
There are other versions of this on YouTube as well...some funnier than others....
Happy Birthday! Is it PZ Myers or Captain Barbosa in disguise?
...Wiley explains: That about sums it up, as do the rest of the questions in the comic's poll.
Happy Birthday old man Myers!
(Many thanks to Ed for the photo!)
Welcome to a new weekly feature here at Of Two Minds, the Sunday Morning Funny Pages - well more like the Sunday morning single comic. Shelley or I will have an exciting new comic here every Sunday morning that should, at the very least, make you roll your eyes - and maybe even chuckle once or twice. Hey! we're working with science here - the joke is only as funny as the source material. Perhaps one day we'll find something really really funny so you better be here to check! So without further blabbering... here's our first comic: -via Meningioma Mommas- Wasn't funny enough for you?…
[source] ultimately leads the Mad Biologist to a very irreverent, but accurate, description of the scientific method. Someone I know recently had said someone's car rear-ended. For reasons not worth going into*, said someone used The Google, and discovered that the person who ran into said someone is an intelligent design creationist (Intelligent Driving?). This information comes by way of a post responding to a letter that the creationist wrote to the Boston Globe. The post contains this superb description of the scientific method as applied to intelligent design creationism (italics mine…
In response to Steve's post about what clinical psychologists do, I just had to post this hilarious video about what anesthetists do while a patient is sleeping by the Amateur Transplants. The group is composed by two humorous (and real) doctors who I'd rather see on the other side of a microphone than at my bedside. For bonus laughs, check the singer's pronunciation of 'anesthetist.' If you love these guys as much as I do, check out their equally hilarious "Careless Surgeon."
By way of the Burned Over District, we find out that there is a global hopps shortage: A worldwide shortage of a key beer ingredient, hops, is causing beer prices to spike, beer batches to be delayed, and talk of your favorite pale ales being forced to (gulp) mellow out. Already, in Charlotte, retailers are reporting that beers from smaller, "craft" breweries have risen about $1 per six-pack this year, with more increases coming as brewers pass on the cost of a five- to tenfold increase in hops prices. That's if the brewers can find any hops at all. So whom do we invade to fix this?
Below the fold is a humorous and possibly true account of reality TV trying to include geologists. With appropriate substitutions, the same thing could be said of any academic... While the media rarely represents geologists to the general population, (excluding sound bytes on Discovery Channel volcano specials), there was one recent attempt to integrate geologists into a television program. According to various blog sources, CBS was looking to produce a new reality TV show for 2008, after correctly predicting that the writers’ strike would cut down on their ability to create blue-toned…
tags: Meet Hugo: Cat of One Thousand Faces, humor, silliness, streaming video Watch Hugo transform himself with his amazing disguises! [1:28]. Okay, it's true that he tries to eat some of them, too.
Ahhh... The Onion. It's so made for dorky scientists. This one is especially relevant to me. DURHAM, NC--According to a study published Tuesday in the Journal Of Neuroscience, snapping three times in rapid succession is the most effective method for remembering the names of films and actors that have slipped one's mind. "When denied access to IMDb, subjects who were able to correctly remember semi-obscure movie trivia invariably used the tri-snapping method," head researcher Dr. Ward Connell said of the study, which consisted of asking volunteers several questions pertaining to a photograph…
tags: Scientists for Better PCR, humor, viral marketing, streaming video I am a scientist who does a lot of PCR, and so I found this example of viral marketing to be really amusing. "Scientists for Better PCR" a Bio-Rad Music Video for the all new 1000-Series Thermal Cyclers [2:13]. "The PCR Song" by "Scientists for a Better PCR" was done by the good folks at Bio-Rad to promote their 1000 Series Thermal Cyclers (a PCR machine). This is probably the best geek ad I've ever seen and will provide laughs to all (especially those who remember when PCR meant dipping your DNA samples into individual…
'Minimalist' conservative and Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts apparently believes that one's obligation to pay monetary damages after damaging the environment should be, well, minimal: ...the Supreme Court heard oral arguments on how much money ExxonMobil should be forced to pay as damages for its Exxon Valdez oil spill 19 years ago. The Washington Post's Dana Milbank notes that Chief Justice John Roberts appeared "bothered" that Exxon might have to pay for its destruction: What bothered the chief justice was that Exxon was being ordered to pay $2.5 billion -- roughly three weeks' worth…
Maybe I should take this advice seriously before I write blog posts ;)
This one is just too cute for words: a little girl summarizes Star Wars. The younger your eyes, the better that movie looks. Uh, well, maybe this one isn't appropriate for lunch. There's nothing immediately off-putting about it, but it will sneak up on you. It made me laugh, anyway.
Ok... for reals... this is what Therapists actually do. Recognize the young Gregory House? It's always a little weird hearing a British accent coming out of his mouth. HT: Mitch Harden
I'm a poor excuse for a psychologist. I have no idea, zero, ziltch, what clinical psychologists actually do on a day to day basis. I study vision - what do I need to know about the human psyche? I've never been anywhere even near a psych ward or a therapists office. Well unless I've walked by them unknowingly. I have a million and a half friends who are training to be clinicians and probably 1/3 of my friends parents are as well... but I still haven't been able to convince one of them to take me to the psych ward and observe. Promises have been made, "Come on Stacey! why won't you take…
Much of scientific communication consists of throwing up a graph and then explaining it. There are some basic procedures for doing this, many of which were probably ignored by the speaker at your most recent department seminar. Don't be that mumbledy jerkface who never explains the numbers on his or her unintelligible axes! I suggest that you use the following graphic prompt to practice giving talks in the style of your adviser, department chair, or another charmingly be-mannerism'd colleague: Reload the page to get a new one.