
PZ Myers got expelled from the line to see the movie Expelled tonight, apparently for the crime of actually being PZ Myers. That's definitely ironic, and possibly hypocritical. His family and his guest were allowed to go in and watch the movie. His guest was Richard Dawkins. Yes, that Richard Dawkins. That particular move was so amazingly stupid that they're gonna need to come up with a new word for it. No, I'm not kidding. No, this isn't a premature April Fools joke. No, it's not an attempt at satire. It's just creationists managing to shoot an own-goal hat trick. see Expelled! In perhaps the funniest incident I can recall involving a fellow ScienceBlogger since there has been ScienceBlogs, earlier this evening scourges of "intelligent design" creationism P. Z. Myers and Richard Dawkins went to see a screening of the antievolution pro-ID creationism movie Expelled! in the Minneapolis area. The guards recognized P.Z. and wouldn't let them in the movie. They apparently didn't recognize Richard Dawkins and did let him in to see the movie. Let's get this straight. The producers scheduled a screening in the Minneapolis area on the same weekend that…
Bob Carroll of The Skeptic's Dictionary, has produced a theme song for skeptics. Well, OK. He stole the music from Leonard Cohen. "The Tower of Song" becomes "The Tower of Woo." Actually, I think he's drawing on Bob Dylan at bit, too. From the Infidels album, which would be appropriate.
tags: bring your daughter to war day, humor, satire, streaming video Girls between the ages of 8 and 14 spent the day helping their parents fight insurgents and defuse mines in Iraq [1:22].
From this...
You know, when you stop to think about it, this strip really isn't that funny — it's cutting a little too close to the truth. Ladies of the readership, you may vent your frustration here.
George Carlin is showing signs of his age, but he's still sharp.
This is a nice bit of Scandinavian design. But take another look.  Notice the ST segment? HT: href="">Neatorama.
-via The Speculist-
It's a good thing my 13 yr old doesn't read my blog. Why? Because I'm on to her. Being a biologist, well, acronyms are my life. And, for a long time, I've been able to interpret some of the lingo that she uses on AIM. Lately, we've certainly been having our little talks about cell phone bills for texting and the things she can around the house to earn the right to keep her phone. But now I'm empowered. I have a dictionary. Watch out kiddo!
The NY Times has a hysterical op-ed piece about the Really Terrible Orchestra, which is "an inclusive orchestra for those who really want to play, but who cannot do so very well. Or cannot do so at all, in some cases." It's brilliant.
This song does use some naughty words, so don't play it where your fundagelical cubicle mate might hear. Or turn it up loud. Your choice. (Via Reasonable Doubts)
We here at Of Two Minds would like to announce a brand new training program that will help you improve your memory through the method of Long Term Depression. Because we use this fancy brain term you can be assured that the training is working. Step One: Open list of words to study. Step Two: Have friend stab you in only one eye (you need the other to study the list!) Step Three: Better memory for everything! In fact, recent research supports this wonderful new method of brain training! Check it out: Scientists have long known that the nervous system receptor known as TRPV1 can affect…
Buried in yesterday's post was a link to a post on the Science Business blog, which is one of the blogs of Forbes magazine that was a dangerous gratification to my ego in that it mentioned this humble blog as one of the Autism Debate Go-To Blogs. Although Matthew Harper, Associate Editor at Forbes, left out three go-to blogs about autism that probably surpass this blog (namely, Left Brain/Right Brain, Neurodiversity, and Autism News Beat), Harper did make an interesting observation about yours truly: Respectful Insulence is written by a surgeon who goes by the nom-de-blog Orac. He blogs on…
tags: Simon's cat: let me in!, animated cartoon, humor, streaming video A hungry cat resorts to increasingly desperate measures to get indoors. If this doesn't make you laugh, well, you need serious help. [1:52]. this video is the second in a series, this was the first.
Yesterday John Lynch (he of the Stranger Fruit) took me to see the Arizona Museum of Natural History in Mesa, which had some truly excellent displays of the feathered dinosaurs from China (they wouldn't let me photograph them, though, and none of the souvenir postcards had them either, but see here). Here's Lynch underneath an excellent bronze outside the museum - a Velociraptor, I think, or a Deinonychus, which was the core exhibit of the display. Today we're off to Tuscon to shoot some bad guys see the Arizona Sonoran Desert Museum. I gather Wile E. Coyote will be there.
This excerpt reveals a surprising fact: it is clearly a Canadian conspiracy. I knew we shouldn't trust those guys.
Fua and Jenny, the time-traveling lesbians, plucked baby Moses from the river. "Right," said Jenny. "This religion is going to see some changes…"