of you to submit random crap to. This one, instead of being based on cats, is based on graphs. According to Wired: Unlike creating lolcats, which requires just a photo and a grasp of the broken English of kitty pidgin, GraphJam requires readers to come up with concepts and create pie charts, histograms and bar graphs. Daunting for sure, but the potential for moments of meme-genius is there. There don't seem to be many funny graphs up yet but I'm sure there will be some to come. Here is one that I almost chuckled…
PZ linked to this earlier, but it’s just too good not to be posted here. Enjoy! One of PZ’s minions has transcribed the lyrics here.